***Currently the novel is dropped since the author doesn't have more time to write.*** The story present the life of Jin, an 18 years old boy who doesn’t like humans. One day, he meets a demon and this meeting will change his life forever. He become a dungeon master together with the demon girl he met and together, they will strive to create the strongest dungeon. Jin and Iris (the demon girl) will work together to protect their lives as they create the best dungeon which will become a trial to humanity given by the gods.
Everything happened in an instant. Jin was looking through the window of a train in deep tought until he saw a hole open above the ocean. It was weird enough but still there are unexplicable things on the earth as such he didn't pay much attention since it would dissapear from his sight in a few seconds. And honstly he didn't really care much.
To begin with, Jin didn't care much about anything. He wasn't someone who liked to be with other people. Ever since both his parents had been murdered by a thief who had broken to steal the jewelry of his mother and that the jury had one way or another claimed innocence on the man who had commited the crimes he started to dislike the humans. No more precisly he started to hate humans.
In his views, humans were creatures who would lie, steal, kill, and much more in other words, they couldn't be trusted. In most of the light novel he had read, it would always be about how an hero appeared to kill the demons who were said to be evil, treacherous, disloyal and the ennemy of humanity.
However, could that be trusted? First of all, of course they would be ennemy of humanity when they were always killed and hated by the human race, no one would like to live like this. And secondly, being evil, treacherous and disloyal, wasn't that the exact definition of humans? However, if you were to say humans are evil than what does it make demons?
If demons were classified as evil by the human race were they so evil that even the light wouldn't shine? Or was it more that the humans being evil themselves saw demons evil because they were different than them? In truth, the demons could actually be the good guys.
He was actually thinking of this when he saw the portal and dozens of horned creatures getting out of it. In just a moment, he would enter the tunnel and he wouldn't see those creatures again.
It was at this moment, that he felt that the train had conpletly stopped in it's tracks. No, it couldn't have directly stopped in it's track because he would have felt the force of the stop and he would have at least knocked his head in the seat in front of him.
He looked through the window and saw one of the bigger humanoid creature wave his hand and the entire train instantly dissapeared from existence. Him and the other passenger immediately fell to the ground. He was the only one who actually fell on his feets since he had trained his body ever since both his parents were killed. He had vowed to himself to become strong enough to protect what he wanted to protect and beat what he wanted to beat. With all this, his reaction speed were a notch higher than the other passengers who could only touch their bottoms in pain.
Jin immediately looked toward the creature who had waved his hand and it was at this moment that he saw her. The horned girl who had just gotten out of the portal with the creatures all bowing with reverence in their eyes as if bowing to a queen. No, more precisly, she was probably a queen since the creature who had the strenght to evaporate a train in half a second was also bowing to her even being as strong as he was.
The girl was wearing a pitch black armor who only covered her chest while showing her perfectly flat belly. There was another piece of armor covering her from her waist to her knees and she had a blood-red sword hanging to her side. He was completely mesmerized by the beaty in front of him. And a few seconds later, he saw rocks flying towards the people who had appeared through the black hole.
The other passengers were actually throwing rocks towards those people! At this moment, the last feelings he had to the human race dissapeared when they started cursing at the newly arrived. They were actually throwing both rock abd insults towards the people which had just appeared. I mean normally I wouln't care much if that had happened, however these guys saw an entire train dissapearing as if it had never existed in front of them but instead of running to save their lives, they started to attack them whith rocks while throwing provocation.
Are they morons? Did they fall on their head? Were they stupid enough to believe that the law would protect them? Oh I see! They tought throwing rocks would help to chase them away… so stupid.
Many toughts passed throught Jin's head while he was silently watching the horned humanoid creatures receiving the rocks and the other passebger laughed at them believing that they were stronger and that they didn't have anything to fear.
However, as they were throwing rocks the ones on the receiving end instantly got mad when a rock fell on his head and he made the surronding explode by stomping his feet on the ground. What resulted were flaming trees, shattered earth and the morons crying on the ground as they fell because of the small earthquake.
Admist the confusion of the passengers around him, the first words Jin said in a long while were « How pretty! » while looking at the girl wearing the black armor. Jin walked toward them without any reservation. In his eyes, being demons, monsters, random creatures, anything was better than being in compagny of humans and so he walked towards them without fear.
Jin stopped a few dozens meters from the girl which was looking at him in a confused manner and he immediately bowed to her with all his heart.
The girl in front of him who seemed to be around 18 years old stared at him with eyes showing surprise and after a little while she looked at Jin with her crimson red eyes and said "Welcome, would you like to follow me from now on?" her bewitching voice coupled with her bright smile made Jin who was standing near her not feel any form of pressure as he answered "Yes!"
"Then come with me to the world of magic and sword and be transformed as a demon to serve me." When the other passengers heard the words magic coming out of the mouth of a beauty, they all came closer while shouting "Me too! I want to come with you! Let me be with you!" An expression of disgust appeared on the girl's face and the biggest horned creature, the one who had made the entire train dissapear, waved his hand for a second time before these humans all dissapeared from existance.
Seeing this, Jin didn't feel anything from the extinction of the life of humans since he hated them all anyway. He followed in the footsteps on the white-skinned girl in front of him and entered the black portal which would bring him to another world.