
The Dreammaker's Reality

"Lord, we believe in you. We will sacrifice ourselves for the future." "Aurelius, my friend, let us old men pave the way for you." "Aurelius, thanks for believing in me when no one else did. Let me create a path for you." "Emperor, don't worry. We will shed our blood for the future." "Lord..." "Emperor..." "Aurelius..." These voices echoed in his head as he gazed at the lifeless bodies strewn across the battlefield. The earth was soaked with blood, and the sky was dark, punctuated by the sound of relentless lightning. Aurelius looked on with bloodshot eyes, a scream building in his throat. He wanted to shout, to ask, "Why?" "Why is life so unfair?" "Is it really that difficult to achieve peace?" "What if I had changed the past? What if I hadn't let go of friends because of some prophecy?" "What if I had saved everyone?" As these wild thoughts raced through his mind, Aurelius's red eyes grew even more determined. "I will change the past." "I will rewrite destiny." "I will break this timeline and forge a new one." "I will change my past. Not even the Grand Dao can stop me." but will he?

Baig · ファンタジー
33 Chs

1000 Years - Knight Aurelius Part - 2

The old man carried Aurelius to a secluded cave nestled deep within the rugged terrain of Mount Cubi. The path was steep and treacherous, winding through dense forests and rocky outcrops. The air grew cooler as they ascended, filled with the scent of pine and the faint whisper of mountain streams. The cave entrance was concealed by a curtain of ivy, blending seamlessly into the mountainside.

Inside, the cave opened into a spacious chamber, its walls adorned with luminescent crystals that cast a soft, otherworldly glow. 

The old man gently laid Aurelius on a thick fur near the fire, ensuring he was comfortable. 

As Aurelius opened his eyes, blinking against the soft light. The last thing he remembered was the fierce battle and the old man's timely intervention. Now, he found himself in a place of serene beauty and unexpected safety.

Aurelius opened his eyes, blinking against the soft, flickering light. The last thing he remembered was the fierce battle and the old man's timely intervention. Now, he found himself in a place that resembled a cave, its walls shimmering with an ethereal glow from embedded crystals.

As he tried to get up, a voice broke the silence. "You got up? Good."

Aurelius turned his head toward the sound, recognizing the old man who had saved him. "Thank you for saving me," he said, his voice tinged with gratitude and wariness as he looked around vigilantly.

The old man laughed heartily, the sound echoing off the cave walls. "Ha! Kid, it seems that being betrayed did a number on you. If you had been this vigilant when forming a team with strangers, you wouldn't be here."

Aurelius flushed with embarrassment, an awkward smile spreading across his face. The old man, noticing his discomfort, laughed again, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "What are you doing here, kid? You're just at the first stage of soul refinement. What were you doing with those people in the forest?"

Aurelius took a deep breath and introduced himself, explaining how he was reincarnated and needed to earn 1.5 million merit points. He recounted his desperate need for more merit points to further his cultivation, which led him to accept the mission with the strangers.

The old man listened patiently, then smiled wryly. "Kid, let me give you a bit of advice. Never, ever reveal everything about yourself to a stranger just because they saved your life. I don't know what you were in your past life, but it seems you didn't have much interaction with the darker side of the world."

Aurelius felt a jolt of realization, struck by the truth of the old man's words. His naivety had nearly cost him his life. He nodded slowly, absorbing the lesson with a newfound sense of awareness.

Seeing Aurelius's reaction, the old man chuckled again, clearly amused by the young man's innocence. "You've got a lot to learn, kid. But there's time for that. For now, rest and regain your strength. The world isn't going anywhere."

Aurelius nodded, feeling both humbled and grateful. As he settled back on the soft furs, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. He had been given another chance, a chance to learn and grow stronger. The cave, with its quiet beauty and protective aura, felt like the perfect place to start anew.

The old man stoked the fire, its warm light casting dancing shadows on the walls. "We'll talk more when you're feeling better. There's much you need to understand about the path you're on."

Aurelius closed his eyes, letting the warmth of the fire and the soothing presence of the old man lull him into a peaceful sleep.

A month had passed since Aurelius had been taken under the wing of the enigmatic old man. Today, they stood near the base of Cinder Mountain, a volcanic behemoth spewing heat and lava from its gaping maw.

Aurelius, eyeing the molten rock with trepidation, turned to the old man. "Are you really sane, Oldman? What are you thinking, wanting to throw me into a volcano? I'll be incinerated into ashes!"

The old man shot Aurelius an irritated look. "What did you call me? It's 'Master' to you! After you begged me for weeks to take you as my disciple, now you're calling me 'Old Man'? How unfilial!"

