
Ysayle Dangoulain

"Who do you mean you are an orphan like I'm," says Ysayle as she looked suspicious at Vincent again.

"Right. Put you saw him already. Remember the Golden Dragon before coming here," says Vincent as Ysayle nods and he continues, "That was Akatosh. The God of Time and Space in this World. Also, my father since he made me his son after bringing me over."

"So you became the son of a Primal?" asks Ysayle as a man appears behind her.

"Don't compare me with those primitive gods that your wild people summon. Even Hydaelyn is a Primal if we look at it correctly," says Akatosh who wasn't even bordered by the snowstorm that was going on when Vyrve goes to his knees and bows to Akatosh since he is a Paladin of Auri-El like his father.

"Now now don't knee just because you see me," says Akatosh as he sees Vyrve kneeling in the snow and continues, "We are in the middle of a snowstorm."

Vyrve stands up and Akatosh takes a closer look at Ysayle and says, "Arkay had a new name in his book that didn't belong to someone from Nirn. It seems he was right."

Akatosh makes the snowstorm disappear and says, "You are talented maybe Kynareth has some use for you. But it seems my son wants to have you by his side."

"Who?" asks Ysayle as she looked at Akatosh who pointed at Vincent.

"My son," says Akatosh again as Ysayle looked at where Akatosh was pointing finding only Vincent in the direction as Akatosh says, "It seems he had a crush on you since you two traveled together with the other to stop that Nidhogg."

"That can't be he was always ready to strike me down," says Ysayle remembering the time they traveled together.

"Oh, are you sure," says Akatosh as suddenly a memory of both were now synced together as Vincent's helmet was removed so she could see his face.

"He was quite sad when you parted ways. How about this memory," says Akatosh as another memory appeared. In this one, Ysayle sacrificed herself for them.

She could clearly see Vincent's sad and fury seeing how he even fought against Estinien who only wanted to finish his mission in recuperating Nidhogg's eye.

"Why were you lying then," asks Ysayle as she now looked at Vincent.

"Because I wasn't ready back then. Many would have branded me as a traitor with the Dragons still as our enemy," says Vincent as he walked towards her.

"Don't come nearer," says Ysayle as an ice sword appears in her hand and she points it at Vincent.

Vincent didn't stop and walked into the blade as if he didn't care as the blade entered his body. He kept walking until he hugged her and the sword was full of his blood and he whispers, "I'm sorry for leaving you and I'm sorry for not being there when I had to."

"You know that when I fought against the Garlean holding them back so you could fulfill your mission I was really sad to leave you all while I took the easy way out," says Ysayle as she let go of the sword and says, "We need to heal you."

"Don't worry he is immortal. He won't die unless you bury him in different places," says Akatosh as he sees Ysayle being preoccupied by seeing Vincent's wound before he looks at Vyrve and Behemoth while saying, "Take the sword out and use some healing spells. It will bring more harm to take him like that to Winterhold. The people will begin to think that their King can't win against the Ice Witch."

"Ice Witch?" asks Ysayle as she never heard that nickname.

"The people around this hold call you like that," says Vyrve as he grabs the sword when Ysayle wanted to warn him not to grab it.

Vyrve took the sword out without a problem dumbfounding Ysayle who wanted to warn him because it is too cold to be touched by normal hands.

"He is a Falmer, Snow Elf in our language. He is good with cold stuff," says Vincent as Behemoth used Vita and Regena on Vincent to get him patched up when Akatosh pets Behemoth.

"They really are intelligent to be able to use magic," says Akatosh as he looked at Vincent and says, "I should have brought more of them with me but well you can produce more of them with the two you have."

"So I'm now a breeder instead of King," says Vincent when Akatosh smiles.

"You can be both. You can be King and breed in your free time," says Akatosh as he looks at the sun and says, "Time to leave take good care of my son."

Akatosh then vanishes and Ysayle says, "He really is mysterious."

"Not really. He brought me here so I could stop his firstborn so my older brother if we say it correctly and before you ask no he was not humanoid but a Dragon," says Vincent as he wanted to hug Ysayle again but she evaded and had sparkles in her eyes.

