
You Broke Her

After Anra was done with them did Vincent burn the corpses as he looked at her and asks, "Are you alright?"

"Yes, we are lucky that we made the basement soundproof," says Anra relieved as she finally could conclude with this matter.

"Good, because you still have to teach the other three," says Vincent as Anra walked towards the stairs before she stopped.

"What about Mara Sov?" asks Anra curious about what Vincent had in mind with her.

"What about her?" asks Vincent teasing Anra, knowing what she wanted from him.

"You know what I mean. Are you going to marry her?" asks Anra as Vincent shakes his head.

"No, or at least, not yet. She is a stranger to us, not like Ciri or Yennefer. It would need some time before I can think about a relationship with her," says Vincent as Anra smiled at him.

"Well, in one year many things can happen between you two. Also, Mina went on the offensive so keep your guard up," says Anra warning Vincent as she knew that her husband doesn't like to marry if he doesn't have some feeling for the person after what happened with Cassandra and Evelyn.

"I will keep that in mind," says Vincent when he summoned all his armors around him.

"Are you going to adjust them?" asks Anra as Vincent nods.

"Yes, I might have lost my big built but I gained more advantages because of it," says Vincent as he then summoned his clothes and robes and removed the Dragon Scales that were in them.

"I might have to visit some old friends of mine," says Vincent as he wasn't good at sewing.

"They still live in Solitude and have a big boutique maybe you can buy us all some gifts while taking Ciri there to get her bridal dress," says Anra as Vincent nods with a smile.

He began to work on the armors which he delayed already long enough adjusting them to his new body and improving the material it was made of. He used some new material which he infused with Dragon Bones so they could melt with him once he turns into a Dragon.

It took Vincent half the time he thought he would need to complete it when he began to upgrade his weapons for a bit, giving them glowing edges which were in different colors suiting the classes.

After he was done he looked at his watch and sees that he missed dinner. He stands up and leaves the forge finding Mina still sitting at the table.

"Did you wait for me?" asks Vincent as Mina walks into the kitchen and brings out his dinner.

"Someone has to look after you. Every time you have a hammer in your hand you forget the time around you," says Mina as she sent the others to sleep.

"It is quite late. You shouldn't have waited for me," says Vincent as he began to eat.

"If I didn't someone else would have waited for you and accompanied you," says Mina speaking the truth as Vincent finished his meal.

"Then we should join the others quietly. Yennee must be sleeping soundly at the moment and we don't want her to wake up," says Vincent as they quietly joined the others in the bedroom.

The next morning, Vincent was with Saladin on the Throat of the World again as Saladin was showing him how to use the sub-classes of Defender and Striker when Vincent noticed that Saladin didn't teach him a third which was based on Sol Energy.

"Why only Arc and Void Energy?" asks Vincent as Saladin coughs for a bit.

"The third would be Sunbreaker but I never learned the way of the Sunbreaker. If you really want to learn the way of a Sunbreaker you will need to wait until they arrive in one year with the others," says Saladin as Vincent nods understanding that Saladin couldn't possibly know every sub-class.

"I need to meditate for a while," says Vincent as Saladin nods in agreement since meditation is one of the best ways to master their Light.

Vincent was sitting in the snow when he suddenly stood up with his eyes still closed. A Void sword and shield appears in his hands again which he swings around before an ax made out of Sol Energy appears in his hands.

Every strike contained raw power in it before a spear made out of Arc Energy appears in his hand. Vincent felt unstoppable as he rushed through enemies that he imagined standing in front of him.

Then the spear turned into daggers and he continued to kill his enemies as Saladin was seeing everything from a safe distance losing his mind because of how fast Vincent was learning and the new sub-classes he was using.

'It is so natural like breathing for him. If we had a Guardian like him before then we wouldn't have to run from our homes. Even Siva would have been an easy thing to deal with and the other Iron Lords would still be with us,' thinks Saladin seeing Vincent perform those new and old sub-classes.

Vincent suddenly had a Sol musket in his hands which he shot surprising Saladin that Vincent would use such an old weapon. Once Vincent went through a whole rotation with his classes which he could combine with one or even two of the three new Energies he can use.

Once he stopped he sat down again to stop his trance and he stood back up while saying, "We should stop for today. I feel exhausted and that is a feeling I didn't have in a long time."

"That is normal you did something many Guardians dream they could do," says Saladin complimenting Vincent.