Aurelius crossed his arms defiantly. "You're the most shameless person, Master. Since taking me as your disciple, all you've made me do is cook, clean the cave, and massage you every single day. And you wonder why I call you Old Man?"

The old man coughed and countered, "What are you getting angry about? Do you want to increase your cultivation or not?"

Aurelius's expression softened immediately, and he said with a forced cheerfulness, "Yes, Master, you are the greatest master of all time. Please don't be angry." He began massaging the old man's shoulders in an attempt to placate him.

Feeling pleased, the old man relaxed. "I'm not asking you to jump into the volcano to refine your soul body. There are naturally formed caves within that provide an excellent cultivation ground."

"As I've told you before, soul purity and soul body refinement go hand in hand. The more you increase your soul purity, the faster you can refine your soul body."

The old man then handed Aurelius a scroll. "Take this soul body refining technique. It will help you absorb the energy faster and create a solid foundation for your future soul path."

Aurelius unrolled the scroll, his eyes widening at the complexity of the technique. It contained profound meanings and intricate diagrams. "Master, I didn't expect you to give me such a valuable technique. Thank you."

The old man laughed heartily. "What do you think I am? I am the great, unrivaled man in the world!"

Aurelius smiled slyly. "Yes, yes, Master, you are the greatest."

Seeing Aurelius's sly smile, the old man kicked him lightly and said, "Go and cultivate properly."

Aurelius chuckled as he walked towards the entrance of the volcano, clutching the scroll tightly.

Year 10: The Freezing Hell

Aurelius stood shivering in the freezing hell region, cursing his master under his breath. "Of all the places, he chooses this frozen wasteland. Is he trying to kill me?"

The old man, who was sitting comfortably on a warm rock, grinned. "Stop complaining, kid! This will toughen you up. Your soul purity is only at 25%, and your soul refining is at 10%. You need this."

Aurelius muttered to himself, "Old man, you're a sadist, that's what you are."

Despite his grumblings, Aurelius endured the biting cold, learning to harness the soul energy to generate warmth and protect his body. The process was grueling, but slowly, he felt his soul becoming more resilient.

Year 50: The Beastly Forest

Aurelius and the old man stood at the edge of a dense forest, facing fifty 1st-level beasts. 

"What do you think?" the old man asked, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Master, you're not seriously thinking of having me fight them all, right?" Aurelius replied, eyes wide with apprehension.

The old man stroked his beard thoughtfully. "You're right. It does seem a bit much for you."

Aurelius sighed in relief, but his relief was short-lived. Suddenly, he felt the old man's hand on his shoulder, and before he knew it, he was flying through the air, landing in the midst of the beast crowd.

"You'll be the death of me, old man!" Aurelius shouted as he crashed into the ground.

The old man laughed heartily from the sidelines, enjoying the spectacle. Despite the seemingly impossible odds, Aurelius fought valiantly, his soul purity reaching 55% and his soul refining 35% by the end of the ordeal.

Year 150: The Deep Waters

Aurelius found himself submerged in the deep waters, the crushing pressure surrounding him. He struggled to keep his breath, feeling his body being pushed to its limits.

"Master, if I drown, I'll haunt you forever," he grumbled, though the bubbles made it difficult for the old man to hear.

"Quit whining, kid. This water pressure will refine your soul body like nothing else. Trust the process," the old man yelled from the shore.

Despite his constant complaints, Aurelius adapted to the pressure, using it to refine his body further. By the end of this torturous training, his soul purity had reached 85%, and his soul refining was at 75%.

Year 250: Mastering All Elements

After years of grueling training in various extreme environments—freezing hells, fiery mountains, dense forests, and crushing depths—Aurelius had become a master of adaptability. Each environment had tested his limits and forced him to refine his soul and body to near perfection.

"Master, is there any place left on this godforsaken planet where you won't torture me?" Aurelius asked, panting from the latest round of training.

The old man laughed, a sound that had become all too familiar to Aurelius. "You've done well, kid. Your soul purity is now at 99%, and your soul body refining is at 99%. Just one more percent to go."

Aurelius, despite his exhaustion, managed a grin. "You know, old man, I might just survive your training after all."

The old man clapped him on the back. "That's the spirit. Now, let's see if we can find that last percent."

Despite the years of harsh training and constant cursing, a bond had formed between Aurelius and the old man. They had faced countless challenges together, and each trial had brought Aurelius closer to mastering his soul and body.

As they stood on the precipice of the next challenge, Aurelius looked at his master with a mixture of respect and exasperation. "Old man, you are insane. But thank you."

The old man smiled. "You're welcome, kid. Now, let's get you to that 100%."

And so, with renewed determination, Aurelius prepared for the final stage of his training, ready to face whatever the old man had in store for him next.