
The Dull Lady's Knight

Alharin was born with everything one could ever wish for. Everything except something genuine. He desperately sought the missing link but in the process, destroyed all he had so-called 'accomplished' over the years. Just when he had thought it was all over for him, he was miraculously given a second chance. Reborn in a world dominated by blades and magic, Alharin must strive to protect himself and those dear to him using whatever means possible. But as fate would have it for him, he ends up living for the sake of someone else, the infamous dull young lady of the Olden duchy, Sienna Al Olden!

Yevera · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Only Ones Available

Gramps pitched in a few more words trying to persuade Audar while using the latter's lover as an excuse.

Even though Audar hesitated for a moment, it was merely a split second of differing thoughts before he regained his composure, refusing to accept.

It's only at times like this that he can show the demeanor of a party leader that I expect from him, not that there was much to expect to begin with how he is.

Apparently, Audar always kept his resignation letter close at hand because he was familiar with the guildmaster's antics. He understood his own worth well so would use it to his advantage, a threat so to speak.

Of course, they never did work but became sort of like an inside joke between them.

Anyway, his refusal didn't stop Gramps from pestering Audar about his girlfriend.

Aduar has shown no signs or intentions of starting a relationship so who would've thought that he'd drop such a bomb on us at such an occasion?

It was so great a surprise that we briefly forgot the crisis looming over us.

Only briefly though.

Anyways, Audar seems intent on keeping the details of his relationship a secret.

The news will get out eventually. If he plans to continue with her, everyone will know in due time.

I was also curious about this mysterious girl who I had no clue existed until today.

But, besides her, in regards to the commission...

For once, I agree with Audar on this.

I initially thought he was crazy when he accepted the commission without even attending the meeting just because he heard it was regarding a dragon.

Perhaps he was momentarily blinded by the fame we would receive should we defeat it. If I hadn't seen the characteristics of this particular dragon on the report, I might've agreed after some persuasion.

Of course, I wouldn't now even if you were to give me bars of gold as compensation.

I'm just glad he woke up before he gave his stamp of approval.

I also intervened occasionally in their childish exchanges back and forth to say my piece in support of refusing the commission. One side kept pleading while the other refused to bend his will.

If I participated in the subjugation alongside The Wild Fang, we would definitely have a higher chance of subduing the dragon.

It isn't arrogance if I'm stating a fact.

My confidence in my own abilities stems from the reality of how skilled I am.

My achievements speak for themselves.

Although I felt that getting a favor from Audar is definitely beneficial seeing as though he has an abundance of intricate connections and skills, I still believe it's impossible for us to succeed.

I don't team up with other parties.

I've been a solo adventurer from the start until now.

One could say I've matured with time and experience as I understood the importance of having others work together and support each other in a battle.

These past few requests helped me recognize this. There's a limit to have much I can do on my own, especially as the requests get more difficult so quickly.

I'm developing my skills at a steady pace, taking my time to fully comprehend any small details. It's fast, a lot more than others my age but it can't compare to the rising difficulty.

By now, Gramps must have realized that Audar was fully intent on refusing the commission after hearing that the opponent was 'Cerise.' No matter how hard he tries to persuade him, it's pointless.

Rightfully so.

Who in their right mind would think otherwise after going through this report?

A large-scale group of trained individuals no less weaker than your average bunch of D to B rank adventurers were wiped out to only one man left. No matter how strong a dragon may be, it shouldn't have been this overwhelming! Not when the fight ended in a matter of a few minutes. There were hundreds of them!

The members should've long since known they were facing a dragon hence their numbers. It's difficult to not notice such a large and alarming monster in the vicinity. Just the dense mana naturally emitting from it should've warned others nearby of the crisis.

Preparations should've been taken properly not long after. Dragons may be legendary creatures of formidable strength, but they were sparse in numbers. Encounters are few and victories even fewer but they were enough for appropriate measures to take place as investigations detailed the differences between dragons and their weaknesses.

With the numbers available then, there should've been some damage done. However, the survivor clearly recounted how they didn't leave so much as a scratch. Like, how weak were these guys?

I'm utterly dumbstruck.

Like really.

What the hell happened back there?

Were they all half-asleep or something?

Or perhaps couldn't get rid of their hangover in time?

I couldn't help but ask Gramps who was a lot more experienced in these kinds of matters.

