
Travel towards Orzammar

The next morning the streets of Highever were housing quite a number of Chocobos that had the Legionaries on them and were led by a bigger Black Chocobo that didn't have someone on his back.

The people were nervous as they saw the people marching towards the castle as some Chocobos didn't have people on their back like the leading Chocobo.

When they arrived in front of the gates to the castle the knights were quite nervous until Vincent, his wives and scholars arrived at the gates with Teyrn and Teyrna, as well as Arthur Cousland. Vincent didn't want to see a crying Oren that's why Fergus stayed behind with Oriana trying to take Oren's attention.

"I hope to see you again," says Bryce with a smile as he shook the hand of Vincent.

"We will," says Vincent confident as he then walked over to Behemoth and jumps onto him waiting for Arthur who was on a horse.

"We are leaving," says Vincent as the troop gives a small united growl from themselves showing their unity.

They begin to march while Arthur was directly beside Vincent since Vincent was leading the troops while Arthur was his guide.

"How long will it take to reach Orzammar?" asks Vincent curiously.

"It might take us normally a week since we are riding," says Arthur as Vincent smiles at that.

"So it should take us three to four days right," says Vincent as Arthur wasn't following his logic.

"Sir, we will take at least a week," says Arthur back as he was confused why Vincent said they would take only three to four days.

"No, we won't. The Chocobos can go faster. It would be better if you just jump onto Behemoth and sent the horse back now that we are still near Highever," says Vincent as Arthur was now processing why Vincent said three to four days.

"Sir think again the man, as well as the mounts, will need to rest. They can't march the whole day," says Arthur as Vincent smiles at that.

"Trust me they can," says Vincent with a smile.

Arthur was now feeling sorry for himself while thinking, 'But I can't. My waist will break from this trip.'

Arthur jumped over as he hit the horse's ass and told it to return home. It turned around and galloped towards Highever.

"Now then guide hold tightly or you might fall from Behemoth," says Vincent as he told Behemoth to take it a notch faster while shouting, "We are going faster. If we don't reach Orzammar in four days I will send a letter back to make you train harder once you return."

"Yes, sir," say the Legionaries as they pick up the pace while Kirvena and Karliah were on their Chocobos beside Vincent.

"You know that this isn't a competition. The children won't run away from you," says Karliah confusing Arthur who was sitting behind Vincent.

"What she means is that my husband wants to adopt some Dwemer children as his own," says Kirvena as Arthur was quite confused why Vincent wanted to adopt children that weren't his.

"You want to know why, right," says Kirvena as she saw Arthur's expression who then nods and Kirvena says, "It's quite simple the first four children of Vincent were adopted by him."

They traveled on the Imperial Highway when Vincent asks, "This street isn't Fereldish right?"

"How do you know?" asks Arthur as Vincent looked at him that was saying, 'Really?"

"Fine, it wasn't us but Tevinter that constructed this Highway. They constructed it while they were still occupying Ferelden. That's why all Highways end up in Tevinter," says Arthur explaining how the Highway came to be.

In one day they covered half of the way towards their destination as the people didn't take out any tents or anything else as they just made a fire and lied beside their mounts as they began to sleep while some were on night shift until it was the next shift turn.

Arthur was surprised by this when he looks at Vincent and his wives that also didn't build a tent when he asks, "Why is no one building a tent?"

"Because we have our Chocobos. They are warmer than a tent. We would only build tents if we would fear that it would rain in the next few hours while we rest," says Vincent as Karliah was already sleeping with Kirvena laying beside their mounts when Vincent says, "You will be sleeping with Behemoth tonight. You will see that you won't need a tent."

Arthur was skeptical about that but followed Vincent's instruction when he suddenly felt warm. He fell asleep right away as he didn't really feel pain because a Chocobo was quite soft to sit on but he was still exhausted.

Vincent stayed awake as he didn't really need that much sleep with some hours he would be back to his old form and continue riding.

Nothing really happened the night to the displeasure of the Legionaries as they felt bandits nearby but didn't approach them out of feat it seemed.

Arthur was asking himself why they were displeasure when he asks Vincent, "Why are the soldiers dissatisfied?"

"Because yesterday some Bandits seemed to be around but didn't attack they were intimidated by them," says Vincent explaining to Arthur that even if they are here to guard the scholars they still want to experience some action.