Vincent opens a rift home and they pass through it when Saladin says, "Maybe you should ask Ikora to teach you tomorrow the Path of a Warlock. It will be hard to learn the Path of a Hunter until the others arrive but maybe you should exchange your musket for a newer model."

"Maybe I should," says Vincent with a smile as they arrived before the others woke up.

Vincent entered the kitchen and began cooking the breakfast for everyone while Saladin went for his room.

Once breakfast was ready Vincent called everyone to the table as he took Yennee from Yennefer so she could eat while he was playing with her when he says, "Ciri, you will be accompanying me to Solitude."

Ciri was confused when Yennefer says, "You need to get your wedding dress, and Solitude is one of the most popular brands when it comes to clothes. My wedding dress was made there as well."

"They made your wedding dress as well?" asks Vincent surprised as the women all giggled.

"Every our wedding dresses were made by them why should Yennefer's be different," says Mina as the three Ambassadors were confused about what was going on.

"What are you talking about?" asks Ikora as the group remembered that the three didn't know that Vincent would marry Ciri in five days.

"Ciri here will be marrying Vincent in five days. She waited a long time for this," says Mina informing the three about what will be happening soon.

"I will also need to buy a new musket mine is quite old for the time we live in," says Vincent as he didn't know where he could get a new one.

"Well, yours was the first-ever constructed by your father. They are far more advanced now compared to your old one bullet musket. I don't even know if they produce ammunition for your musket any longer," says Mina as the old bullets were molten again to forge new things.

"You should go to Kvatch and meet Silas. He is the best Gunslinger in the family," says Anra as Vincent was curious now.

"Which part?" asks Vincent as Anra smiles.

"The Cousland part. He is a descendant of Isabela and Arthur. He takes more after Isabela as he uses both knives and guns to fight but he retired in Kvatch helping in creating better weapons," says Anra informing Vincent.

"Then after doing everything in Solitude I will go to Kvatch and meet Silas Cousland," says Vincent as he noticed that Yennefer finished eating.

He places Yennee in her baby seat and began to eat his portion when Saladin says, "Ikora, you will be teaching Vincent beginning tomorrow. I don't have more to teach him."

"He is that fast," says Ikora as she wasn't surprised going by what Saladin told her yesterday.

"Yes, he even created new sub-classes out of nothing," says Saladin complimenting Vincent.

"Now, I had a good teacher," says Vincent as he finishes his food.

He stands up and opens a rift while saying, "We should leave right away. The faster we order the dress the faster it is made."

"You will find your way?" asks Mina knowing that Solitude isn't a small town as it used to be.

"I should be able to find the store," says Vincent as he and Ciri pass through the rift arriving at the old gate of Solitude in the middle of the city.

"This is new," says Vincent as he couldn't recognize anything in Solitude as it was quite modernized when a guard walks towards them.

He sees that Vincent was in a Dragoon Armor making him say, "Sir, it is forbidden to teleport into the city."

"Ah, sorry about that. The last time I was in Solitude the entrance gate was right here but now I am already inside the city it seems," says Vincent as the guard was thinking before he realizes something.

"It seems you weren't in Solitude for over 200 years that is no wonder since Au-Ras have a longer lifespan than we Men. Where are you going since it has been such a long time since you visited Solitude?" asks the guard as he wanted to help Vincent.

"I was going to visit some friends of mine who should own Radiant Raiments. Is it still where it used to be?" asks Vincent as the guard nods and points in the direction.

Vincent thanks the guards and he and Ciri walked towards Radiant Raiments when the guard says to himself, "I can't believe that those two old bats had friends."

Vincent found himself in front of a three-story building with a worker handing out fliers to potential guests when Vincent enters it with Ciri and they walk towards the receptionist which was behind her desk right at the entrance.

"What can I help you with?" asks the receptionist as the store was quite big and with her help they could find what they want to buy faster.

"Is Taarie or Endarie around. I am an old friend of theirs," says Vincent as the receptionist looked at him suspiciously.

"I can give them your name but if they want to see you is another story," says the receptionist not believing one word of Vincent as she knew the sisters and they seemed to hate anyone except for the descendants of Taarie.

Vincent leaned forward not wanting to say his name out loud as he whispers to the receptionist, "Vincent Highwind."

The receptionist dropped the phone she was holding out of shock as she froze completely, making Ciri say, "I think you broke her."

Hope you like it.

Deathseekercreators' thoughts