
The Dreammaker's Reality

"Lord, we believe in you. We will sacrifice ourselves for the future." "Aurelius, my friend, let us old men pave the way for you." "Aurelius, thanks for believing in me when no one else did. Let me create a path for you." "Emperor, don't worry. We will shed our blood for the future." "Lord..." "Emperor..." "Aurelius..." These voices echoed in his head as he gazed at the lifeless bodies strewn across the battlefield. The earth was soaked with blood, and the sky was dark, punctuated by the sound of relentless lightning. Aurelius looked on with bloodshot eyes, a scream building in his throat. He wanted to shout, to ask, "Why?" "Why is life so unfair?" "Is it really that difficult to achieve peace?" "What if I had changed the past? What if I hadn't let go of friends because of some prophecy?" "What if I had saved everyone?" As these wild thoughts raced through his mind, Aurelius's red eyes grew even more determined. "I will change the past." "I will rewrite destiny." "I will break this timeline and forge a new one." "I will change my past. Not even the Grand Dao can stop me." but will he?

Baig · ファンタジー
33 Chs

Seed of Gluttony, 10K Year Baron Aurelius Part - 5

Aurelius stood before the imposing Tower of the Hall of Trials. The guards, vigilant and stern, asked for his token. Aurelius produced it, the symbol of his right to enter, and they allowed him passage.

Once inside, a familiar sensation washed over him. Just like the last time, a powerful surge of energy began to press against his mind, attempting to suppress his memories. Aurelius didn't resist; he understood this was part of the process. 

As his memories were sealed, a bright light enveloped him, and he felt himself being drawn into the cycle of reincarnation once more.

Year 1

A small child dashed through the house, his laughter echoing off the walls. His mother, Lara, called after him, worry in her voice. "Aurelius, run slowly or you'll get hurt!"

Hearing his mother's voice, the child stopped and turned, arms wide open, and toddled back toward her. Lara scooped him up, enveloping him in a warm embrace. "My cute little baby, I love you. I hope you can live your life to the fullest."

Year 3

Aurelius, with bruises on his knees and dirt on his clothes, approached his mother, hope shining in his eyes. "Mom, I brought you some herbs. You'll get better, right?"

Lara took the herbs from him and smiled softly. "Thank you, my son. I think I'll feel better now."

Year 5

Tears streamed down Aurelius's face as he pleaded with his mother. "Mom, please don't leave me. I'll listen to everything you say. Please, don't leave me."

Lara, weak and pale, wiped his tears gently. "Aurelius, listen to me, my baby."

Aurelius nodded, his small face serious.

"Your father is gone," Lara continued, her voice trembling. "I don't know how the other family members will treat you. Please be careful. Don't fight back if they mistreat you. Endure for a few years. Right now, you can't survive outside on your own. When you think you can manage, then you can leave."

Aurelius nodded again, desperate. "I'll do everything you say. Just get better, please."

Lara looked at him one last time, her eyes filled with love and guilt. Then, she passed away.

Aurelius, realizing she wasn't responding, screamed, "Mom... Mom, please say something... Mom, please respond..."

His cries echoed through the room, filled with heart-wrenching sorrow.

As Aurelius sobbed, a muscular man entered the room, sneering at the sight. "So that b**** is finally dead."

He looked at Aurelius, who stared back blankly. "It's up to you to do the cremation. Don't expect anything from the family. We can't waste money on trash."

Seeing no reaction from the boy, the man added, "If you don't do it, we'll just throw her body outside. You have one day."

The man left, and Aurelius's mind began to fracture under the weight of his grief and the man's cruel words. His hopes and dreams crumbled, leaving cracks in his young mind.

Aurelius, barely understanding what to do, used his small, frail body to drag his mother's shrouded form outside the city.

As he struggled through the streets, dragging his mother's body, he overheard the townspeople's cruel remarks.

Passerby 1: "He's the son of that woman, Lara. Pity her family didn't care for her."

Passerby 2: "That's what happens when you go against your family and marry a commoner instead of a rich man."

Passerby 3: "Yes, I remember that scandal. It was a big event."

Passerby 1: "She deserved it."

Each comment widened the cracks in Aurelius's young mind. His face became stoic, his once lively eyes growing cold.

After a day of dragging his mother, falling, getting up, and dragging again, Aurelius finally reached the forest. He dug a grave with his bare hands, his body aching and exhausted. 

He buried his mother with care, then stood over the grave. "Mom, I promised I'd stay with the family for a few years, but after how they treated you, even if I starve, I won't go back. Please forgive me."

With those words, Aurelius turned and walked away, his small legs trembling, his arms and shoulders aching, determined to find a way to survive on his own.

Aurelius walked aimlessly, his only resolve being never to return home. After a grueling day of travel, he arrived in a new city - Guntur. His face was pale, his stomach growled incessantly, and he was mentally and physically exhausted. Though he had found a few berries along the way, they barely took the edge off his hunger.

He wandered into the bustling market area, standing uncertainly among the throngs of people. He had no idea what to do or where to go next. A passerby, noticing the small, disheveled boy standing alone, took pity on him and tossed a coin onto the ground before moving on.

