
The DragonWolf

Meliane_Djedjroh · 書籍·文学
1 Chs


**A Pact of Shadows**

The chill winds of the North howled through the ancient halls of Winterfell as the sun set behind the towering walls. Within the stone chambers, Lyanna Stark labored to bring her child into the world. Her father, Lord Benjen Stark, stood vigil outside, his face a mask of concern and determination. This child, conceived in violence, would be born amidst the cold and shadows of Winterfell.

As the first cries of Aerion Snow echoed through the halls, a sense of foreboding mingled with the hope that a new life brings. The midwives hurried to clean the newborn and present him to his mother. Lyanna, exhausted but resolute, cradled her son, whose silvery blonde hair and piercing silver eyes marked him as a child of both the Starks and the Targaryens.

In the cradle beside them lay a dragon egg, a gift from King Jaehaerys Targaryen in an attempt to appease the North and avoid war. Mere minutes after Aerion's birth, the egg began to crack. From within, a beautiful she-dragon with silver scales emerged, her eyes reflecting the firelight. Lyanna named her Moonfyre, a symbol of hope amidst the darkness.

King Jaehaerys, understanding the gravity of the situation, returned the New Gift to the Starks, lands that had been callously ripped from them in the past. He also granted them a twenty-year tax exemption and provided Lyanna with a considerable sum of gold. Furthermore, Lyanna was given the lordship of Moat Cailin to be inherited by her child one day.

Aerion's birth was marked by more than the hatching of Moonfyre. Unknown to anyone, Aerion carried memories of another life. In a distant world, he had been an archaeologist, fascinated by ancient histories and legends. His untimely death had led to an unexpected rebirth in this strange yet familiar land, with extraordinary gifts bestowed upon him by mysterious forces. One such gift was the super soldier serum, which coursed through his veins, granting him strength, speed, and endurance far beyond that of a normal child. Another was the promise of summoning a loyal servant from the FATE universe on his tenth name day.


**The Frozen Dawn**

Winterfell bustled with activity as the first rays of dawn pierced through the icy veil of the North. Aerion Snow, now six years old, darted through the courtyards, his laughter echoing off the stone walls. Moonfyre, his loyal companion, followed closely, her scales glistening like a field of silver frost.

Despite his status as a bastard, Aerion was fiercely loved by his family. His grandfather, Lord Benjen Stark, was a stern yet loving figure, teaching Aerion the importance of honor and duty. "A Stark always keeps his word," Benjen would say, his voice stern but his eyes filled with pride. Aerion took these lessons to heart, striving to live up to the legacy of his family.

Uncle Rickon was the perfect father figure, guiding Aerion with a firm yet gentle hand. His wisdom and strength were invaluable, and Aerion admired him deeply. Rickon's lessons in leadership were always delivered with patience and kindness, and he treated Aerion as his own son.

Bennard, the master swordsman, was the fun-loving uncle yet a peerless warrior instructor. He trained Aerion rigorously in the art of combat. Though the boy's enhanced abilities made him a prodigy, Bennard never let him become complacent. "You may have the strength of ten men, but it's your skill and heart that will make you a true warrior," Bennard often reminded him.

His mother, Lyanna, was his sanctuary. Her fierce love and unwavering support were the bedrock of his life. Despite the circumstances of his birth, she made sure Aerion never felt unloved or unwanted. "You are my heart, Aerion," she would whisper to him at night, her voice filled with unspoken vows of protection and hope.

The Northern lords, initially wary of the Targaryen blood within him, grew to admire Aerion. His natural charm, coupled with the strength and honor of the Starks, endeared him to all. He was one of them, not a Targaryen interloper, but a true son of the North.

Aerion's bond with Moonfyre grew stronger with each passing day. The dragon was more than just a companion; she was an extension of his soul. Together, they explored the vast forests, soared above the icy plains, and dreamt of a future where the North would rise to greatness once more. Their connection was a blend of mutual trust and shared purpose, a symbiosis that transcended the typical dragon-rider relationship. For Aerion, the connection was exhilarating, like a part of his soul had been awakened by Moonfyre's presence. He could feel her emotions, her thoughts, and even the rhythm of her heartbeat, creating a bond that was both profound and intimate.

