
Wang Yuan

Fatty suddenly realized that he said something he shouldn't have and gasped.

Wang Meng quickly covered Fatty's mouth. His heart started to pound, cold sweat running down both their backs.

Even though Fatty made the remark under his breath, the brother-sister duo was still able to hear due to them being in close proximity. Wang Wei's eyebrows furrowed while Wang Feng's face turned dark.

"How dare a mere servant like you talk to this princess like that?!" screamed Wang Fang.

"That rat dog doesn't know what's good for him!" Wang Wei scowled.

Wang Fang raised her hand, making a wide swing to land a slap across Fatty's large face.

Seeing Wang Fang's hand approaching his best friend's face, Wang Meng quickly pulled Fatty aside, just in time for Wang Fang to miss and lose her footing.

With Fatty and Wang Meng out of the way, Wang Fang didn't have anyone blocking her fall, causing her to fall forward onto the corner of a display table. Her knees scraped against the hard floors as she landed from falling.

"AAAAHHHHH," Wang Fang screamed in pain as she raised her hand to feel the area of her face that ran across the display table corner. Blood started to run down her cheek and a burning sensation came from her knees while her arm began to throb.

"We need to get out of here, now!"

Wang Meng took Fatty's arm and ran as fast as he could out of the store. Surprisingly, Fatty, was quite nimble and fast even though he had so much excess weight on him.

Wang Wei rushed to his sister to check on her condition. After lifting her back onto her feet, he yelled for the servant guards that came with them to the market.

"Guards! Get your asses over here! Go after those little pieces of shits now! They must be brought back to the main estate!" Wang Wei growled to the guards as they finally arrived in front of him.

After getting a head start, Wang Meng and Fatty ran quickly into the large market crowd as hundreds of people were still at the market at this time.

"Don't lose them! Young Master Wang ordered that they must be captured!" The guards were still quite far away from Fatty and Wang Meng.

As Wang Meng was anxiously weaving through the ground of people, he suddenly felt Fatty trying to free his arm from his grasp.

"What are you doing?! They're catching up to us! We need to keep running!"

"Young Master, go on without me. They want to capture this Fatty, not you. If you really care about me, just make sure they feed me properly when they put me in jail!" Fatty finally got his arm out of Wang Meng's grip and started to run in the direction of the guards. "Go back! It was my fault for bringing you here anyway. Just go back to the mistress!"

Wang Meng froze for a moment. What was he going to do? Seeing that his best friend was sacrificing himself for him to get away, Wang Meng stopped hesitating and ran back to his mother's courtyard. Maybe Mother knows what to do, Wang Meng thought to himself as he ran with all he could.

"There's the fatty! Capture him!" Wang Meng heard the guards catch up with Fatty and couldn't help but look back. He saw the guards tackle Fatty to the ground and begin to immobilize him. Wang Meng clenched his fist and continued running.

. . .

Finally arriving back to the small dirt courtyard, Wang Meng rushed to find his mother without waiting to catch his breath. Blood began to run from his palms from him clenching his fist so hard, causing his fingernails to dig into his hands.

"Mother! . . . Mother! . . . Mother, where are you?! I need your help! Fatty's in trouble!" Wang Meng screamed as he began frantically searching for his mother.

"Cough . . . Cough, what is the matter my son?" Wang Meng stopped abruptly and turned around as he heard the smooth melodious voice of his mother.

Coming through another doorway, Wang Meng saw the fragile frame of his mother take small, laborious steps towards him.

Wang Meng started to feel the corners of his eyes become wet from not only Fatty being capture, but also from seeing how weak his mother has gotten since he had last seen her.

He ran into her embrace and started to sob, the words coming from Wang Meng's mouth became hard to understand.

"Mother . . . Fatty . . . I . . . market . . . clothes . . . Wang Wei and Wang Fang . . . captured . . . We need to do something to help him before they do something to him!" Wang Meng barely could get things out as he began to tremble harder.

"My child, my sweet child, you need to take a deep breath. It'll be alright. You need to calm down so I can understand what you're saying," said Li Na as she began to stroke Wang Meng's head and rub his back.

"Mother, they have Fatty! They're going to hurt him!"

Hearing this, Li Na stilled for a moment and asked, "Who is going to hurt him?"

"It's Wang Wei and Wang Fang! They were the ones who approached us but now they got Fatty!"

After being in his mother's embrace for a moment and catching his breath, Wang Meng had calmed down enough to tell his mother all that had happened at the market.

"My child, help your mother sit down for a moment to allow her to think." Wang Meng lead his mother to set down at the nearest bench out in the courtyard.

After sitting down, Li Na began to put her hands to her temples as she began to process all that Wang Meng had told her. There was a clear shadow of tiredness that began to appear underneath her eyes.

