
The Dreammaker's Reality

"Lord, we believe in you. We will sacrifice ourselves for the future." "Aurelius, my friend, let us old men pave the way for you." "Aurelius, thanks for believing in me when no one else did. Let me create a path for you." "Emperor, don't worry. We will shed our blood for the future." "Lord..." "Emperor..." "Aurelius..." These voices echoed in his head as he gazed at the lifeless bodies strewn across the battlefield. The earth was soaked with blood, and the sky was dark, punctuated by the sound of relentless lightning. Aurelius looked on with bloodshot eyes, a scream building in his throat. He wanted to shout, to ask, "Why?" "Why is life so unfair?" "Is it really that difficult to achieve peace?" "What if I had changed the past? What if I hadn't let go of friends because of some prophecy?" "What if I had saved everyone?" As these wild thoughts raced through his mind, Aurelius's red eyes grew even more determined. "I will change the past." "I will rewrite destiny." "I will break this timeline and forge a new one." "I will change my past. Not even the Grand Dao can stop me." but will he?

Baig · ファンタジー
33 Chs

Healing, 10K Years Baron Part - 4

After receiving his rewards, Aurelius made his way to the teleportation gate in Vijayawada city. The gate was a towering structure, humming with arcane energy and surrounded by a bustling crowd of travelers. It was the city's hub of swift and magical transportation, connecting distant places in an instant.

Aurelius approached the gate operator, who was busy managing the flow of people.

"One ticket to Cumbum town, please," Aurelius said.

The operator nodded and handed him a glowing token. "Step into the circle and hold onto this. Safe travels."

Aurelius moved into the designated teleportation circle, the air around him buzzing with anticipation. He felt a familiar pull as the gate activated, the world around him blurring into a swirl of colors.

In an instant, he found himself standing in the center of Cumbum town, the peaceful surroundings a stark contrast to the bustling city he had just left.

After arriving in Cumbum, Aurelius headed straight to his shop. The streets were busy with people moving in every direction, and he paused briefly to take in the lively scene before entering his shop.

Inside, he noticed three new succubi working. One of them, Geetha, approached him with a warm smile. "Welcome, sir. How can I assist you today?"

Aurelius observed her professional demeanor, appreciating the politeness and customer-friendly approach she displayed.

Just as he was about to respond, Samantha, one of his long-time employees, saw him and hurried over. "Geetha, this is our boss!"

Geetha blushed with embarrassment. "I apologize, boss. I didn't realize—"

Aurelius interrupted with a gentle smile, "It's my fault. I've been away for too long."

He then asked, "Where is Eisheth?"

Samantha replied, "Boss, Eisheth is in the manager's room."

Nodding and thanking them for their hard work, Aurelius made his way towards the manager's room to find Eisheth.

Aurelius knocked on the door and waited for Eisheth's reply. When he heard her say "Come in," he entered the room.

Eisheth was seated at her desk, surrounded by stacks of papers and ink bottles. She was focused on her work, not looking up as Aurelius entered. After a few minutes, she finally lifted her head to see who had come in. When she saw Aurelius, she quickly stood up, her tone calm but tinged with surprise. "I didn't know it was you, Aurelius. You could have warned me."

A warm smile spread across her face, and Aurelius couldn't help but smile back, feeling a rush of happiness at seeing her after so long. "Well," he replied, "I didn't want to disturb you since you're working so hard for me."

Eisheth pouted, "Even then, you should have informed me. I could have prepared a feast for your arrival."

Aurelius laughed, "No need for that. How is your health?"

Eisheth's expression changed to one of shock. "Aurelius... how did you know?"

"Do you think my master wouldn't tell me?" Aurelius said, his tone gentle.

Feeling a bit guilty, Eisheth started, "Aurelius, I..."

He interrupted her, "No need to explain. I know everything. I know you care about me, and that's all I need."

With tears welling up in her eyes, Eisheth whispered, "Aurelius..." Her voice carried all the emotions she felt.

Aurelius moved closer, gently wiping away her tears. "You don't have to worry about anything. I've spoken to the master. Just wait until he arrives."

