
Wuldimar the Strong

Hermaeus Mora retreats while saying, "You won't be able to defend him forever."

"I won't need to but you should keep some of those eyes on your back the next time you meet him Mori or it might be the last time we will talk," says Sheogorath as he waves his hand in goodbye.

Then Sheogorath turns to Vincent and says, "Now what do I do with you. How about this I can keep one of your companions and I will tell you the secret of how to kill a Daedric Prince. Do we have a deal?"

Sheogorath was stretching his hand out and Vincent says, "How about ten wheels of cheese for that secret?"

"Oh cheese let me think about it," says Sheogorath as he takes Vincent's hand and says, "Deal."

Vincent takes ten wheels of cheese out and hands them over to Sheogorath who then says, "It's quite simple. You just need to take its place. The one that kills the Prince needs to become the prince or the killed prince will just return quite vengefully."

"So someone needs to take its place," says Vincent as Sheogorath nods.

"If you do it then you won't be able to return to Nirn until you are strong enough and with the flames being back its quite hard for the weak ones to return to Nirn," says Nocturnal warning Vincent about taking Hermaeus Mora's place.

"So we need someone that can take his place. What about a Dragon?" says Vincent as he was curious.

"It is possible but he should be a loyal one if you want to give this much power to one individual," says Nocturnal while Sheogorath was laughing.

"Oh don't know if I'm the Mad God or you right now. Promoting a Dragon to a Daedric Prince can be quite dreadful with their nature of going crazy once they have power," says Sheogorath as he was lying on the ground laughing his ass off.

"Who would you even put as the Daedric Prince?" asks Vyrve as he was rather interested to find out before judging the decision.

"Durnehviir," says Vincent as Serana opened her eyes while the other two were confused while the Daedric Princes present were nodding.

"It would be a good choice. He can't stay long on Nirn because his body was for too long in the Soul Cairn so becoming a Daedric Prince would make him powerful but he won't be able to stay for long on Nirn because of his body. It would be perfect but the problem is that you will need him to enter Apocrypha and for that you will need to do so aren't I right," says Nocturnal as she agreed to Vincent candidate.

"Yeah, the dragon isn't that bad. I see why you want him to become the new Hermaeus Mora. But the question now is how to get you to Apocrypha," says Sheogorath as suddenly they heard someone coming near and Sheogorath says, "One of Hircis beasts if I'm not wrong."

"That could be right," says the man with many scars running down his cheek while a big one was going horizontal the whole forehead. He had long wild black hair and says, "Hircine was expecting you sooner and not in this place but in Falkreath."

"Falkreath?" asks Vincent when Karliah remembers something.

"A Werewolf was killed by the court of Falkreath. He was taken prisoner with the help of some Vampires that could overpower him. He was about to kill a little girl if the Vampires didn't intervene. He was executed on the spot for that the only thing he had was a ring with a wolf head on it," says Karliah as Vincent was trying to remember and hits his fist into his palm as he remembers.

"Right it was when I was dealing with the Vampire Crisis," says Vincent when the man nods.

"He had a cursed ring that turned him into a werewolf at random because he stole the ring from a corpse of an Orc Werewolf that died while fighting another Werewolf in a little fight between two Werewolf packs. He runs from the battle after securing the ring and Hircine didn't like it that much but he hated it even more than Vampires could tame the Werewolf," says the man.

"Why are you here is my question?" asks Nocturnal as Sheogorath was feeling bored at the moment and that could be dangerous for anyone nearby.

"Hircine sent me to inform your champion that his were beast would be glad to serve his army. He saw how your champion doesn't discriminate between his people and that it could be for his people to enter society," says the man as he turned to Vincent and put one knee to the ground and waits for Vincent to say his opinion.

"You want to serve me is what you want to say," says Vincent as the man nods and Vincent continues, "Does Hircine know the rules the Vampires have to hold so they can join my ranks?"

"He wasn't entirely happy that we would have to give up the hunt for humanoids but we will follow said rules if we can enter society without repercussions of what we are," says the man as he was still kneeling.

"Well you will hunt your kin if they don't bid by the law are you able to do so?" asks Vincent as his eyes turned cold and the man could see the Twin Dragons looking at him from behind Vincent.

"Yes," says the man as the eyes turned warm again and a hand appeared in front of his face.

"Then stand up you will be my second general," says Vincent as he helped the man up and asks, "Your name is?"

"Wuldimar the Strong," says Wuldimar as he was helped up by Vincent.

"What were beast are you?" asks Vincent as he was curious.

