
Vol.2 Embarking on a new Adventure

Two years pass since the Qunari landed on Tamriel as they learned Tamrielic and found out that Jyggalag was really a demon or better said Daedric Prince.

The left the Qun and became Tal-Vashoth as Vincent heard that they would join the Empire. Their first task was to sail with Vincent and his wives towards Thedas and to sail back to Tamriel to inform about the situation.

They asked where to go when Vincent opened his book and says, "We are sailing for Ferelden."

"Ferelden? Are you sure my lord that's where you want to go? The land smells like wet dog and it's nothing but mud the whole year," says Kaaras the Qunari Leader as Vincent nods.

"Yes, that will be our first destination," says Vincent as he sat on his chair while the Qunari and other sailors were readying the Flying Argonian.

They sailed for a month it was the fastest the Qunari ever sailed with a ship as they thought that they had almost nothing to do because the Magicka Engine was moving the ship instead of the wind. They only needed to navigate through the sea.

Once near Thedas Vincent and the others could feel that something was wrong. The atmosphere seemed wrong and Vincent asks, "Is this what you called the Veil?"

"Yes, now that we are back in Thedas we can feel it too. Something is wrong with Thedas," says Kaaras as he and the others learned how to use simple magic in Tamriel because Vincent wanted to convince them that they were mages too just not as talented as other people.

"It's not Thedas that is wrong but this so-called Veil," says Akatosh as he appears on the ship.

"The Veil is manmade it was a mer that created it he was driven by rage and doomed everyone letting the Daedra Reign over Thedas," says Akatosh as he showed them how the Veil was created.

"He doomed the fifth race living on Thedas making them Monsters or how you call them Abominations Demons. The Spirit race was like every other race until he created the Veil separating Magic from this Land. That's why only a few can draw magic from the Fade they call but that's only part of oblivion now while the Golden City was a Majestic Mer city that turned black the moment Magic left Land separating the Magical City destroying it forever," says Akatosh still showing it.

"To destroy the Veil you need to find the Mer you cursed this land. Once you find him you can use Hermaeus Mora to find out how to reverse it. He goes by the name of Solas but the Mer call him Fen'harel, The Dread Wolf," says Akatosh showing them the glories past of when the Veil wasn't around.

"It's said he tricked the elven gods and imprisoned them. That is only half the truth. Once separated from the Fade by the Veil the so-called gods that were only Mer became mortals and died with only leaving pieces of their souls behind. Some are in people and some are in Dragons but most are in dead dragons that are in the Deep Roads. That's were the Dwemer life," says Akatosh showing the race thought to be dead ages ago.

"Son I won't lie to you once on Thedas you will face many difficulties. Just march forward as you always do and you should stand victorious over everyone again," says Akatosh as he then disappears.

"I will take care," says Vincent as he looked at the sky.

He looked in front and land was in sight as he asks, "Are we in Ferelden?"

"I don't know until we get nearer to the land. Once we see the flags hissed over the city we will know, my lord," says Kaaras as Vincent told him that they are here incognito.

They got nearer to the land and they see a red flag with a golden hound on it and Kaaras says, "We are near Ferelden this should be Denerim. This is the capital of Ferelden."

"It seems quite small to be a capital. It looks almost as big as Whiterun when I used to live in it," says Vincent as Whiterun was now the Capital of Skyrim. The city was twice as big as the Imperial City when Vincent took it over now.

Better said all cities of the Empire became quite bigger because of the population always growing and peace reigning over Tamriel and Akavir made many cities grow bigger making villages disappear.

Suddenly a ship came near them hissing the Fereldian flag as it came nearer it was only as half as big as the Flying Argonian.

Then they hear, "Identify yourself."

"We are from the Continent named Tamriel. We are here on behalf of the Empire to make contact with this continent and its provinces. We don't want to start a war maybe my Tal-Vashoth friends and I sail for Orlais to talk with them there," says Vincent knowing that mentioning Orlais would piss the people either off or they would show that they are better than Orlais so they could monopolize wares that come from the Empire to Export them into the other kingdoms.

"You sail nowhere," says the man in a commanding tone as suddenly cannons were pointed at the ship and the man says nervously, "Let me contact my superior about your coming to the port."

The ship leaves quite fast as Serana asks, "Was it wise to mention Orlais. Didn't we study that Ferelden hates Orlais to their bones."

"I'm more preoccupied about pointing the cannons at them. They could see it as aggression from our side," says Mina as Vincent sits back down.

"Don't worry we didn't kill anyone. They will know if we really wanted to be aggressive we would have sunk that ship and passed them as nothing ever happened," says Vincent as they waited for the ship to return this time but with an older man with black hair in a bright armor having a shield and sword with him.

"Here speaks Loghain Mac Tir. I'm here as the Ambassador of his Majesty King Cailan Theirin. We would like to get on board to help you navigate towards the dock," says Loghain as Vincent moves his hand and Kaaras command two people to let Loghain board the ship.

