
The Drug Dealer Ended Up Going To Another World

Chris the the drop out that ended up dealing drugs in the city of Detroit as did to much drug dealing the cops tried to arrest him he suddenly vanished through thin air as Chris began to open his eyes it was clear to him that he was transported to another world how will make living the only skill he has right now drug creation he will end up using only to make a living but what will be the price at the cost blood, violence , and crime

Jonathan_Bencomo_2348 · アクション
17 Chs

Chapter 16 Recruits part 3

As he learns about the the situation only half of it yet he heads to the capital to get many prisoners to be recruited for the battle

As Chris is near the capital he seen sighting of more adventures traveling other roads

Chris (thinking) : this is bad if these fucking adventures go to the direction of they're camp it'll be worse

As he makes his way to the red light district but he also noticed mutiple royal knights questioning everyone about the new drug

Royal knight 1 : ms do you what that white substance is!?

Prostitute 1 : fuck off limp dick bastard

Royal knight 2 : you will answer the question or you will brought in for questioning!

Chris asked one of the citizens of what's going on

Chris : uuhh what's going on!

Male citizen 1 : you haven't heard ..a new drug has been circulating around the capital and trying to find the source

Male citizen 2 : the king himself took action and assigned the hero's team to investigate

Chris : really where are they ?

Male citizen 2 : they said something about going to this pub at the lower slums

Chris (thinking) : ah shit !! , I know where it is

Chris (thinking) : I'll go later first the Brothel I have get to Alice and find out about this further more

Keeps walking and few minutes he's at the brothel as he walks in with a hood

Bouncer 1 : aye sir how you been!

Chris : I'm an okay today not my mood

Alice office

(Flint , flint)

As Alice is trying to light her cigarette Chris barged in her office

(Door slam)

Bouncer 2 : sir you can't -!

Chris : it's fucking emergency okay! And close the door!

Bouncer 2 : yes sir

He closed the door after that Chris asked a Bunch of questions

Chris : hey Alice if I could ask why is that bunch of adventures are at my territory and knights questioning your girls ?

She answered the question to all the bullshit that's happening around them

Alice : I don't know what exactly is going on but some druggy get their ass caught and now all of his is happening

Alice : and because of your friends it also gave lots bandit competitions and open opportunity's to take over the ruins !

Chris : bandit competitions ? , the fuck you talking about

Alice tells him about the whole thing

Alice : because of your little bandits that kept killing adventures it not only gave the opportunity to take over territory, they are hired by nobles

Chris : the fuck you mean hired by nobles?

Alice explains further

Alice : I cut ties with them because of your drug was making so much money they weren't happy

Chris : did ever you thought about how it could link to me!!

Alice : no no! I didn't ! No!!

Chris : fuck !! …..(phew) …okay here's what I'm gonna do you are gonna get Paladin Jean and captain Quinn on this and they are gonna sneak lots of prisoners

She questioned Chris about the prisoners and why

Alice : look all the prisoners they have are dangerous far from expectations and what hope do you achieve by this ?!

Chris : achievements ? Haa! ….I never for once cared about it , but what I gain from it will be glorious and a force of the adventures will be immeasurable to mines

Alice begins to thinks about Chris

Alice (thinking) : this man may be young ….but his intentions for very clear and by looking at him he's the Definition greed

She concluded her choice

Alice : okay I'll have both of them take you to the prison they'll hand pick your bandit

Chris : great now if you would excuse me have to go to Certain bar

Potato pub

As he made his way from the red red district to the pub he first rebuilt from so-called hard labor

Chris : not just yet I have to wait until they leave first

Chris : inventory

He took out a Uzi observation to listen on they're conversation with jimmy

Chris : I just put this on and …..



Hero Lloyd : We'd like to ask about this drug that been circulating around the capital

Jimmy : that substance everyone have been doing now okay please go ahead

Priestess Lydia : this white substance where is it coming from and how we have been wondering where this source is

As Chris writing in his notes of the conversation he's listening on

Jimmy : we'll don't know much since I've been so busy lately in restaurant so I'm afraid it's not that possible

(Writing , writing)

Chris (thinking) : dip shit doesn't know that's good so far

He continues to listen on the conversation

Priestess Lydia : okay then …another question have you heard of certain noble Andre Artois

Jimmy : hmm?

As Jimmy remembers he answers the questions

Jimmy : ah! That name I remember someone talking about him being charge with such murder

Jimmy : honestly no even liked him at all because of his attitude of course he looks like he's capable of murder

Priestess Lydia : we'll unfortunately it isn't very well true

What caught Chris attention was the fact that she figured somethings out

Chris (thinking) : what the fuck ?

Priestess Lydia : I did some asking with his family members and it turns out he was all talk and no actions of such kind

Priestess Lydia : he maybe such a villainess noble but from there answers he was actually a wimp

Chris : ah shit

Chris (thinking) : Is this all true?

Jimmy : that's not …how could it be true is there any evidence that can back it

As Jimmy was surprised about it

Priestess Lydia : well unfortunately we had speak to him directly he said he was framed I had to use the the eye of truth and it turns out he was speaking the truth

Jimmy : what!

Chris (thinking) : oh no this can't be good

Hero Lloyd : and besides his eyes speaks the truth

As the hero drinks his mug full of beer

Hero Lloyd : fhaaww that's really delicious next time I'll be here again

Hero Lloyd : come on Marie we gotta report back to the king

Marie : right !

As Chris waits patiently for them to leave his thought about them were underestimated

Chris (thinking) : okay they maybe naive but not that stupid either….shit well might as well go over the line of brutality

End next chapter