"*sighs* You people are real warmongers, aren't you," says Arthur making Vincent laugh quite loud.

"We really aren't except we are in a war. Then we are as cold-blooded as needed to be to get the war as fast as possible over us so peace can reign again," says Vincent as Arthur again only sighs into his ears.

They arrived at the exit they needed to go down from the Imperial Highway as from there they needed to climb a mountain following a mountain path.

Vincent then surprises everyone by saying, "We are going to rest here for tonight. We cant get stuck on the way from here to Orzammar. It could be dangerous since we don't know the terrain well enough."

The Legionaries nod as they stopped one of the scholars looked up and said something as they Legionaries began to build tents when Arthur asks, "Why are they building tents?"

"It will rain tonight. That's why we are building tents," says Vincent as he built two one for himself and his wives and one for Arthur.

"And how do you know that?" asks Arthur confused when Vincent points at the sky.

"You just need to look into the sky to see that a giant black cloud is coming towards us. But if you have a nose you could smell it too," says Vincent as he could smell the wetness in the air.

They went to sleep as the Chocobos grouped together while the people slept in their tents and again nothing happened that night.

The next morning they continued on their way as they finally arrived at the gates of Orzammar.

Vincent liked the snow on the ground. It reminded him of Skyrim as they walked over towards the Gatekeeper who says, "Welcome to Orzammar. I can't allow you to enter like that?"

"I was invited to come and meet your King," says Vincent as he takes a letter out of his bag that had the Seal of the Dwarven King on it.

The Gatekeeper sees the seal and bows saying, "I'm very sorry my lord for not recognizing you. But I still can't let you enter with that many people."

"That's alright. But can I take at least a handful of them with me while the rest stays around the gates," says Vincent as the Gatekeeper nods in agreement.

Vincent then takes the letter back and picks some of the Legionaries with the scholars and Arthur. The Gatekeeper then tells the others to open the gates for them.

As they enter the Hall of Heroes, Arthur asks, "When did you make contact with the Dwarven King."

"When I was first introduced to the first Dwemer. I asked King Cailan to help me make contact with King Endrin Aeducan. King Aeducan was quite happy to hear that someone quite important wanted to visit Orzammar," says Vincent as Arthur was now a bit worried how far the influence of the Empire could reach without it even occupying land on Thedas.

They were suddenly awaited by a Dwarven Guard that says, "This way my lord."

Vincent follows the Guard with the men as they passed through a corridor and they arrived at the Diamond District. The guard was explaining to him everything about the districts and to never wander into the Dust Town since criminality was always high there.

They arrive in front of the Royal Palace as they entered. The guard guided them until in front of the Throneroom where he says, "Your guards can stay here with me. You can take at least five people with you inside."

"Alright," says Vincent as he picked Arthur, Kirvena, Karliah, and one of the scholars before entering the Throneroom finding an old dwemer sitting on his throne beside him were three other dwemers.

Vincent could see the similarities between all four Dwemers making it obvious to him that the three dwemers beside the King must be his sons and daughter.

"Your Majesty," says Vincent giving a slight bow to Endrin who stands up.

"Welcome to Orzammar," says Endrin as he walked towards Vincent while saying, "I hope my men weren't too rude."

"Don't worry about that. You know why we came," says Vincent as Endrin nods and claps his hand when an old dwemer enters the room.

"He is one of many Shapers that record our history. Many things were lost when the First Blight appeared destroying almost all our history," says Endrin as the Shapers bows towards Vincent and his group.

"If my hunch is true then you are Dwemers and are natives of Tamriel. But first, we will need some evidence before we can talk about the next step on that. But how about we begin by knowing each other better," says Vincent with a smile making Endrin smile as well.

"If what you wrote to me is really the truth than that would explain many things," says Endrin before clapping his hand and servants entered the room with food as he says, "It would be nice to know more about Tamriel."

They sit down on a table as they begin to eat while the scholar follows the Shaper. The Legionaries were taken care of as they were led to the barracks of the Dwemers to eat and sleep.

Vincent like before in Highever began to tell stories about his adventures while playing them down making Endrin and his daughter open up to him while the oldest and youngest of Endrin's children were suspicious of him.

Hope you like it.

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