
Returning Home Vol.3

Time passes and Vincent was looking at the mirror that leads to his bedroom with anticipation for Anra to pass through it and call him home. Vincent could only imagine what was going on outside while meditating about his sins.

The world was quite advanced but most people still trusted their cold steel instead of a gun since their armor couldn't be penetrated by bullets be they made out of steel or energy. This made cold steel more reliable to handle against those armors.

Magic was still the most powerful tool the people had as Mannimarco made technology be easy to use even while using Magic. Flemeth now has a new body which she calls Prototype 2.0. It was a well-made body that resembled more a woman than the first body that looked like it came straight out of a horror movie. She continued to use the face Vincent made for her since it was better than the one of the actual body.

The Empire expanded as they colonized the two nearest planets, Kynareth and Arkay. The Empire also looked into the E-Zero which was on the information they obtained from the foreign space data that was floating over Nirn before.

Mannimarco, Flemeth, and Divayth Fyr thought that E-Zero would hinder their advancement since they don't have a source for it making it useless to them. They rather used the models and rearrange them to work with Magicka.

This enabled a more advanced space travel for the Empire as they now needed only minutes instead of years to get from one planet to another. Naomasa also invested more resources in the Military and Infrastructure since they have to keep everyone safe even if they aren't on Nirn and to make the lifestyle of everyone more comfortable which gave Naomasa the nickname 'The Far-Seeing Emperor'.

Vincent was in exile for ninety-eight years now, when the mirror began to glow and Anra passed through it she was wearing a jean and a shirt instead of her normal clothes. She was holding some clothes that should fit Vincent.

Anra entered the room and doesn't find Vincent there when she places the clothes on the bed. She walks to the door that was across from the mirror and finds a black sky behind it when she says to herself, "It is no wonder Vincent went almost crazy here."

She knew that it was midday but by looking at the sky she couldn't tell the time which would lead to someone go crazy since he can't measure time. She walked for a bit when she hears a noise coming from her right.

She follows the noise and encounters Vincent who was training with his spear. He was half-naked while a long grey-haired beard was decorating his face which went to his chest and long grey hair that went to his back.

Vincent's body seemed to not have lost much muscle mass but increased it over the exile. But he lost weight as his body wasn't stocky any longer but muscular.

Anra walked forward as Vincent hears her approach making him stop as he says, "You shouldn't be here Kynareth. I should still have 50 years to serve in this hell."

"Vincent," says Anra as Vincent was surprised to hear Anra's voice.

He turned around and sees Anra but she was wearing strange clothes but that didn't hinder him from letting go of his spear and hug her for a long time before saying, "I missed you and the others so much."

"We missed you as well," says Anra as she leaned her head against his chest before feeling the beard on her cheek and she plays with it while saying, "The beard must go."

"I kept it because I was just tired of always removing it," says Vincent as he let go of Anra.

"Let's us go. I don't know for how long Ellana can keep up the mirror," says Anra as Vincent smiles behind his beard.

"Then let us go inside and get rid of the beard," says Vincent as he picked his spear up and they walked side by side into the house.

"What are those clothes by the way?" asks Vincent as Anra smiles at him.

"They are normal clothes right now. They started to appear ten years after your exile. Now they are quite old-fashioned compared to the other things people are wearing," says Anra as Vincent was holding his chin.

"I see," says Vincent as he brought out his dagger and began to remove his beard while cutting his hair short which left him with spiky hair with some strands covering his forehead a bit while the rest went backward.

"Now you look like the Vincent I fell in love with," says Anra seeing Vincent's new look who then saw the clothes on the bed.

"Are those mine?" asks Vincent as Anra nods.

"They might not fit you since you lost your stocky build but we can buy you some new ones once we are in Highwind City," says Anra as Vincent removes his pants and puts the new clothes on.

They were as Anra said not really fitting as they were hanging from his body and Vincent had to use a rope as a belt since Anra didn't have one with her.

"Did many things changed since I left?" asks Vincent curious about the changes as Anra smiles at the innocent Vincent who will soon find out how much their world has changed since he entered exile.

"You will find out once you are at home," says Anra as she was standing in front of the mirror when O'Dimm appears in front of them.

"Now now, you shouldn't leave this way or the mirror will be left behind and who knows who will use it against you," says O'Dimm seeing Vincent almost make a mistake that could have cost him.

"Right, the mirror," says Vincent when O'Dimm nods.

"That's right. How about I take you to Vengerberg? It is the most I can do since the last time we came too late," says O'Dimm as he holds his hands out.

Vincent stores the mirror away as he and Anra took his hand while Vincent says, "Thank you, old friend."

They appear in Vengerberg and Vincent was surprised by what he saw everyone was walking around holding a little device in their hand while the streets were made out of asphalt with carriages that were not pulled by horses running around.

