
The Dreammaker's Reality

"Lord, we believe in you. We will sacrifice ourselves for the future." "Aurelius, my friend, let us old men pave the way for you." "Aurelius, thanks for believing in me when no one else did. Let me create a path for you." "Emperor, don't worry. We will shed our blood for the future." "Lord..." "Emperor..." "Aurelius..." These voices echoed in his head as he gazed at the lifeless bodies strewn across the battlefield. The earth was soaked with blood, and the sky was dark, punctuated by the sound of relentless lightning. Aurelius looked on with bloodshot eyes, a scream building in his throat. He wanted to shout, to ask, "Why?" "Why is life so unfair?" "Is it really that difficult to achieve peace?" "What if I had changed the past? What if I hadn't let go of friends because of some prophecy?" "What if I had saved everyone?" As these wild thoughts raced through his mind, Aurelius's red eyes grew even more determined. "I will change the past." "I will rewrite destiny." "I will break this timeline and forge a new one." "I will change my past. Not even the Grand Dao can stop me." but will he?

Baig · ファンタジー
33 Chs

Underworld Layout, Destiny change

As the guard escorted Aurelius from the hell library to the reincarnation hall, they boarded a grand, otherworldly carriage. The carriage was a magnificent construct, seemingly woven from shadows and shimmering starlight. Its exterior gleamed with an iridescent sheen, constantly shifting colors as if capturing fragments of the cosmos itself. 

Elaborate carvings of celestial beings and mythical creatures adorned the sides, their forms pulsating with a faint, ethereal glow. The wheels, crafted from obsidian and encrusted with gleaming jewels, rolled silently over the ground, making the journey almost surreal.

Inside, the carriage was equally splendid. The seats were upholstered in rich, dark velvet that seemed to absorb all light, offering a comforting embrace. Golden filigree decorated the edges, and the air was filled with a subtle, soothing fragrance that calmed Aurelius's mind.

As the carriage began its smooth journey towards the reincarnation hall, Aurelius turned to the guard seated opposite him and asked, "Sir, can you please explain the topography of the 9th floor of the underworld?"

The guard met Aurelius's gaze and nodded. "The 9th floor of the underworld is divided into nine regions: Central, North, South, East, West, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, and Southwest."

"The Central region," the guard continued, "is where the Imperial Family is located. It's subdivided into three areas: the Core Region, the Inner Region, and the Outer Region."

"In the Core Region lies the Imperial Palace, the residence of the King of Hell. The Inner Region houses another significant palace, known as the Prince's Palace. This palace is unique; every universe has only one prince, and currently, that position is vacant. All the dukes vie for this prestigious role. Surrounding the Prince's Palace, there are four major buildings."

"The four major buildings," the guard explained, "are the Imperial Court to the north, the Imperial Hell Library to the south, the Reincarnation Hall to the west, and the Soul Healing Hall to the east."

"In addition to these, the Inner Region also hosts ten minor buildings: the Imperial Residential Registration Hall, the Imperial Mission Registration Hall, the Imperial Auction Registration Hall, the Imperial Shopping Registration Hall, the Imperial Restaurant Registration Hall, the Imperial School, the Imperial Soldier and Official Residential Buildings, the Imperial Administration Headquarters, the Imperial Army Headquarters, and the Imperial Subprofessional Registration Hall."

"The Outer Region is reserved for the dukes of the kingdom, with thirteen dukes occupying this area. The entire Central Region is a no-fly zone and teleportation is strictly prohibited, except in emergencies."

Just as the guard was about to explain the other regions, the carriage arrived at the Reincarnation Hall. The hall's exterior was awe-inspiring, showcasing exquisite artistry and intricate designs. Complex symbols and paintings adorned the structure, each mural capturing the essence of the cosmos and telling stories of life, death, and rebirth.

As they entered the hall, Aurelius was immediately struck by the sight of a grand, rotating disc in the center of the room—the reincarnation disc. Hovering above the disc was a brilliant white light, splitting the very fabric of the cosmos and revealing a mesmerizing array of colors at its core. This was the legendary reincarnation disc Aurelius had read about in the library.

The disc was a powerful cosmic device that played a crucial role in determining the fate of souls. When a soul was placed upon it, the disc would spin rapidly, initiating the process of selecting the specifics of their next life. The dazzling array of colors above the disc would then coalesce into a single hue, indicating the race or form that the soul would take in its next incarnation. The beauty and simplicity of the process, coupled with its ancient cosmic origins, left Aurelius in awe. The mechanism seemed to operate beyond the bounds of time, an eternal dance of destiny.

In one part of the room stood a large, complex machine resembling a control center. Aurelius realized this was the operational heart of the reincarnation process, a place where the intricate workings of cosmic energies were managed and directed. The guard led Aurelius towards the Minister of Reincarnation, who was responsible for overseeing this sacred process.

The guard informed the minister that Aurelius had been granted the exceptional privilege of choosing his own path of reincarnation. The minister, a figure of solemn authority, looked closely at Aurelius and asked, "Are you familiar with how reincarnation works?"

Aurelius, feeling prepared from his time spent in the library, replied with confidence, "Yes, I understand the process. To undergo advanced reincarnation, I'll need to use my positive merit points, which I am ready to do."

Satisfied with Aurelius's response, the minister guided them to a special room equipped with a large interactive screen. The room was filled with an air of sacred importance, the walls adorned with ancient symbols and charts depicting the cycles of existence. The screen came to life, displaying a myriad of options and choices for Aurelius's reincarnation.

As the screen illuminated, the first question appeared: "In which realm would you like to be reborn?" The options were mortal and spiritual.

Aurelius, with determination, selected spiritual—the reason he had come this far.

The screen displayed a loading symbol before presenting the next query: "Which race would you like to be born as?" Aurelius scrolled through numerous options, finally settling on human.

The screen transitioned to the spirit root talent selection. Aurelius chose the evolutionary spirit root. Next, he moved to the body talent section and selected the five-elemental physique. When the soul talent page opened, he opted for the daynight soul body.

After selecting all the necessary attributes, the screen presented sections for family, providence, luck, and other factors. For these, Aurelius chose the random option, leaving them to fate.

Once all sections were completed, the screen began processing his selections. As it started to reveal the results, something strange occurred. Time seemed to halt throughout the entire underworld. Every creature and being froze in place, the very flow of time itself disrupted.

The screen, which had been about to display the results, also paused. Then, inexplicably, the time of only the screen began to reverse, rewinding before Aurelius had confirmed his choices. The sections cycled backward: luck to providence, family, soul talent, and body talent, finally stopping at the body talent selection.

Just as the talent was about to change, a thunderous shout echoed through the underworld.

"Who dares to alter the destiny and workings of the underworld?" bellowed the King of Hell.

The Reincarnation Hall, majestic with its towering pillars and intricate carvings depicting the cycle of life, death, and rebirth, seemed to shudder at the power of the voice. The hall was designed to embody the cosmic balance, with its central feature being a grand, rotating disc surrounded by ethereal symbols that pulsed with ancient energy. Now, the very foundation of this sacred place trembled.