
Returning Home with two Wife Candidates

"I want to take Kirvena and Vyrve with me. Vyrve will be an excellent General under me and it will give the Falmer some hope and recognition. Kirvena would be an excellent agent between my people in the Spy Network," says Vincent trying to convince Gelebor.

"It's fine if they say yes. They are old enough to decide their own future. I will need to bury my brother now. Even if he became a Monster he was still my brother. The Temple must be rebuilt too and sooner or later people will come back to pray to Auri-El," says Gelebor as he takes the corpse of his brother and leaves using the shrine to bury him in the Forgotten Valley as the group takes the same shrine towards another place of the Valley.

"How do we leave here now?" asks Serana as she looks at Vincent waiting for him to turn to a Dragon and take them away.

"Well, we have the bow and the shield. Let's go back to New Haven before it gets dark," says Vincent as he turns into a Dragon after shouting and takes them in his palm as he takes off and flies towards his home.

On their way there Kirvena asks, "How are your wives so calm when you travel with such a beauty by your side?"

"Pretty simple. I can keep my dick in my pants," says Vincent.

"Yes, but your hands need some control," says Serana as the siblings turned to her.

"We were sleeping in the Darkfall Cave when he fondled my breasts while asleep," says Serana as Kirvena turned to Vincent who was concentrating on flying with his wings.

"So you molest people while sleeping. Why didn't I feel anything when I was sleeping beside you this morning?" says Kirvena as Vincent could already see his house.

"That's because normally I travel with my wife. That's why I fondled Serana's chest while sleeping thinking it was Mina that was lying beside me," says Vincent as he was flying lower to land beside the house.

Once on the ground Lucia and Sofie tried to climb Vincent while Hroar and Runa never saw Vincent in this form as they backed away at first saw him but stopped when Mina stood behind them and told them that it was Vincent.

After calming down and seeing Lucia and Sofie trying to climb up on Vincent without much success as Vincent had to catch them with his free hand and he says, "Did you miss your Dad?"

"Of course," say both as Vincent put them to the ground with the other three before turning back into his normal body and he hugs his two girls before hugging the other two and pets their head as he says, "Never fear a Dragon. They are our allies and would never do something against us."

Then he walks over to Mina's side and kisses her when Mina says, "You brought another woman with you and a man."

"Yes, they are sibling and Snow Elves," says Vincent as Mina begins to stare at both with sparkles in her eyes.

"So you are taking seriously what I told you before. Maybe we should increase the numbers since I didn't calculate extinct races as well as Vampires and Werewolves," says Mina as Vincent looked confused at her.

"Werewolves really?" says Vincent imagining a woman with fur.

"You even slept with one before," says Mina as she knew Aela's secret since Aela told her before.

"Really?" asks Vincent not believing it.

"Really," says Mina reassuring that he did.

As they enter the house together and the others follow as Serana and Kirvena saw first hand how easy-going Mina really is with Vincent having more than one wife.

After sitting down Kirvena and Vyrve presented each other to Mina as Kirvena was trying to win some affection over when Mina says, "Don't worry too much if Vincent likes you I won't have anything to say as long as you can see the children outside as your own as we all do inside this house. Vincent adopted all of them and sees them as his own."

"Really all four," says Kirvena surprised as Vincent only nods.

"Yes, I was like them and they should have a better life than I had. Also, Lucia is my oldest while Runa my youngest," says Vincent as Elisif marches through the door.

"At least for now. It seems we will have two new family members by the end of the year," says Elisif as she heard Vincent.

"What do you mean?" asks Vincent as Elisif sits beside Mina.

"Don't you see that Mina has a little belly already while mine is still normal but I didn't bleed this month as I should," says Elisif as Mina was leading the race by a month as she was eating already for two so her child and herself are strong.

"Is that true," says Vincent as he was standing now.

"I wanted to surprise you with it but it seems someone had a bad day at work today and foiled my surprise," says Mina as she looks at Elisif.

"*sighs* Sorry it's hard to gather the Jarls to recruit troops to fight in the war against the Dominion and with the Vampires still running amok it's hard to make the Nords to join the army," says Elisif as Vincent walks over to both and kisses them.

"Maybe we should let Balgruuf take care of everything regarding Skyrim while Proventus takes care of the hold until it's safe for you to work again without losing your child to all the stress," says Vincent as he had both in his arms.

"There are also good news," says Mina as she smiled at Vincent.

"What are those good news?" asks Vincent curiously.