"Where the hell am I?" asks Vincent as he was surprised by how much everything has changed only in Vengerberg.

"I got my payment," says O'Dimm seeing the surprised face of Vincent making it his reward for bringing him to Vengerberg while he disappears again.

"Did really a century pass or was I in exile longer than according to?" asks Vincent seeing the technology hit his face quite literally as he was seeing a person reading something in square formed devices that were behind a window in different sizes.

"Welcome to the future," says Anra as she and Vincent walked towards the portals that lead to Nirn when Vincent was surprised once again.

Instead of a Giant Portal now there existed many little portals that would allow more people to pass it while the Giant Portal was only used by the military and was moved to another place. Vengerberg was the Imperial Capital in this World and it could show itself as it was the most advanced Province around there with Nilfgaard right behind it.

They walked towards one of the portals when they got stopped by a guard who asks, "Your passports?"

"Right here," says Anra having hers ready when she hands it over while saying, "My husband still hasn't one."

"That could bring trouble, Mrs. Hi-," says the guard who stopped after seeing the family name and stamped the passport on the next page.

"I'm sorry to have stopped you," says the guard as he gave a slight bow to Anra and Vincent.

"Don't worry you are just doing your work," says Vincent as he smiled seeing that the people took their job seriously even if it was just guarding the portals to regulate who was traveling between the worlds.

"Thank you, sir," says the guard not knowing who Vincent was as the couple goes through the portal.

Once on the other side, they were welcomed by another guard who recognized Vincent and Anra right away since he was a Veteran that served in all wars involving the Highwind Dynasty.

He wanted to kneel after seeing Vincent but was stopped by him who says, "I am no Emperor any longer. Just an old man that needs to catch up with time."

"I served the Highwinds since the Akavir War. If I don't do this I would betray myself," says the guard as he needed to do this.

He kneeled for a second before standing up and he let them pass after stamping Anra's passport. They walked for a while and Vincent saw skyscrapers everywhere in the Imperial City.

"What is a passport?" asks Vincent as Anra was still holding hers.

"It is a document that you have to always carry with you as it identifies you. You need it to travel from world to world," says Anra explaining it while walking to the Imperial Palace so Vincent could finally receive his Passport.

They arrived and were rapidly lead inside since the Crownguards recognize Vincent and Anra right away. They arrive at the main hall in which two young Dunmer were standing beside a Dunmer woman Vincent recognized while Naomasa was sitting on the throne beside the Dunmer woman.

"Grandfather," says Naomasa as he wanted to stand up but Vincent made a gesture telling him not to do so.

"I have seen that many things have changed but at least this hall is still the same as the day I became Emperor," says Vincent as he looked at the young Dunmers playing with their devices instead of paying attention.

"I'm sorry about them, First Emperor. I spoiled them too much," says Brelvala as she looked at her son and daughter who lost interest in their devices after hearing their mother say 'First Emperor'.

"Wait, he is the person on which the game is based on," says one of the two when Vincent looked confused at Anra.

"They made a game based on your life in Skyrim. Just that it is rosier than the real deal," says Anra as Vincent was surprised about that someone made a game out of his early life.

"Please tell me they cut the embarrassing things out of my early life," says Vincent as the young Dunmers surrounded Vincent now.

"Now that I look closer the game character looks a bit like you," says the female Dunmer getting closer to Vincent when Naomasa stood up as a Crownguard came carrying a passport in.

Naomasa picked it up and hands it over while saying, "This was the very first passport ever made. We used an old picture of yours to make it."

Vincent took the passport and saw that the serial number was all zeroes with a one in the end showing that it was the first passport for the most important person in this Empire.

"You didn't have to make me the first," says Vincent as he petted the two Dunmers' heads while smiling at them and continues, "You can call me, grandfather. First Emperor sounds distant."

"Yes, grandfather," say the Dunmers as Vincent let go of them before taking Naomasa and Brelvala in a hug.

Then he turned to Anra and says to the group, "It is nice to be back maybe those two can teach me a bit about that game."

Then Vincent opened a portal which the two passed and they reached the city Vincent wanted to meet the most as he saw some skyscrapers around. The ground was made out of asphalt like in Vengerberg and the Imperial City and some horseless carriages were rolling around. Even his house was bigger than it used to be as it was modernized changing with time.

Vincent and Anra were standing in front of the door when Vincent was quite insecure about going inside when Anra took his hand and placed it against the door.

"This is your home. It might change over the years but the people living in it all love you and yearn for your return," says Anra as the door opened.

All the women began to throw digital confetti at Vincent surprising him before they all jumped at him giving him a big hug while a sign was hanging behind them saying, "Welcome Back!"

Hope you like it.

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