Aerion's gifts from the Wheel of Reincarnation began to manifest early. His physical abilities were enhanced, akin to the mythical super soldier serum, granting him strength, speed, and endurance far beyond that of a normal child. This serum coursed through his veins, making his reflexes sharper, his movements swifter, and his endurance nearly limitless. The power was intoxicating, a reminder of the extraordinary path he was destined to tread.

Moreover, Aerion knew that on his tenth name day, he would gain the ability to summon a loyal servant from another world. In his past life, he had been a fan of the FATE series, a world of legendary heroes and epic battles. The thought of summoning a heroic spirit from that universe filled him with anticipation and excitement. He often dreamt of the day he would call forth a guardian, a partner in his journey through this dangerous world.

Aerion's childhood was filled with love and learning. His grandfather Benjen taught him the importance of honor and duty. His uncles Rickon and Bennard instilled in him the skills of a warrior. His mother, Lyanna, was his rock, her love a constant in a world of uncertainty.

However, despite the idyllic nature of his early years, a storm was brewing. The Boltons, ever the enemies of House Stark, had been secretly amassing their forces, binding their time until they decided to strike. When they did, it was swift and brutal, catching the North by surprise.

Aerion, just five years old, watched in despair as his family prepared for battle. Too young to join them, he felt the weight of his helplessness. His dragon, though growing swiftly, was still not ready for the brutality of war. He could only watch as his uncles, grandfather, and the brave men of Winterfell rode out to face their foes.

The conflict was long and bloody, marked by fierce battles and heavy losses on both sides. The Starks and their loyal Northern houses fought valiantly, but the Boltons and their allies were relentless. Desperate for aid, Benjen Stark sent pleas to King's Landing, seeking the help of the Iron Throne. But the Targaryens, resolutely silent, responded with empty platitudes. The pleas of the North went unanswered, and the sense of abandonment weighed heavily on the Starks.

The only one who responded was Princess Rhaenys Targaryen. Defying her grandfather the king, she flew to the North atop her fearsome she-dragon, the Red Queen Meleys, accompanied by the fleet of her husband, Corlys Velaryon. Rhaenys' arrival brought a glimmer of hope, but by then it was too late. The Boltons had been defeated, but at a terrible cost. The Stark forces were decimated, their victory tainted by the blood of their kin. Aerion's uncles and many of their allies had fallen in battle. Winterfell was left in mourning, its halls echoing with the silence of loss.

Aerion, now seven, stood amidst the ruins of his childhood. The devastation around him mirrored the turmoil within. His heart was heavy with grief, self-loathing, and bitterness. He had been helpless to save his family, and the abandonment by his Targaryen kin deepened his resolve to close his heart to them. The only exception was Rhaenys Targaryen, whose courage and defiance had earned his gratitude and respect. Aerion vowed to repay this debt, no matter the cost.

With only the aging Benjen Stark, his daughter Lyanna, and the young Aerion remaining, House Stark was a shadow of its former self. In a solemn ceremony witnessed by the remaining Northern lords and the sympathetic Rhaenys Targaryen and Corlys Velaryon, Aerion Snow was legitimized as Aerion Stark, heir to Winterfell.

As Aerion took his place as the heir of Winterfell, he vowed to honor his family's legacy and protect the North with all his strength. The boy who once laughed freely and explored with his dragon was now marked by the weight of his responsibilities and the pain of loss. His demeanor changed, becoming more somber and contemplative . Aerion's silver eyes, once filled with the wonder of childhood, now held a depth of sorrow and determination that belied his age.

Aerion's transformation was complete. The child of joy and laughter had given way to a young lord, burdened by the legacy of his family and the weight of his destiny.

just something I thought about way back. I don't know where this will take me but I hope to have with this story.

All feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Meliane_Djedjrohcreators' thoughts