
The Dungeon Master System

'My entire body felt like it was being cooked. Suddenly my body exploded in flames, but they didn't injure me. It was like everything around me was suddenly lit on fire. After the fire spread to all parts of my body, I felt my bones and muscles shift in size. The process wasn't painful, but it was extremely uncomfortable. My body grew heavier as it changed shape, abandoning the usual weight a human would find comfortable.' - Excerpt from The Dungeon Master System. In the world of Woroch, only the strong survive. For thousands of years, the world was enveloped in a state of war and strife. Races such as Humans, Dwarves, Elves, and even Demons fought for territory and supremacy. When the war ended, Humans found themselves on top. The Humans' rule brought a new era of suffering for the other races. Some bowed down, some were enslaved, while a few others were wiped from the history books. Demons, Fairies, and Dragons all went extinct, but now it's time for them to make a comeback. Please keep in mind the MC is not an absolute genius. He will make mistakes. Words per chapter will be at least 2K. Total Wordcount (As of Part 74): 131,407 I don't have a consistent release rate thanks to college, but I'll try to do at least one chapter a day Reach me on Discord, Kenneth#5732, if you're interested in speaking with me. If you're interested in the discord server, copy this link: https://discord.gg/QRajKdQZ (DM me if it's invalid)

Done_With_It · 幻想
78 Chs

Part 39

I continued to train for a few more days, though I had my own reasons for doing so. First, to allow Hazel enough time to train with Aros for a bit. Because Hazel had gone to Hewe to escort the twins to the manor, she was gone for most of the time we had already spent in the dungeon. I had promised her that she would probably have enough time to train her skill with the sword before she left, but I had learned how to fly too fast.

Second, I wanted Aros to be within reach for Icarus. Icarus was attempting to learn how to fly early. Usually, he would've unlocked the『 Flight 』skill by the time he got to level ten and evolved into a small dragon, the evolution after dragon wyrmling. I was doing my best to train him, but I was a new flier as well, so I wasn't the best trainer. If I left the dungeon, I could've just reached Aros through a dungeon portal to ask for advice, but it would end up being more efficient if Aros was with us while Icarus trained.

So, with nothing else to do during that time, I spent a week training. Instead of training my sword, like Hazel was, I decided to do something different. Ever since I got it, the skill set『 Flame Manipulation 』intrigued me. I had no idea what the difference between ordinary skills and skill sets was and I was growing more curious every time I opened my status.

I had read the skill sets description when I first obtained it, but I opened it again just to make it fresh in my mind.

『 Flame Manipulation (SKILL SET): In ancient times, Dragons ruled the world through power and oppression. They were masters of combat, flight, and magic. Thanks to your efforts, the skills『 Combat Expertise 』and『 Dragon Fire 』have combined to form『 Flame Manipulation 』, your series of moves and attacks that are original to you. The skills of『 Combat Expertise 』are still fresh in your mind, but they are now much stronger than before. The Dragon Fire that runs deep in your blood has begun to surface itself through your combat, providing complete flame immunity to you and your subordinates, though this is only the beginning of your journey to rediscover what the dragon race has lost. All physical attacks have become engrained with magic, allowing for a bonus of +200% Damage and a -40% MP cost when using fire-based skills. Additionally, the status effect:『 Flame Immunity 』has been granted to you and your direct subordinates 』

"I suppose that's why Hazel and the others have fire immunity," I chuckled, "I thought I just got lucky."

It was more of a recording of dragon history than an accurate description of what the skill did. However, the fact that it had (TIER 1) instead of a level both annoyed and intrigued me. It was like the skill didn't work like the others, or was dependent on something else entirely.

If that was the case, then I didn't know how to level it up or strengthen it.

Currently, the definition of a skill set was rather self-explanatory. If I were to compare skills and skill sets as objects, individual skills would be individual items at a store. I could grab whatever items I wanted, and all of them did different things. However, in certain parts of the store, there would be bundles.

These bundles would end up containing several items for sale and would be 'themed'. An archer's bundle would come with a bow, a quiver, special arrows, and a bunch of normal arrows. While each item of the bundle could be bought separately, they would be best used together. That way, when they were used, the different items would support the rest of the bundle.

In this regard, my skill set『 Flame Manipulation 』seemed to be a bundle of different fire skills. Currently, my skill『 Fire Cyclone 』, which was the skill that killed that annoying adventurer Cameron, was my only skill in the skill set. The『 Fire Cyclone 』's description, which I hadn't read up until now, even further proved that theory.