"So Dragons exist here too," says Ysayle excited to hear that as Vyrve was grinning trying to hide his laugh behind that grin when Ysayle asks, "What's so funny?"

"Nothing just that you ditched a hug from the person the Dragons call King," says Vyrve informing Ysayle as she now looked at Vincent.

"Is that true?" asks Ysayle curious.

"Yes, after killing the World-Eater Alduin I became the Dragonking. It was quite easy since he was still weak and was reviving his dead brothers," says Vincent.

"Only brothers?" asks Ysayle confused.

"There are no female Dragons. Also no Dragon Eggs. They were born through Akatosh or something like that. Mina and Elisif are the experts in history they will most likely explain it better than I can," says Vincent as Ysayle looked at him confused.

"And who are they?" asks Ysayle.

"They are his wives. Then there is Serana and my sister too," says Vyrve as Vincent felt some shivers run down his spine as Ysayle suddenly transformed into Shiva making not only Vincent feel shivers but Vyrve and Behemoth felt it too.

"You are married and you still chase after skirts," says Ysayle angry.

"My wives know that since the beginning. It Mina who talked me into it after all," says Vincent as he was trying to save Vyrve and Behemoth from the cold Ysayle was radiating.

"Why could you say yes so easy to her and not to me when I asked you?" asks Ysayle as she was pretty much pissed than angry that Vincent married someone.

"It wasn't really easy. You know that I'm a blockhead in those matters. It was she who made the first step even the proposal was made by her. After that we were engaged and I had to get into a political marriage to become the King of Skyrim," says Vincent explain to Ysayle how it came to be that he was married.

Ysayle cooled down after hearing Vincent say that it wasn't even he who proposed to them but the other way around as the cold radiation stopped and she turned back to her normal form while saying, "You are right you were denser than anyone else in the group and even when you like someone you never showed it."

"Good, you calmed down. It would have been bad to tell the others that we parted after a fight," says Vincent as Ysayle raised her eyebrow.

"The others? Aren't you here alone," says Ysayle as Vincent takes the crystal out and Ysayle says, "You have a crystal weren't you just a Dragoon."

"I was promoted after being killed by Nidhogg," says Vincent as Ysayle looked at him seriously since she knew Nidhogg got killed by them before she died.

"You don't believe me let me explain it to you," says Vincent as he explained what happened since she died until he died.

"So he took over Estinien and wreak havoc again until you stopped him again," says Ysayle.

"More like Bultechu, I was just there to help him," says Vincent.

"And yet you died," says Ysayle stating the truth.

"If I didn't, you would still be under the deads," says Vincent.

"Guys we should leave before it gets dark. We need to find an inn that isn't in Winterhold after all," says Vyrve reminding Vincent that Ysayle can't enter Winterhold with what he said yesterday in the inn.

"Right, we should leave," says Vincent as he mounts Behemoth with Vyrve while he stretches his hand out towards Ysayle and says, "Ready to meet the others. They are anticipating you since they knew of your existence."

"You told them about me?" asks Ysayle.

"Well, Mina knows about you and Elisif found out after I married her and I could trust her with my secret. Also a little secret for you. I can turn into a Dragon but my appearance resembles Nidhogg when I do it. It can be because of Alduin or because of my memories so if you see a Black Dragon flying around my house don't attack or the children will get scared," says Vincent as Ysayle looked at him in disbelief.

"You have children. How many?" asks Ysayle as Vincent smiles.

"Four all of them adopted and two that are being carried by their mothers right now," says Vincent as Ysayle was happy that Vincent was expecting children of his own.

"So you adopted them because?" asks Ysayle.

"Because they are like and they have potential. I want them to have a better childhood I and Estinien had even better than yours," says Vincent as they take off and Vincent says, "We will sleep in Windhelm it should be the nearest place with an inn."

"The City of Kings, good choice," says Vyrve as he really wanted to see the city.

"The City of Kings?" asks Ysayle since she doesn't know anything about Skyrim.

"Elisif will explain it to you once we are at home," says Vincent as they were flying over the sea towards land.

Hope you like it.

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