
The Duke And I {(Sweet duchess in my house)}

Bethany Debrrieve a Baron Daughter Her only dream is to have a family full of love and happiness. But when Bethany start to think that her life will change, Something big incident will happen, her twin brother will need her help!. Bethany has no choice but to ask help from the duke of west, Duke Willbert Lawrence The black dragon of west, fighting and protecting the west territory of Kingdom of Grindol. Brethany has a vision it was a Man and his aide conversing. “You’re highness, the Senior’s is doing this to pressure you to produce an heir” “It’s irritating, they only know how to whine!” ……….. a year later Bethany almost forgot that odd vision, Bethany can’t believe that this odd vision is a key for her to receive a help from the terrifying Duke! First day “Duke i can help you to produce an heir” “Get lost” Second day “Duke i will produce an heir for you! I just need one help” This scene happen up to the eleventh day! “Fine! Sign this contract!” Bethany read the words written in the contract “Marriage with no divorce” Bethany look at the duke with her big amber eyes, while griping the pen tightly she lowered her hand and start writing her name, While sitting opposite her, the duke of west look at Bethany and smiled wickedly. ‘there is no turning back’ ……….. A/N : Hello My Dears! There will be no Major Misunderstanding No rape, (oh i really hate that) This story is bubbly and warm, Hope you enjoy my dears!

Jwrayt2424 · 歴史
20 Chs

Chapter fourteen: Year end celebration (5)

"Baron Alfred Dobrrieve with his wife Baroness Annison Dobrrieve"

"Lady Mellisa Dobrrieve and young lord Brett Dobrrieve


Nobles inside the the ballroom start whispering.

Actually Dobrrieve's family's story is widely known in the kingdom.

'Baron alfred Dobrrieve, married a very beautiful woman from neighboring kingdom, after a year, Baron Dobrrieve wealth sky rocketed, attracting jealousy from nobleman,

but Ofcourse life has always a downside after years of marriage his wife died, and Baron marry a commoner and brought along her two children'

Because of what happened most of all nobleman felt depressed because of Baroness death, why? Because she is a beauty of empire, and many nobleman admired the previous Baroness.

while the Noblewomens are rejoicing like another fishbone remove from their throat.'


On the other side of the ballroom a group of nobleman are conversing with a glass of alcohol in their hands

"Barron Dobrrieve really enjoy his 'family'.. " Marquis Balton say,

"Heh, there will be a good show later" Count Nelson replied, he raised his glass to his mouth to cover his threatening smile.

"I heard that young Baron will receive an awards?" Said the other young lord.

"Which Young baron?" The older man replied, the group of man look at each other and laughed.

in the other side is a group of madam's,

"Really, he did not bring her own daughter?"

"I dont think so, but the majesty said no exception"

"I heard from my daughter, that lady Mellisa said,

Lady Dobrrieve caught some skin disease that even her face is damaged" Countess Martin said,

The Madams look at each other with a humor in their faces, this news boost their mood! If Lady Dobrrieve face is ruined it will give more chance to their daughters, Ofcourse they fear, that the lady is beautiful same her mother.

Marquess Den listened from all chattering around her, she is one of the closest friend of the late Baroness, and hearing all of this irritates her.

"It's a pity" she said and slowly sipping her glass of wine.

The madam glance at the Marquess, and decided to shut their mouth.


Mellisa walked inside the ballroom, and awed how grand and elegant this year end celebration.

Mellisa looked around, and saw a group of noble ladies, one of them is Lady Cassy Balton, soon to be prince consort, she need to make friends to lady cassy,

"Mother, can i go chat with my friends" Mellisa asked her mother

Annison who is holding her husband arm, nod and gave her daughter an approval

"Ofcourse, sweetie"

Then Mellisa walk towards the group of young ladies, and greeted them,


"Oh! Lady Mellisa, wow, you look lovely as always" one of the lady compliment her,

"Oh, my dress is simple, compared to Lady cassy, who look radiant today" Mellisa smiled and compliment lady Cassy instead.

Hearing that, the young ladies looked at Lady Cassy and one by one throw her a flattery words.

"Yeah lady cassy is blooming tonight, is theres any secret you can share to us?" The other young lady say.

The group of young ladies are having a fun conversation when the announcer, announced the duke of west arrival.


Now all the nobles stop what they are doing stuck their eyes towards the wide doors directions, all of them are excited to see the youngest duke.

When the duke of west step inside the rooms, ladies and Madame can't help to gasp. While the young lords and older man are full of admiration.

The duke of west is wearing a simple but expensive black tail coat, with a black dragon brooch on his right chest, his thick black hair was brush up which enhance his fair skin,

his blue eyes is intense as always, there is a small black mole on his right upper cheek just below his eyes, it adds to his beautiful features. Aside from his handome face, Duke Willbert is a tall man with around six foot high, and tone muscles,

We can't blame our noble womens, the duke of west is like a adonis fall from heaven.


"How long?"

Anthony who is still in the carriage asked his secretary in annoyance

"Master, look outside, we are not the only one who is still outside, as you can see there are more."

Anthony glared at his secretary, he don't have choice but to seat here and wait…

(Note: our poor Anthony, Sigh)

This time, it is Bethany turn to enter the gates, the palace guard extend his arm and ask to hand her invitation,

"Young Lady, may i see your invitation?"

"Sir, we dont have invitation card,but…"

The one who answered was Andy, seeing a simple clothes the guard assumed they are commoners trying to enter the palace,

So instead of letting them in, he asked them to moved aside.

"Go to the side, you are not allow to enter, only nobles with invitation are allowed"

the guard said in cold and threatening voice.

Andy feel scared, from what the guard's attitude, he will not allow them to enter, and her miss will missed athe ball!

Andy try to explain but its all futile, Andy was thinking of ways how they can enter when she hear a voice.

"What's the matter?"

A tall young man asked.

The palace guard who is talking to andy, turned his head, his eyes turned wide and he hastily walked to the young man direction.

Andy who is watching from inside the window was now confused. The palace guard who is so stubborn and don't want to listen to her are now standing rooted infront of the young man without moving an inch, 'is he paralyzed' Andy asked herself

However the stubborn guard are shocked to see the Crown prince, standing in front of him, he stuttering greeted the prince.

"Yo-y-your High-highness, what brings you here?"

The guard bow his head lower, his head is almost to the ground,

"I'm asking you, what is the matter?"

Andy who is watching inside, squint her eyes, she did not hear the guard how he greet the young man, and the poor maid think that this man is the guard's superior, Andy take the chance and step down from the carriage and walk towards the guard and young man direction.

"Hello good evening, i want to report this guard! He did not allow our carriage to enter the palace gate!"

The palace guard was so shocked! He is not sure if this lady is crazy! How dare she talked to the crown prince that way!

Andy's mouth did not stop she glared at the stubborn guard and continue.

"Sir, I explained many times that my missus family is already inside, we arrive only late, i told to this guy that he can double check if he doesn't believe me"

Andy was so agitated that she want to throw a punch to the guards face!

"What is your miss Household name?" The crown prince asked

Andy stand straight and say with her nose point high

"My Miss.. is Lady Bethany Dobrrieve"
