
Part 19

"What is that noise?" Kelvin asked as he heard a series of screams in front of him. It sounded like a wave of rats letting out all of their anger. Both Kelvin and Bernard took a few steps back as the noise got louder. Kelvin immediately recognized why the noises were getting louder, and he decided to turn around and run in the opposite direction.

"Kelvin!" Bernard yelled as he saw his friend run. Kelvin didn't look back as the screams followed him. Bernard began to run as well, but it was already too late for him. Kelvin listened as the Kobolds ran over Bernard, grouping up on him from all sides.

The Kobolds used their wooden clubs and sticks as weapons as they killed Bernard. Bernard's death wasn't quick or painless. His bones were broken with each hit, turning him into a strand of spaghetti as his body lost form. His skin was torn and his equipment was removed by the greedy Kobolds. One of the Kobolds took his dagger, then began inspecting it with pride as the Kobold backed away from the group.

Kelvin continued to run, gritting his teeth as he heard Bernard's screams disappear in the distance. He didn't know where he was going, nor could he see well in the darkness. He continued to run, bumping into the walls as he escaped.

Kelvin ran for nearly five minutes until he finally stopped, panting hard from his efforts. He looked to the ground, his body shaking and frozen. Bernard's painful screams were rattling around his brain, echoing endlessly.

He dropped to his knees and hugged his body as he bent forward.

"I-I'm sorry," He faintly said. His voice was only a whisper. He began to sob, his mind focused on the memories of his fallen comrade. They had known each other for nearly three years. The two of them were adventurers from the town of Pyre, just a week's travel away from Hewe.

Bernard had a family. He had a wife and three daughters, with another child on the way. Kelvin didn't have anybody.

"I'm sorry, Nancy. I'm sorry Lucy, Charlie, and Petra," Kelvin cried, "I'm sorry."

Kelvin continued to cry for another thirty minutes, alone in the darkness with only his sobs to keep him company. After a long while, he stopped. Kelvin stood up, his cheeks wet but his eyes dry, and looked back into the darkness.

"I need to get out," Kelvin muttered with a quiet voice. Kelvin began to walk as he kept his hand on the wall of the cave, "I need to get out and warn the guild what happened here!"

I continued to watch Kelvin wander through the dungeon for a few more minutes before I got bored. His friend, Bernard, gave me a total of 12 DP, which was several times more than the smoke forest rabbit.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to inspect Kelvin or Bernard through the map, so I was unable to see exactly why the DP was higher than the Rabbit. With Bernard dead, Kelvin was left wandering around in the dark.

"It won't be long until the dwarf dies, as well. I'll just have to wait until then," I sighed as I closed my status. I turned to Silfang, then looked to her spear. Silfang's spear was simple and long, but rather old. It's wooden shaft was dusty and cracked, while the spearhead was dull. I turned to Silfang, then said, "I'll get you a new spear the next time I come back, though please remind me, as I might forget."

"Really? Thank you, Lord Aureys!" Silfang beamed. I smiled, then turned away from Silfang and activated my『 Dungeon Visit 』skill. A large gate appeared in front of me, leading back to the Boss Room. Silfang bowed once more as I stepped through the opening of the gate.

Then, once it closed, I looked around for Icarus. I found him playing with Aros and enjoying his time. His tail was waggling with excitement while Aros played with him, though it only wagged more when he turned his head and saw me.

Aros stood up, then bowed for a moment before looking back up to meet my eyes.

"How was Silfang?" Aros asked, "I've only had the opportunity to converse with her once. She is a splendid choice for the first floor's boss."

"She's good," I nodded as I crouched down to meet Icarus. The Dragon Wyrmling ran over to me and jumped into my arms, then sat and wagged his tail in pleasure as I began to pet his neck, "Although she's starting to wear armor. It looks a lot similar to your own."

"This?" Aros asked as he touched his armor. He looked down at his chest, then back up at me, "This is Dragon Steel. It's forged by dragon fire, so it's naturally stronger than most armor materials in the world. I'm surprised she's wearing some."

"Why? Do Salamanders not wear Dragon Steel?" I asked.

"Salamanders aren't supposed to use weapons or armor at all," Aros said. Then he laughed and put his fingers to his chin, "It may be due to the influence of the dungeon, but it looks like the monsters here will be more interesting than I thought. How exciting."

"Well, that's good news, but I need to return. Take care, Aros," I laughed. I stood up, then turned my head and stretched out my hand as I activated『 Dungeon Visit 』. A ball of flame appeared into the air before expanding into a large doorway, just as it did in Silfang's boss room. This time, however, the destination was set for the Forsyth's Manor. Icarus went ahead and walked through while I stayed behind and looked to Aros, "I'll be back in another month, unless something distracts me. Do a good job taking care of the place, Aros."

"I will, Lord Aureys. I hope you accomplish all of your goals on the surface," Aros said as I walked through the portal. Once I was through, the portal closed, revealing the other half of my room. The Forsyths had given me my own room, but I had been so concerned with training that I hadn't even had the time to decorate. For now, I decided to plop on the bed and begin sleeping. I didn't bother changing out of my suit, as I was too exhausted to worry about it.

Icarus hopped onto the bed with me, then curled into a ball as he snuggled by my side. I looked to him, then let my eyelids drop as my consciousness faded.