『 Fire Cyclone (FLAME MANIPULATION): As the first skill of the skill se『 Flame Manipulation 』, the Fire Cyclone is the representation of the user's destructive nature and ruthlessness. It burns everything in front of it, consuming its target in its fiery embrace. However, due to the cyclone's temperament, more MP is consumed than normal. 100 FIRE DMG per second. Cost: 50 MP per second. 15 Day Cooldown 』

"That's an intense skill," I whistled as I read it. The fire damage alone was enough to be considered my strongest skill, but the amount of damage it did per second was like the cherry on top. The MP cost, however, was like a dirty stain on my notification window, "Yeah, that's the one. I remember running out of MP as soon as I used it."

Once I noticed that the skill was listed as (FLAME MANIPULATION), though, I quickly realized an interesting quirk.

"If I level up the skill set, does that level up everything it contains?" I laughed, "What if I fill a skill set with multiple skills and level it up? It'll be like an all-you-can-eat buffet."

However, to level it up, I first had to learn what the difference between a Tier and a Level. To do that, I decided to train. However, I didn't know exactly what to do. Only after reading『 Flame Manipulation 』's description again did I have an idea.

After almost two weeks, my training had finally come to a halt. I stopped and stood up straight, my body aching in pain and my muscles throbbing. I was standing in the field, my progress watched by Aros and Icarus on the side. I looked at them, covered in sweat, and raised my eyebrow.

"What a splendid attack, my lord!" Aros said as he clapped his gauntlets. The sound of clanking metal made its way to my ears as Aros clapped, along with the cheers of Icarus who watched from next to Aros.

"Thanks, I guess," I gasped as I walked over to the two, "Where's Hazel? I thought you were training her?"

"I have already finished," Aros said, surprising me, "While she didn't learn how to fight nearly as quick as you did, she is still a monster when it comes to other standards."

"Good," I nodded as I looked toward the house, "It's been two weeks, so we'll be leaving tomorrow. I still need to regroup with the twins."

"I already know, My lord, and I completely understand," Aros said as he stood up, "Please take as much time as you need to finalize your preparations."

"Good," I said, "How is Silfang handling the intruders?"

Recently, the dungeon had begun to see two small groups of intruders. Both of them seemed to stick to the outskirts of the dungeon, returning whenever they were able. Perhaps because of Kelvin, or perhaps because of another influence.

Of course, none of them had managed to get even halfway through the first floor. The earliest intruders were adventurers from Hewe, but they hadn't even managed to get passed their second group before they were forced to retreat.

When they left with no deaths, I was discouraged. However, as they passed the dungeon's entrance, a notification appeared in front of me.

2 C Rank Adventurers and 5 D Rank Adventurers Forced to Retreat

+175 DP

Since then, I had realized a few things. The amount of DP adventurers was worth was always different depending on the rank of the person. For the lowest three ranks, the pattern was predictable. F ranked adventurers were worth five points, followed by E ranks which were worth ten, and D ranks which were worth fifteen.

However, C ranks, the highest rank that had run away from the dungeon, ended up giving me 50 DP every time they ran away, or were 'forced to retreat'. I hadn't yet seen an adventurer that was stronger than C rank, and frankly didn't want to, but I had a feeling they were worth much more than C ranks were to D ranks.

The earliest adventurers arrived four days ago, which meant four days of constant grinding. On the first floor, Kobolds were weak but were many. Because of their strength in numbers, as well as the size of the floor, most Kobolds rarely saw any adventurers.

The ones that did fight, did so with enough ferocity to make it seem like the entire floor was fighting behind them. When they were defeated, the adventurers would celebrate for a moment before finding another group five minutes later.

To make matters better for me, none of the Kobolds died for good. They would always 'respawn', or get resurrected from death, an hour later. Their previous bodies would suddenly shrivel into ash. Then, with a quick burst of fire, they would reappear over their ashes.

The method of their respawn reminded me of the phoenix, which was supposedly an S-ranked monster and far stronger than me. However, the fire that would arise from the Kobold army's respawns was dark and deep, full of destruction and hunger.

After four days of grinding, my DP stack went up by several hundred. Each group gave me nearly 200 DP and would return the next day. Even though there were only two groups, in the beginning, they would go through the dungeon about two times a day.

The groups never left the dungeon, either. Four days later, a large raid party of thirty individuals was formed. They gathered at the entrance of the dungeon and talked to each other and compared their armor as if preparing themselves. Unfortunately, my『 Appraisal 』skill didn't work on targets I was looking at through the map, but the raid group's appearance was enough to scare me, as they were the largest group I had seen yet.

However, in the middle of the raiding party, were a couple of individuals with a familiar appearance.