Eisheth nodded, her emotions a mix of relief and gratitude.

The next morning, the old man arrived at the shop, eager to see Aurelius after hearing about his successful completion of the Trial of Pride.

"Hey, kid, how was the trial?" the old man asked, his eyes twinkling with curiosity. "All the upper echelons know about it now. I even heard that the Lord of Pride personally appeared and approved you."

Aurelius smiled at the old man. "He did appear, but he disappeared after just nodding at me. I wanted to talk to him, ask a few things, but he left before I could."

The old man chuckled. "Kid, his appearance is a lot, you know. It's rare. Even across all the universes in chaos, the appearance of the Lord of Pride in an insignificant trial is extraordinary."

Aurelius nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation, and proceeded to explain everything that had happened during the trial. Then, he asked, "Master, do you think the world in the trial was real?"

The old man replied, "It depends on how you define real. The Trial of Pride might have sent you to the past or the future. It's known as temporary reincarnation. The Lord of the Underworld has the power to reincarnate a person, and their lifespan isn't bound by heaven. They can bring someone back to the underworld whenever they wish, so sometimes they use this authority for the trial."

"As for Sophia," he continued, "she could be in some part of history."

With determination burning in his eyes, Aurelius declared, "I will find her, whatever it takes."

The old man nodded at Aurelius's resolve. "Kid, the world is vast. Anything is possible. If you can't do something, it just means you don't have enough cultivation yet. Remember, cultivation is endless."

Aurelius nodded, taking his master's words to heart.

Aurelius approached his master, holding Soul Vitality Fruit. "Master, I brought the Soul Vitality Fruit. Will this help?" he asked.

The old man sighed, "It will help, but not completely. She has a body, unlike you. I've prepared other herbs while you were gone. Now, we must create the 9th Rank Alchemy Pill."

Aurelius frowned, "But Master, it will take me forever to reach the 9th rank. Do you know someone who can help?"

"I do," the old man nodded. "With all the herbs gathered, it's time to create the Nirvana Pill."

"Nirvana Pill?" Aurelius asked, puzzled.

"Yes," the old man explained. "It's a complete rebirth. It will remove the poison and elevate her cultivation to the Perfection-8th level."

Aurelius nodded, concern evident in his eyes. "How long will it take, Master?"

"It's far," the old man admitted. "The journey, the pill creation... It will take 100 years."

"Why aren't you leaving then, Master?" Aurelius inquired.

The old man sighed, a hint of fondness in his eyes. "Seems like you've forgotten the love of your master. Come, I'll remind you."

Aurelius quickly protested, "What do you mean, Master? I love you with all my heart. If you go south, I'll never go north, I promise."

The old man chuckled, "So you'll go east and west then?"

Aurelius laughed, scratching the back of his head. After letting him understand the 'love' of his, the old man departed.

In the year 2000, it had been four years since the old man left. Aurelius sat cross-legged, deep in meditation, focusing on directing all his soul energy from his acupuncture points to create the Conception Vessel. This pathway started in the middle Jiao, moved to the lungs, and then to the thumb, governing respiration and regulating water passages.

After two hours of meticulous effort, Aurelius finally succeeded in creating the Conception Vessel. He gazed at the newly formed meridian and began the process of refining and stabilizing it. Once he felt it was stable, Aurelius thought, "There are still seven meridians left: Governing Vessel, Penetrating Vessel, Girdling Vessel, Yin Heel Vessel, Yang Heel Vessel, Yin Linking Vessel, and Yang Linking Vessel."

He continued reflecting, "And there are also the 12 primary meridians: Lung Meridian, Large Intestine Meridian, Stomach Meridian, Spleen Meridian, Heart Meridian, Small Intestine Meridian, Bladder Meridian, Kidney Meridian, Pericardium Meridian, Triple Burner Meridian, Gall Bladder Meridian, and Liver Meridian."

"And countless minor meridians, totaling 180,000."

Aurelius sighed, realizing the enormity of his task. "I think it will take 3,000 years to complete it," he mused, feeling both the weight of the journey ahead and a quiet determination to see it through.

