
The Destruction of the Leviathan

Vincent opened a portal towards Highwind City once he was done with separating the head from the body as he appears in front of his house blocking the street with the head when two Dragons leave for Dravania while Durnehviir returned to Apocrypha.

Vincent entered the house finding his wives looking at him confused as he gives them all a big hug while apologizing for not sharing his burden with them.

It made them sad and happy at the same time before they hear horns sounding outside which made Vincent remember why he was there in the first place. He grabbed one of the spatial bags and puts the giant head into it.

"So who was that?" asks Mina as Vincent smiles at her.

"That was the head of the Taken King. But I still have things to do so I will return once my mission with Titania is over," says Vincent kissing them before entering the portal again.

The portal closes behind him as he looked around seeing no enemy except for the body of the Taken King and he asks, "Does the Leviathan have a Kamikaze Protocol in which it destroys itself in a giant explosion?"

"Probably most Cabal Ships have a bomb inside them to take a whole system down with them," says Vigilance sarcastically since he didn't think that a Cabal Flagship on which the Cabal Emperor lived would have a bomb.

"How do I detonate it?" asks Vincent not catching Vigilance's sarcasm.

"Of course this ship doesn't have a bomb on board," says Vigilance as Vincent was thinking about what they should do to destroy the Leviathan.

"Do you think a sun would be enough to destroy the Leviathan?" asks Vincent as Vigilance began to calculate if it was possible.

"It would be possible but you would condemn a whole system and you would need to destroy the energy generator so the ship can't absorb the energy of the said sun," says Vigilance as Vincent looks up to the hole.

"Then let us take the control over the Leviathan, which way do I have to go?" asks Vincent as Vigilance projected a map and the way to the control room in it.

"Just follow the way and we should get there in no time," says Vigilance as Vincent pets his Ghost.

"Thank you," says Vincent as he looked at the hole since he needed to get up there first.

He turns into his Dragon form and flies through the hole finding the Taken troops running around like headless chickens before they began to shoot at him. Vincent began to stomp on them while using his Frost Breath Shout to freeze them in place.

Vincent rushed towards the door as he turns back into his normal form. He crossed it running past his enemies while dodging the incoming bullets. It was far too easy to just run instead of fighting the whole headless army.

He rushed to where the controls of the Leviathan should be when he takes his phone out and looks through his contacts when he lands on Lucia's name and he calls it.

"Did something happen, Dad? I heard that you appeared in the middle of the street with a giant head," says Lucia hastily over the phone to him.

"Everything is fine, I had some help in dealing with that enemy from many friends," says Vincent trying to calm his daughter down.

"I need your help with something, Lucia. Can you help me?" says Vincent as Vigilance was scanning the controls so he doesn't go in blind.

"What do you need, Dad?" asks Lucia curious since her dad wouldn't ask for help normally.

"Do you know where Cerberus has his secret base?" asks Vincent as Lucia was now suspicious.

"Please don't tell me you want to uproot them," says Lucia knowing her father.

"No, I just want to know if they have a sun in that system and if there are planets that are inhabited by people at the moment," says Vincent as Lucia was confused.

"What are you going to do?" asks Lucia confused as Vigilance finished with his scan.

"I know how to fly this thing but we need to get to the power room and destroy it before crashing it into a sun," says Vigilance which Lucia heard over the phone.

"What are you doing, Dad? I want the truth no some fairytale of yours," says Lucia seriously as Vincent looked at Vigilance who looked nervous because of Vincent's gaze.

"I am on the Leviathan at the moment," says Vincent calmly when he heard something fall on the other side and he asks, "Everything alright, Lux?"

"Yes, I just dropped a glass full of some old Fereldian Brandy that I received as a gift from my favorite grand-nephew," says Lucia as she takes a deep breath and shouts, "What are you doing on the Leviathan and why did Vigilance say that he now knows how to fly it!?"

"I and the Taken King had a little chat just a moment ago. I was lucky to have many loyal friends with me when it happened," says Vincent nonchalantly as he took control over the Leviathan.

He stirred the ship away from the Reaper Derelict when he hears, "Was the head that was sighted on the street the head of the Taken King?"