"Karliah is working fast as the Thieves Guild of High Rock, Hammerfell, Morrowind and Cyrodiil have joined your Spy Network as well as some Vampires and the Dark Brotherhood or at least some stray member that was hiding in the other provinces of Tamriel," says Mina with a smile before saying, "But Karliah has a delicate matter to discuss with you it's about a member of the Dark Brotherhood she picked up near Whiterun. He was carrying a delicate package."

"Delicate?" asks Vincent curious.

"It's about a coffin carrying Sithis in it," says Mina making Serana, Kirvena, and Vyrve stand up in shock from hearing that.

"I was also that surprised as you three when I heard it the first time," says Elisif as both were together when Karliah reported it to Mina.

"So the real Night Mother was found," says Serana as she still didn't believe in what she heard.

"Who is Sithis?" asks Vincent as he wasn't that sure who Sithis is when a woman appears from Vincent's shadow.

"She is rumored to be the creator of all Daedra as Anui-El created the Auri-El, your father, to keep everything in balance," says Nocturnal surprising everyone present with her appearing in the room.

"So she is like your mother?" asks Vincent Nocturnal as she was floating in front of him.

"She doesn't have a gender even if she is called the Night Mother she was also called the Dread Father. Just be careful when you met her. She can be quite manipulative," says Nocturnal as she looks around and doesn't find Karliah around and asks, "Where is the Dunmer?"

"Which one?" asks Vincent since he knew a lot of Dunmer.

"I mean the girl I recommend to you as your Spy Master. She has royal blood after all. I wanted her to join your side since that would make Morrowind join your campaign after proving her heritage," says Nocturnal as she was now angry at her Nightingale for wasting her opportunity.

"You wanted me to take her as my wife?" asks Vincent as he wasn't really believing what Nocturnal said.

"Yes, even if she is good at what she does with her as one of your wives would help you quite a bit," says Nocturnal as Vincent only sighs while having his hand on his face shaking his head.

"You should have informed me if you wanted the blockhead to marry Karliah since he doesn't get it most of the time. Until you tell him. You had to see how much time and effort I needed to get him into the same bed with me because he can't catch some signals," says Mina remembering how Avulstein made way for her so she could be alone with Vincent.

"I'm not that much of a blockhead any longer," says Vincent ad he can catch signs.

"Yes, when they are obviously thrown at you," says Mina knowing Vincent the best making the other women in the room laugh from hearing her.

"Talking about women. I will have to look for someone that lives near Winterhold. I need to confirm if it is really Ysayle that came to this continent too," says Vincent making Elisif and Mina understand that someone from another world is also in Skyrim.

"Mina can you sent words to the Dawnguard to prepare an attack on Volkihar Castle. Serana do you think you can do that. If you can't you should stay here with the others," says Vincent as Nocturnal was still in the room.

"I will inform the girl no need to make your wife inform the Dawnguard she will do it. Also, I hear that some kind of god appeared in the Nord you are going. The Goddess isn't powerful but she can control Ice to perfection. You should be careful if you go there to start a fight," says Nocturnal as she leaves through Vincent's shadow to inform Karliah to inform the Dawnguard and to lecture the girl for passing her chance on Vincent.

"A god?" asks Mina now confused.

"A Primal. She can transform into Shiva," says Vincent as he explained what Primals are to the group.

"You sure you can tame her and bring her back," says Mina worried.

"I will have to go there to find out. Bultechu fought against her before and she was also a Warrior of Light," says Vincent as Serana, Kirvena, and Vyrve were confused from the whole Primal and now the Warrior of Light.

"You aren't from Nirn are you?" asks Serana as she was the oldest of them and even before the Empire they never heard of something like a Warriors of Light and Primals.

"My wives can inform you about it. I will rush over so when the Dawnguard arrives here we can fly over to Volkihar and take the castle over. I could make it the base of my Spy Network," says Vincent as he was ready to leave again to meet with Ysayle after such a long time.

"I will go with you," says Vyrve as he wanted to thank Ysayle for helping his people.

"Fine by me," says Vincent as he needed one of the two to tell him where exactly Ysayle was spotted.

"At least tell the kids goodbye before you travel again," says Mina as Vincent was almost out of the door with Vyrve as Vincent smiles and waves at the before leaving.

"There he goes after his first love," says Elisif as she looked at Mina who was smiling.

"We can't do much she is one of the people of his world it would be nice to find out more of his world and culture with her at home. Don't you think so," says Mina as she wanted to find out more things of Vincent and the culture of his homeworld.

Hope you like it.

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