Year 2100

Aurelius sat by Eisheth's side in her room. She looked pale and weak. "It's already time," he said softly. "I think Master will come."

As he wondered about his master's delay, the old man finally arrived. Entering the room, he glanced at Aurelius and Eisheth, then said, "It's good to be young."

Both Aurelius and Eisheth felt embarrassed by the comment, which made the old man laugh. Trying to hide his embarrassment, Aurelius asked, "Master, have you brought the pill?"

The old man teased, "Look who's impatient."

"Master, please," Aurelius urged.

The old man relented. "Alright, alright. I've brought it. Let her sit cross-legged and take the pill."

Eisheth sat cross-legged and took the pill. It dissolved inside her, and flames began to envelop her body. Aurelius watched tensely.

"Don't worry," the old man reassured him. "Nothing will happen. The process will be smooth."

Aurelius nodded. The old man then said, "I have to leave. There's some work I need to do."

After the old man left, the flames around Eisheth began to expel impurities from her body. Her royal bloodline started to show signs of evolution, and the poison was purged by the flames. As the poison was purified, the energy within it, combined with the nirvana energy, pushed her royal bloodline to the final step, evolving into the Queen bloodline—a rank higher than the royal bloodline.

When the transformation was complete, the flames ignited, burning all her clothes. Aurelius quickly looked away, embarrassed by seeing her for the first time in such a state. Oblivious to this, Eisheth marveled at the changes in her body—her physique, skin, eyes, everything was transformed. Her beauty, once capable of toppling a city, could now topple a nation.

The nirvana energy not only healed all her minor injuries but also elevated her to the peak 8th level—Soul Dao Formation realm. The violet petal on her forehead, symbolizing perfection from the 1st to 7th level, evolved into a golden color.

Eisheth opened her eyes and, seeing Aurelius, rushed to hug him. Hearing her approach, Aurelius turned and saw her, then quickly said, "Eisheth, please wear some clothes."

Realizing her state, Eisheth blushed, turned to dress, and Aurelius left the room. Once she was clothed, Eisheth, still embarrassed, said to Aurelius, "Aurelius, thank you. Without you, I don't know what would have happened to me."

Aurelius replied, "I would do the same anytime."

Eisheth smiled at his response, her gratitude and affection shining through.

Year 5000

Aurelius was sitting in his room when the old man arrived. "How's your cultivation going, kid?"

Aurelius replied, "I've reached the peak of the 3rd realm. I'm just a bit away from perfection."

The old man nodded. "What are your plans, kid? Warrior or royal?"

Aurelius said, "At first, I thought about becoming a warrior since it's independent, and I wouldn't have to worry about anything else. But after meeting Eisheth, I've decided to become a royal."

The old man chuckled. "It seems women really do change men, huh?"

Aurelius, embarrassed, said, "Master..."

The old man waved it off. "Okay, okay. Since you're interested in becoming a royal and have reached the peak of the 3rd soul cultivation level, why not complete the Hall of Trial and get acknowledged?"

Aurelius pondered this for a bit. The royal ranks—Baron, Viscount, Earl, Marquis, Duke, and finally Prince—required acknowledgment from all the Lords of the Underworld. Completing a trial at the peak of each realm was ideal and there was nothing to lose.

After some thought, Aurelius nodded. "Master, which trial should I complete next?"

The old man replied, "I've always wanted you to complete the Trial of Gluttony, but due to the situation with the girl, I directed you to Pride first."

"The reward for that is the Heaven Refinement Gastrointestinal Tract."

"Aurelius, the rewards—Dao Heart from Pride and Heaven Refinement Gastrointestinal Tract from Gluttony—are both incredibly helpful now and after rebirth."

"When reborn, Dao Heart will fuse with your heart, making it a barrier so strong that nothing can move or change your thoughts, and you'll be immune to inner demons."

"Heaven Refinement Gastrointestinal Tract allows you to refine anything—herbs, spiritual stones—without any impurities."

"So, try the Trial of Gluttony and get this reward."

Aurelius nodded, considering the immense benefits. "I will definitely conquer all the trials of the Lords of the Underworld."