"You could say so," says Vincent as he could hear his daughter facepalming over the phone.

"You want to destroy the Leviathan by crushing it into a sun which is in the same system in which the Cerberus Headquarter is. Am I correct so far?" says Lucia as Vincent gave a slight chuckle from himself.

"So far you are correct," says Vincent as he was driving the Leviathan away when some Taken appeared in the control room.

Lucia could hear someone shooting and she asks, "Is everything alright on your end?"

"Everything is fine," says Vincent as he was holding his Daywalker at the moment while his phone was on the controls.

He took them out before resuming control again when he asks, "Lucia, can you give me the position please. I don't want to stay too long in the hot zone."

"Right, give me a moment," says Lucia as she sat down behind her desk and looked at her laptop going through the files they have on Cerberus.

"Alright, I have it. The Cronus Base is in the Anadius System. There shouldn't be much life in the system since there is almost no planet while a giant Sun is there. If we are lucky the sun will survive it. And if not we won't lose much," says Lucia telling Vincent everything.

"Thank you, girl. I will call you when the deed is done," says Vincent as Lucia was worried about her father.

"Just be careful out there," says Lucia as she sighs before Vincent ends the call.

"Vigilance we have the destination now we only need the course to reach our goal," says Vincent as Vigilance appears again and shows Vincent that he needs to make a sharp left turn before going at full speed.

Vincent then scrolls down through his contacts when he touches on Provus' name and he sends him a message not to worry about him and that he would be joining them again as soon as possible.

"How long do you think we will need to reach our destination?" asks Vincent as he needed to defend the control room at the moment.

"Two days since it is quite a slow ship but compared to other ships of its size it should be the fastest," says Vigilance as Vincent smiles.

"Then show me the way to the energy room so I can rush towards it before we crush into the sun there," says Vincent as Vigilance nods and show him the way which Vincent was trying to memories.

"The way from the energy room towards the entrance would be this one," says Vigilance preparing Vincent as they were drifting through space.

It took the Leviathan three days to reach the Anadius System as Vincent could see the Sun that was changing between red and blue the whole time. Vincent noticed the Cronos Station and wanted to trap them inside the Leviathan before he sighs and looks back at the sun.

"Those that survive what is going to happen will be able to leave here without me following them," says Vincent to himself as he didn't stir the Leviathan towards the Cronos Station but directly at the sun.

"So we are going to spare them?" asks Vigilance as Vincent nods.

"Yes, if they die it will be their own fault," says Vincent as he shoots at the console so the Taken can change the course any longer.

Vincent then leaves the control room and runs down the corridor to his right before jumping down an elevator shaft until he reached the end of it before running the corridor to the end finding himself where the Leviathan transforms and stores the destruction of the planets into energy.

Vincent began to radiate Arc Energy as he entered the Stormcaller mode and he directed all of his energy into the machine until it break apart. Vincent then rushed back to the elevator shaft and jumped three floors up before breaking the door open.

From there he arrived at a giant hall which seemed to be the main entrance which he skipped when he took the shortcut.

"Fuck," says Vincent seeing that the room was filled with enemies.

"What now?" asks Vigilance nervously.

"We run," says Vincent as he saw no other way to survive this onslaught.

He rushed through the enemy by sliding under their feet or jumping over them while evading the bullets coming their way when he could see the bridge.

"Vigilance, now," says Vincent as the Platinum Starlight manifested before Vincent jumps towards it.

He disappears and appears inside when he pushes a lever forward making the ship shoot out like a bullet. They fly towards the exit when they see a blue light and Vincent suddenly lives his hand towards the console over his head and he pulls two security clasps before holding two fingers under the buttons under the security clasps.

"Hold on this will be painful," says Vincent as he pushes the buttons and the Platinum Starlight suddenly accelerated at a not-recorded speed when Vincent leaves through the mouth of the Leviathan before turning right.

Once outside Vincent continued turning right until he was facing the direction the Leviathan came from. He piloted the Platinum Starlight far away from the Anadius System knowing what was going to happen next as the Platinum Starlight began to shake violently before they were pushed forward even faster.

"It seems the Leviathan made contact," says Vincent as he didn't look back while flying towards his children.

Hope you like it.

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