At this point, the two grown adults in the room have finally stopped bickering and very discussing the commission once again.

I wanted to take part in their exchanges.

It's lonely being the only one left out.

But I have a good reason for it.

Since I still have no clue who Cerise is!

I tried to discern a few details from their exchanges but they were being so subtle with it, trespassing on thin ice as if a single slip-up would cost their life.

Forget it.

I'll figure something out when I get back later.

"Gramps, what's the deal with these guys? Hundreds of well-trained men and a few exceptional ones led the pack to charge at a dragon but were torn to shreds until one left. Not to mention, in only a few minutes and without a scratch of damage done? Am I reading this right or are they playing games with us?"

I asked puzzlingly, truly unable to comprehend the ridiculous nature of this event.

"Apparently, the lord in charge of this area didn't immediately report the sighting of a dragon in his territory to the empire. He sent a message with some delay with intentions to settle it and claim the achievement for himself."

Gramps explained as he turned his attention to me.

"Although it wasn't explicitly mentioned in the report, if I had to guess, he just pulled in a ragtag group of people using his money and merged them with his own troops. Intending to overwhelm the dragon with numbers and magic tools, he left them to their own devices for everything else. It was a sudden decision without any proper preparations or hints of professionalism."

Gramps continued with disdain evident in his voice. He naturally disapproved of such a method of approach.

"It's more ridiculous than I thought."


Who fights a dragon unprepared?

Not including doing so was a spur of the moment.

What's even more laughable was how those hired goons agreed just because of the money!

There may be more details I'm unaware of so I may be discrediting their service quite rudely. They did help us figure out the identity of this dragon.

Still, if I were them and was brought into this mess, the moment I hear we're fighting a dragon, I'd drop everything and dip in a heartbeat regardless of the consequences.

They basically threw away their lives for nothing!



Every single one of them.

They couldn't even help do us, poor souls, a favor and deal some damage.

Not that we're going to accept or anything.

"If they couldn't even leave so much as a scratch, how do you expect us to deal with such a monster? We have not a single S-rank in our party but a B-rank to boot."

Audar couldn't help but complain.

"I feel you're just doing this out of spite now, to drag me into this mess when I've been just idling away, as innocent as can be."

I pitched in, slightly offended at being mentioned as a B-rank.

He did mention how he had just returned from a vacation. He must've been spending it with his girlfriend and now he's being told to work to the bone once again, literally.

He must be pretty annoyed. As hateful as he can be, he makes a valid point though.

"You're just imagining things."

Audar responded without even looking at me.

I didn't take it to heart.

I've known him for a while now.

This is just how he does things.

So, I turned towards Gramps and asked.

"Why our party? Audar and the others are exceptional with their teamwork and have strong individual capabilities but I just recently joined. We're still getting used to each other and now we're supposed to go up against a named dragon?"

Although I would've usually given a remark on how remarkable my skills were, the truth was already laid bare, especially before these two. It wasn't the time to be so pretentious either.

I naturally assumed that I was participating should we accept even though I lacked sufficient skills, experience, or rank to participate in such a significant subjugation.

This was because The Wild Fang was missing a key member at the moment. Lucas, a skilled archer and scout, and an A-rank adventurer had gone to visit his parents in his hometown. He wouldn't make it in time even if he was called back now, not that we had intentions to do so. It would be rather rude of us.

To fill in the missing spot for ranged attacks, I'll have to take his place but I have yet to adapt accordingly to this party. I also don't have a gauge of each member's capabilities. I've heard a few things here and there, and met them occasionally, but never were our exchanges in combat.

Overall, The Wild Fang, while extraordinary and outstanding amongst their peers, is handicapped at the moment. We are not an opportune team to face off against a named dragon, not especially when there are a few other, more suitable individuals or parties.

For example, the Dragon Slayer is a fearsome woman of abnormal skills and strength. Her intense loathing for dragons has driven her to search every corner of the world for the one who drove her to the depths of the abyss. At least, that's what I heard.

Anyway, she is a perfect choice for this commission, one who would not only readily agree but is also adept at dealing with this kind of foe.

Just as I was questioning things, Gramps answered my worries.

"No need to think too deeply on this issue. You bring up valid points but the simple truth of this matter is that your party is the only one available at this instant."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Yeveracreators' thoughts