What sin have I committed that the heavens have never thought once to bless happiness onto my son. Li Na sighed has she thought to herself. The only other person to treat my son with care is that friend of his and even the heavens won't hesitate to take his friend away from him. She looked up at the sky and thought more. If only . . . how miserable life has gotten . . ."

As Li Na was thinking to herself with Wang Meng beside her, they heard the sound of many footsteps approach and surround the courtyard they were sitting in. The figures of elite guards from the Wang Family began to appear in front of them.

Li Na and Wang Meng immediately stood up. Li Na seeing that they were fully surrounded questioned loudly, "What are you all doing here?!"

"The Main Family demands the presence of you two immediately!" The leader of these guards glared. "The Main Family has ordered us to bring you to the main room now, even if it is by force!"

"This is unreasonable! We have done nothing wrong that requires the whole force of the guards of the Wang Estate to escort us!"

"You were not asked to speak; your duty is to comply to what has been ordered upon you by the Main Family. Men, seize them!"

The surrounding guards began to enclose on Wang Meng and his mother, leaving no room for them to escape.

"Don't touch her!" Wang Meng shouted as he tried to push the guard away from his mother.


Wang Meng was smacked to the ground by one guard, while another began to restrain him of the ground and proceeded to exit the courtyard.

"Don't hurt him!" Li Na began to run towards the guard that took Wang Meng.

"If you would have cooperated from the beginning, nothing would have happened to you," said the head guard coldly.

After seizing the two, the head guard signaled to the other to move towards the main estate.

. . .

Moments early within the Wang Estate.

Sitting in the main seat in the biggest room of the estate, sat a man with a fierce gaze and exhibited a cold aura. Next to him, sat a woman who's face showed evident signs of age but one could still tell she should have been quite beautiful when she was younger. The woman seemed to be talking about her day to the man as the man was lost in his own thoughts. This man was the head of the Wang Family, Wang Yuan, Wang Meng's father as well as the father of Wang Wei and Wang Fang.

"You know dearest husband; Wang Fang has finally caught the eye of Young Master Bo from the Shattered Rock Pavilion. This could be our chance of forming a relationship to one of the great sects to raise the status of Wang Family and increase the resources of Wang City!"

After hearing what his first wife said, Wang Yuan eyes began to light up with anticipation. The Wang Family's influence has begun to dwindle as he became the last cultivator in the Wang Family to remain. The Wang Family as of late has found it challenging to replenish its resources from the raise of other influences in Wang City. Because of this, it became harder for Wang Yuan to keep the foothold that the Wang Family possessed firmly planted as the leading family of Wang City. After establishing a firm relationship with the Shattered Rock Pavilion through Wang Fang, the Wang Family's power will be able to grow exponentially from where it is now.

As Wang Yuan began to fantasize about the growth of his Wang Family, he heard the cries of a young girl and the heavy footsteps of many guards as they quickly rushed into the main room of the estate. The guards were holding a palanquin that seemed to be roughed from the quick pace that the guards were using to carry it.

"Mother, Father!" Wang Fang began to cry even harder as she knew she was finally in front of her parents. Wang Wei was beside her, supporting her so she wouldn't rush out.

Hearing her daughter cry in such an alarming way, Liu Yang gasped in shock.

"What happened?!" Liu Yang questioned as she got up from her seat to get a closer look at her daughter's ailment.

"It was that son of a bitch, Wang Meng and his servant. They did this to Wang Fang," said Wang Wei softly to his mother as he exited the palanquin.

"What?! How dare they?!" Liu Yang's face became red with anger. "Where are they now?"

"We already captured one of them," Wang Wei said as he motioned for one of the guards to drop Fatty on to the floor. "I already sent the main estate guards to capture Wang Meng and his mother using the command symbol you gave me," he whispered quietly to his mother. "It won't be long till those fools will no longer be living inside the estate.

"You did good my son. This will be a good chance of finally getting rid of those peasants from the main estate. Now, let me see what is wrong with your sister."

"Brace yourself mother," Wang Wei said as he held his mother as she slightly opened the curtain of the palanquin.

"Gasp," Liu Yang could not believe her eyes as she says the state of her daughter. Just as she was going to cry out, the sound of more guards came from outside the main hall.

The guards approached with two figures, throwing Wang Meng to the floor as they arrived in the middle of the hall.

"Here are the people that you requested, sir," said the head guard as he bowed and motion for the rest of the guards to leave.

"Hmm, requested?" Wang Yuan questioned as he focused in on Wang Meng.

Wang Meng's heart has been pounding heavily in his chest ever since he heard the head guard say they were being brought to the main estate's great hall. After being tossed onto the floor like trash, he slowly raised his head up, only to see the piercing gaze from the pair of eyes he dreaded the most.

The eyes of his father, Wang Yuan.