"I'm a Werebear. My pack lives on Solstheim for a long time now and when Hircine came to us he wanted the strongest to meet you and join you in your quest making an example to the others were beast," says Wuldimar as he was back on his feet and continues, "My pack is packing up to leave the island with you once you settled everything that you have to settle her on Solstheim."

"Then you should move," says Sheogorath as he called for Haskill and asks, "How do we get the Dragonborn into Apocrypha?"

"The easiest way and most silent way would be by using one of the Black Tomes Hermaeus Mora has around Nirn. I think five or six are only on this island," says Haskill and he takes a map out of Solstheim and points at said locations where a book should be.

"This place is where the Cult is living. It is also nearby the easiest way to get to Apocrypha," says Vincent as he made a plan already inside his head.

"Should I ask my pack to attack the cult?" asks Wuldimar as Vincent shakes his head.

"No, it seems the cultist are controlled by the head of the cult. But first, we should continue to free the stones from the cult's control," says Vincent as Sheogorath and Nocturnal nod.

"I will be leaving then. Haskill carry the wheels of cheese back home we will have a feast today," says Sheogorath as he disappears Haskill takes all the wheels and follows his master.

"We will see each other again," says Nocturnal as she disappears in Vincent's shadow again.

The group then continues with their new member as they free the last three stones of the cult influence when a small group of Rieklings stopped them. They weren't aggressive towards them and even bowed their heads towards the group showing respect to them.

"You human strong. Respect you for saving our people," says a Riekling who was riding a boar as he continues, "We invite you to our home."

"Maybe later little friend. We are on a mission to stop the cult right now," says Vincent as he wasn't repulsed by the Rieklings that reminded him of the Goblin on Eorzea.

He petted the boar when the Riekling says, "You always welcome."

They continue and Wuldimar asks, "Why didn't you kill them?"

"They reminded me of a race from my home. They are also intelligent beings just misunderstood because some of them worship Titan one of the primals that room Eorzea," says Vincent as he liked those inoffensive Rieklings.

They continue and arrived near the temple and Vyrve says, "It's highly defended. If we go in loud many of the cultists will die we should try to be stealthy this time."

"I agree with Vyrve on this," says Serana as she saw the cultists being controlled against their wills.

"We should distract them by making two of us drag most of them away while the rest enters. Once inside they need to be stealthy and take the cultist that remain out clean and fast out without killing them," says Karliah as she made already a plan in her head.

"I agree with your Dunmer friend. We should distract them. I and your Falmer friend should be enough while you three infiltrate," says Wuldimar as Vincent nods.

"Good you and Vyrve will distract them once you have their attention we will infiltrate. Remember no killing knock them out or keep retreating," says Vincent to both of them as they nod and leave the three behind.

They begin as planned and attract the cultists out as they followed the two as they retreat from the temple. Once they saw the chance Vincent and the other two entered the temple and make a quick way through it as they took the cultists out.

Arriving in a chamber they find a black tome lying on a pedestal and Vincent says, "That must be the tome we are looking for."

He takes the book and continues, "We should leave now that we have it."

They move again as they rushed outside and once outside Vincent shoots fire into the air signaling the other that they made it.

"Alright time to leave," says Vyrve as he saw the signal while Wuldimar was confused by Vyrve's decision.

"Why do we leave do you want them to die in the temple?" asks Wuldimar as he got hit by Vyrve in the face.

"Never say that again. I would never let my brother-in-law die," says Vyrve as he points at the signal that was barely visible and continues, "That's the signal for success they are already outside waiting for us somewhere safe."

Wuldimar now knowing that Vyrve was Vincent's brother-in-law wasn't surprised why he got hit in the face. He was more surprised by the force the punch had since no one in the pack could make him fall from a punch like that.

They retreat as they left the cultists behind. The cultists were recovering the wounded and retreated back once the two were too far away from the temple.

Vincent and the other two regrouped with Vyrve and Wuldimar as Vincent asks, "How did it go for both of you?"

"It was a success we killed no one and just injured them lightly enough that they wouldn't be able to continue fighting," says Vyrve as Wuldimar nods and both saw a smile on Vincent's face.

"Good job both of you," says Vincent as he puts his hands on their shoulders and then continues, "Now you four will have to guard me until I return."

"We will do our best," says Vyrve, Karliah and Wuldimar while Serana kissed him.

"Just come back save and sound," says Serana as Vincent kissed her back.

"I will don't worry," says Vincent with confidence as he opened the black tome and suddenly tentacles grabbed him and dragged him inside.

Hope you like it.

Deathseekercreators' thoughts