The next day, the twins met me at the manor's front gate. The pair were both wearing their armor and had their weapons on their back, while I was still wearing my suit. Icarus trailed behind me, following me close as we passed the manor's servants as we made out way to the gate.

On my way, I noticed a familiar face sulking on the end of the hallway.

"Oh! Nicholas," I said, waving my hand as I saw the elderly butler. Nicholas turned in my direction, his eyes widening as he saw me. I walked over to him, then stopped as I came close, "I haven't seen you since the spar! Have you healed up nicely."

"Lord Arthur," Nicholas stammered. He turned to me, then bowed his head, "I apologize for my behavior a week ago. I was acting arrogant. Please forgive me."

"No, you're fine," I said as I bowed myself, "I'm the one that should apologize. I put you in the clinic for a week."

Nicholas looked up, then sighed in relief.

"You're strong, Lord Arthur," Nicholas said, "I have faith that you can keep Lord Jonathan and Lady Evelyn safe. Take care while you're with the twins."

"You stay safe as well," I said, turning away from Nicholas. I waved to him once more before running back to my original path.

When I met with the twins, both of them had a confused expression on their faces. Evelyn folded her arms and looked down at my body while Jonathan raised his eyebrow.

"What?" I asked, confused by their behavior.

"Why aren't you wearing any armor?" Jonathan asked, "You don't have a weapon either?"

"I don't have any of that stuff," I told them. Jonathan and Evelyn both sighed, then turned around.

"We'll have to stop by a shop on our way there," Jonathan said. Then he began walking. Evelyn and I followed him to the street outside of the manor. Evelyn walked to my side while Icarus followed us. As we walked, she looked to me.

"By the way, what weapon do you even use?" She asked.

"My fists, if you can believe it or not," I chuckled.

"Fists? But why? Why not a sword or something?" She asked, shocked. Jonathan heard our conversation and turned around.

"Really? I can teach you how to use a sword, if you want," Jonathan said. I quickly shook my head and brought my palms up in the air as I shook my arms.

"I already know how to use a sword," I said. Thanks to『 Combat Expertise 』, I knew how to use every weapon, "Don't worry though, I prefer to use my hands anyways."

"Why?" Evelyn asked again. I opened my mouth to answer, then stopped myself. I looked to the ground and chuckled.

"I nearly forgot about it, didn't I?" I whispered to myself. The reason I was using fists was so I didn't have to have my hands full while I casted magic. Previously, I wasn't high enough level to use magic, but that changed just recently. Just the day before, I had reached level five.

I quickly opened my status, then looked at my skill list.

『 Skills: Appraisal, Morph, Ancestral Magic, Summon, Acrobatics, Combat Expertise, Noble Etiquette 』

I smiled as I saw the skill list. Ancestral Magic, the skill I had been looking forward to the most, had finally unlocked. When I was training with Aros, I was told multiple times that a dragon doesn't prefer to attack physically. Instead, we specialize with the strength of our magic. I quickly appraised the skill, hoping to get better insight on how the skill worked.

『 Ancestral Magic (LVL 1): Locked. To permanently unlock, spend 50 DP 』

"Hello? Earth to Arthur?"

'DP? Why does a skill use DP?' I thought to myself. I sighed, then unlocked the skill by spending half of the DP I still had left.

Skill Fully Unlocked: 『 Ancestral Magic 』

Ancestral Magic (LVL 1): Due to the Dragon blood in your body, the user has gained the ability to use the pure form of magic, Origin Magic. This allows the user to manipulate the world around them without the hindrance of magic circles or incantations. The only limitation is the imagination. Cost: depends on the spell

Suddenly, I felt something happening from within my chest. I stopped and concentrated on the feeling. It was like an invisible dam was being broken down, releasing a flood of power that quickly swarmed my body. Every inch of my skin tingled and all of my muscles began to quake. I bent forward, clutching my beating heart as I lowered myself to the ground.

The power that was flowing through me continued to swarm to every corner of my body. The sensation wasn't painful, nor was it overwhelming. Instead, it felt energizing. I felt like I could climb a mountain, then do it thirty more times before coming back down to get breakfast. My cells were alive.

Then, after the power inside me finally finished swarming like a tidal wave within me, it stopped.

"Arthur? Are you alright?" I heard. I looked up and met eyes with Jonathan and Evelyn. Both of them were crouched down next to me and were looking at me with a worried expressions.

"I'm alright," I said as I stood back up. I held out my hand and focused on the power within me. As I concentrated on it, I realized it was like another limb. I could control it freely, even though it was mixed with every part of my body, and even make it move outside of my skin.

"So? Why do you only use fists?" Evelyn asked as she stood up with Jonathan. I looked to her, then chuckled.

'It's okay. These people are allies. I can trust them,' I thought to myself as I opened my palm, then manipulated the power within my hand- which I'll call Mana- into leaving my body. At the same time, I imagined the mana forming into a small flame.

As I did so, the mana that left my body suddenly changed shape. The temperature of the mana increased and the color turned into a hot red. I watched as a small ball of fire appeared above my palm, dancing with the wind.

『 Dragon Fire (LVL 1): Thanks to your dragon blood, any spells that are fire orientated will have a much stronger effect. While in dragon form, all types of fire magic weaker than your flame will be unable to hurt you. You will also be able to freely control any fire magic he has generated without a cost of MP or a cooldown. +150% Damage, -30% MP cost 』

"Don't tell anyone," I warned, "But it's actually because I'm a mage."