Aurelius, who had never begged or asked for food before, stared at the coin for a moment. Desperation gnawed at him, the hollow ache in his stomach growing more intense. For the first time in his life, he stooped to pick up the coin, driven by a hunger that had been consuming him ever since he buried his mother.

As he clutched the coin, a profound change began to take root within him. The act of succumbing to his hunger planted a seed in his heart, a seed that whispered the primal urge to satisfy his stomach, to eat as much as he could, to never feel this emptiness again.

 Year 25

In the bustling city of Kaju, a grand restaurant named Heaven Food stood as a beacon of culinary excellence. It was a place where the rich indulged their senses, a dreamland the poor could only fantasize about. Founded a decade ago by a young boy, this establishment had grown from a humble shop to a renowned eatery. No one knew much about the boy's background, but his rise had stirred the upper echelons, who tried to acquire the shop and its secrets. Mysteriously, those who attempted met untimely ends, causing even the most powerful to back down.

In the restaurant, affluent patrons gathered around circular tables, each seating five. As they settled, a slightly obese man in his mid-twenties ascended the stage. He scanned the crowd before introducing himself.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Aurelius. It's a pleasure to meet you all."

He paused, letting the anticipation build. "Before we begin our culinary journey, I want to assure you that every ingredient is meticulously selected, carefully processed, and prepared at the perfect temperature to bring out the epitome of aroma and taste."

"A true dish should emit a fragrance that brings euphoria, make your mouth water, and create a mind-blowing sensation when tasted. It should satisfy every craving."

The audience applauded his speech. As they did, a wave of red energy emanated from them, flowing towards Aurelius. The seed of gluttony in his heart absorbed this energy, pushing it to the brink of evolution.

Year 26

Aurelius stood on the balcony, his once slender frame now buried beneath layers of excess weight. He gazed out at the sprawling city, the twinkling lights a stark contrast to the emptiness he felt inside. As he admired the beauty before him, a rhythmic clicking sound drew his attention. He turned to see a woman approaching, her heels tapping against the floor.

The moment he saw her, something deep within him stirred. It was as if his very soul shook, unable to articulate the importance of this encounter. He didn't understand why, but he knew she was significant.

Inside his mind, the seal that had been placed during the Hall of Trials began to tremble, threatening to break.

The woman approached Aurelius with a warm smile. "Hello, you must be Aurelius. Nice to meet you. I am Sophia."

Her voice sent a tremor through Aurelius's mind, intensifying the shaking of the seal, but it remained intact. He took a deep breath to steady himself and replied, "Nice to meet you too."

He hesitated for a moment before asking, "Can I ask you a question, if you don't mind?"

"Sure," Sophia replied, her eyes filled with curiosity.

"Have I seen you before? You look familiar," he asked, the feeling of recognition gnawing at him.

Sophia giggled, a sound that seemed to resonate with something deep within Aurelius. "If you want to ask me out, just do it. No need for pretense."

Taken aback by her forwardness, Aurelius laughed along with her, the connection between them feeling strangely profound.

Year 32

Sophia lay weak and frail in bed, her voice a mere whisper. "Aurelius, please don't be sad. These six years with you have been the best time of my life. Please take care of our son, Aurelius."

His heart, once warmed by Sophia's presence, began to chill. Memories of his mother's death resurfaced, now mirrored by Sophia's condition. He started to blame himself, feeling cursed and unworthy of love.

Seeing his turmoil, Sophia gently urged, "Aurelius, look into my eyes, please."

He met her gaze, and she continued, "There is nothing wrong with you. We are mortals; we live, we age, and we die. It's beyond our control. Promise me you won't blame yourself."

Aurelius nodded, tears streaming down his face. A few days later, Sophia passed away. Her death left him more distant than ever, except towards their son, Lux, who received his remaining warmth.

As the days turned into weeks, Aurelius found solace in food, indulging excessively and growing more obese. Concerned for his father's health, Lux pleaded with him to stop, but Aurelius continued his gluttonous ways.

One day, as he picked up a sandwich, a memory of Sophia surfaced.

"People call you the King of Gluttony because of how much you eat and how you let the rich indulge," Sophia had once said.

Aurelius had laughed. "King of Gluttony, huh? It has a nice ring to it. What do you think?"

Sophia had smiled. "To me, a King of Gluttony isn't someone who just eats a lot, but someone who satisfies the world's hunger, ensuring every stomach is filled."

Struck by her profound words, Aurelius put down the sandwich. "Since I can't give you eternal life," he thought, "I'll live by your ideals of the King of Gluttony."

With renewed purpose, Aurelius shifted his focus from indulgence to philanthropy. He used his wealth and resources to feed the hungry and care for the needy. Through his actions, he honored Sophia's memory and transformed his legacy into one of compassion and generosity.

Year 90

Sitting in a chair, old and weary, Aurelius looked at a picture of Sophia. "I have become the King of Gluttony, satisfying the world's hunger. No one feels hunger now, and no one ever will."

As he spoke, he didn't notice the seed of gluttony, born from hunger, wither and turn to ashes in his heart.

With his mission fulfilled, Aurelius's soul finally departed his body and returned to the Hall of Trials. The seal on his memories broke, flooding back to him.