
The dreams and the drawing

This is a story about your average Ryan and probably nonexistent girl and the mention of this unknown drawing in his dream that never seems to end until it does. That starts on that fateful school day in an unknown month unknown year and in an unknown place. My first novel is a small collab. The ending might be bittersweet. 1 update per one or twice a week

Rosa_De_La_Mar18 · 都市
15 Chs

How Oscar got in the strange Ryan club

Oscar pov(Past):

'That Ryan is sure is interesting he looks like a male lead, and he acts like one, I think I finally chose the right person to become friends with, plus he seems fun to be with. Next time I'll hang out with him now I need to look for an otaku club, I hope there is one or else... well that's worry if that happens let's look for it for now' Oscar thought while knocking on each classroom door asking which club it was holding.

While continuing his search a blue-haired girl bumped into him, making him stumble to the ground. The blue-haired girl hurriedly picked Oscar up, the girl did a bow and said "I'm sorry, but I can't make my club wait I need to go, yet again so sorry" and ran off.

Oscar looked out in the distance where the girl left and thought "What a funny girl, maybe I'll meet her again. Oscar continued his long-winded search for an otaku club in the strange high school. Soon enough he finally reached one of the last classrooms with a club in it, he opened it and saw a bunch of girls in it.

"I don't think this is an otaku club either maybe there isn't one in this school, all least they're still more left check just maybe my luck would turn around." Oscar thought while he was just about to close the door, then suddenly someone pulled him inside the classroom, it was the same girl from earlier.

After that everything was just a blur at that moment, many girls surrounded him asking him so many things and surprisingly he answered them all. After all the questions were answered, the girls put him in a corner of the classroom and started talking in another corner, some girls would leave the corner and come back with a paper in their hands.

Oscar had no idea what the heck was happening and why he obediently waiting for them, finally, all the girls approached him and shoved the paper in his hand, and complied without reading and signing it till was done.

They all said, "Welcome to the club, you're the first boy to enter!!!, also must be in here for at least two months before you can apply to leave".

"What the heck happened one minute I was looking for an otaku club the next, I joined a club that doesn't even know what it is about, I can't even leave it for at least two months, this isn't what I had in mind" Oscar whispered to himself. 'All this started with this blue-haired girl' Oscar thought while looking at that girl.

"So what exactly do we do in this club," Oscar said, the blue-haired girl replied, " I'm the founder of this club and my name is Briar Roberson, and this club is Practically a fan club for Ryan".

Right then and there Oscar was dumbstruck with all the strange knowledge he just found in just a short amount of time.


'I really regret even entering this club, now I'm going to think about what the club members said earlier and never found an otaku club too.'

Extra Ryan pov:

"For some reason, I never fit in anywhere in South Korea, they always found me rude and... The only people who accepted me were you, School going fine I'm getting good grades, and I now feel more comfortable talking to people, sure once and while things get edgy but other than that, how are you doing eomma?"


"That's great, I'll talk to you again next week, I hope I see you soon again"

Extra Mar Pov:

'I really don't want to repeat these moments but I must do it so I don't lose myself and so I can meet Ryan again... I hope I can finish it soon, Ryan please come soon'