Once Loghain was on board Loghain first panicked because of a Dunmer thinking it was an Abomination. Kaaras stopped Loghain quite fast as well as the other people on board when Vincent says, "Harming a citizen of the Empire can lead fast to war. But we will forgive you since you don't know of the Dunmer. In your language, they are called Dark Elves."

"Dark Elves?" asks Loghain as Vincent removes his hood shocking him even more.

"On our continent, we have 17 races that are living there all in harmony respecting everyone's believes. I hope your people aren't as barbaric as my friends told me," says Vincent as Loghain but his sword away.

Seeing that Vincent called for another chair as he sat down so Loghain could sit across him while Kaaras brought a table.

"Now since everyone is calm how about a little talk before we dock," says Vincent as Loghain nod noticing that all the people on the ship looked like sailors but were trained soldiers far better trained and disciplined than his men.

"Why have you really come to Thedas?" asks Loghain as he didn't believe that they just came to do trades.

"We came because we believe that Daedric Princes are reigning over this continent. If you don't believe me ask Kaaras. He couldn't believe it either until he was taught as well as his men," says Vincent as Loghain looked at Kaaras.

"What his m-... I mean, what ser Highwind wants to say is that a Daedric Prince will try to invade Tamriel through Thedas. He heard from us about the Darkspawn and made his way here to see the said enemy," says Kaaras as Vincent gave him quite a glare at the beginning before looking normal.

"I can see that your people can be worried about the Darkspawn but they are under the ground and haven't come out for a long time. We won't see them for at least a millennia or two," says Loghain while Vincent knew it better.

"We will see about it. But even if that is true it would be nice to find out more of your civilization and you from ours. Maybe we can even start an alliance that would benefit each other in the long run," says Vincent as Loghain was still suspicious of Vincent.

"Trust me if we really wanted to do something like conquering your land we would have come with our Legions and not with the little ship. It might look big compared to yours but our ships are twice as big and some can even fly in the air," says Vincent as he was telling the truth the Flying Argonian was formally a Warship that was made into an Ambassador Ship to show the strength of the Empire.

"We should go and land or my daughter and son-in-law will worry why we are taking this long," says Loghain as he just wanted to get off the ship as fast as possible.

"Kaaras go with Loghain and dock the ship. I really want to meet said King Theirin before we investigate the Darkspawn," says Vincent as Kaaras nods and takes Loghain with him.

Loghain knew something was up since all the sailors young or old looked at Vincent with respect as if they were in the presence of royalty.

Once they docked they are welcomed by a man and woman surrounded by guards as the man says, "We welcome you to Ferelden. My name is Cailan Theirin and this is my wife, Anora Mac Tir."

"Thank you I'm Ambassador Highwind but you might call me Vincent Highwind your majesty," says Vincent as his wives came forward and he continues, "Those are my wives. Mina, Serana, Kirvena, Karliah, and Anra."

They give a slight bow when the people were quite shocked by seeing Vincent and the other as they guards tried to go for his sword they could feel an oppressing aura coming at them as Vincent told them the same he told Loghain before they hold their blade not out of sense but fear.

"Maybe we should go somewhere quieter and talk about why we are here," says Vincent as Cailan nods and guides the way while Anora went with the women.

"Are you really happy with a man that has so many women?" asks Anora as the women laugh making her feel confused.

"You should have seen how many he really had. We are the last five that survived the pass of time. We were once 11 women and it was all my idea. He just wanted one woman but I coaxed him to it. In the end, he married one woman of each race," says Mina as she looked proud about it.

"Weren't you jealous of the other women?" asks Anora even more confused hearing that it was Mina's idea.

"Don't worry he has stamina that can please us the whole night the problem was rather if we could walk the next day," says Kirvena as they were arriving at the palace.

In the meantime, Vincent and Cailan with Loghain were talking about the alliance that the Empire wants to make with Ferelden and it would be only with Ferelden.

This made Cailan rather happy while Loghain was even more suspicious as Cailan was about to sign the treaty Loghain took it away and says, "We should study this treaty before signing it, your majesty."

Vincent didn't have anything against it as he says, "You can if you want. But we would need some lodgings to stay in Ferelden for now. As well for the men to relax if you understand what I mean."

"There is a place named the Pearl it should be what your men might be looking for as for you and your wives how about staying in the Palace," says Cailan as he was right now angry at Loghain to think about what he just offered.

"I give you my thanks," says Vincent as he then leaves the two alone in the room hearing a verbal fight break out inside while Vincent says, "You heard the King. They should go to the Pearl to lose some of their drive from not touching a woman for so long."

"Yes, my lord," says Vlad as he appears kneeling in front of Vincent before leaving like a shadow again.

"Hrotti you have a special assignment. I want you to look for the mer named Solas or Dread Wolf. Once you find him inform me about it," says Vincent as Hrotti appears as she looked almost like Aela just her eyes were his.

"Yes, grandfather," says Hrotti as she also leaves towards to get her Chocobo.

"I really hate politics," says Vincent as he retreated to find his wives.

Hope you like it.

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