
Horizon final part

Titania's group reached the center of the colony finding Garrus's team there already as they seemed to be fighting Collectors while Tali was hacking herself into the Anti-Aircraft Cannon which was disabled.

"It seems they are surrounded on all sides," says Ishly seeing that with a smile on her face.

"Then they are lucky that we just arrived," says Grunt who wanted to rush in without thinking much about it.

But Titania stopped him before saying, "We will put them at risk if we march in without a plan."

"Then what should we do, Commander," says Grunt as he was ready for this battle since he was born to fight in wars.

"We will attack their flank. It should make the-," says Titania when her group hears a roar coming from the opposite direction which seemed to surprise not only her but also everyone else except for Ishly.

"That is a Nord's War Cry," says Ishly as she looked at the battlefield seeing Vincent and Provus rush in while Liara and Mordin were covering their backs.

Provus rushed blade first into an enemy before he release Darkness from his sword which seemed like a projectile cutting everything in its path.

The Collectors were behind cover when they found out that the cover was not going to help them as they suddenly saw their lower body before everything turned dark.

Vincent rushed his ax through his enemy before using the corpse as cover from the enemy's attacks when Titania sees them and only sighs.

"Well, it seems we have someone getting their attention. We should do the same," says Titania as her Biotic flared up.

She flew over to the flank of the enemy resembling a meteor before she crashed into a Collector before pulling her handgun out and she killed the next one.

Grunt rushed in giving a War Cry from himself as Jack and Ishly followed him. Garrus's team was now under less pressure from the enemy thanks to the other two teams and Tali could now work better since she wasn't worried about getting shot from every direction.

They were decimating the enemy when suddenly a Collector began to shine weirdly when it began to talk.

"You must be Commander Shepard. The person that stopped the Sovereign before," says the Collector as he looked at Titania before Vincent chopped him a head shorter with his ax while continuing his onslaught followed by Provus.

"Your father really doesn't like talking while fighting, does he," says Titania as she thought it was funny when another Collector began to shine like the one Vincent just killed.

He wanted to say something but Ishly just punched a hole in its chest before he could utter a word which made Titania laugh seeing that.

"Why are you laughing we are fighting here. Either you kill your enemy or you will get killed," says Ishly as she pulled her arm out of the Collector.

Another Collector began to show the same symptoms as the one before and this time he just attacks avoiding any conversation only to find itself pulled into a singularity before Garrus who got a clear shot on it pulled his trigger killing it with a headshot which made the brain scatter all over the place.

Another one soon began to shine again and they could see the helplessness of the weird Collector because he realized that he spawned in a Collector that was about to be killed by Grunt who was about to bodycheck it before he aimed his shotgun at the Collector and shot its brain out with his maniac smile on his face.

Then the Cannon began to shoot at the Collector ship which made the Collectors retreated towards the ship before it escapes without them, when Garrus says, "Good Job, Tali."

"That wasn't me. Someone else activated it using the console which controls the Anti-Aircraft Cannon," says Tali as Titania's and Vincent's group approached them.

"You did well holding out until we arrived," says Titania putting her hand on Garrus's shoulder praising him.

"We did our best but it wasn't us who activated the Cannon," says Garrus seriously which confused Titania.

"If it wasn't you who activated the Cannon?" asks Titania as it was impossible for someone that isn't in her crew to activate the Cannons since all people of the colony were in stasis.

She turns to Vincent and asks, "Did you activate the Cannon?"

"I send someone but he said that someone else was faster than him," says Vincent as Vigilance appeared beside him.

"I helped a bit and that person didn't shoot at me," says Vigilance as Vincent petted his ghost before looking at Titania.

"See it wasn't me," says Vincent as Titania was thinking who it could be when they heard a voice.

"I can't believe what I am seeing," says a rough female voice as the group looked in the direction it came from.

They see a woman in a blue armor having a helmet on which made it difficult to identify her voice when she removed the helmet and all of the old crew members knew who the person was.

"Ash," says Titania as she looked at Ashley Williams her former crew member.

"Commander," says Ashley as she didn't feel that close to Titania after breaking up with Tristan.

"Come on, Ash. You can still call me Titania or Nia for short like you always do," says Titania as she didn't feel comfortable with a close friend calling her Commander except they are on a mission but that mission was now over.

"I won't do so," says Ashley as she looked around seeing humans and aliens working together when she asks, "Where are Tristan and Kaidan? Shouldn't they be by your side?"

"They are on the Normandy. Can't have all the squads down here. They were the emergency squad if worse came to worse," says Titania as she walked towards Ashley who stopped her by shooting at her feet.

"Stop right there. You know that I can't be on friendly terms with you because you work for Cerberus right now. I even broke up with Tristan because of that," says Ashley as she didn't point her gun at Titania knowing that Titania could read between the lines.

"Right, the Alliance would be suspicious about you if we were too friendly to each other, I understand," says Titania as Ashley gave her a small grin.

"Normally I would have to arrest you but since you are too many and have a Dragon by your side I will have to let you go. Let's say I give you an advantage of a day since we are old friends," says Ashley knowing that nothing they are talking about will be recorded by the cameras.

"Won't you get into trouble because of that?" asks Titania when Vincent suddenly pulled a gun out.

He shot at Ashley and she fell to the ground.

Everyone was shocked that he would do that as he hit her head. Titania rushed at Vincent and grabbed him by his collar only to find out that she couldn't lift him.

"Why have you killed her!?" asks Titania angry at what Vincent did as Vincent only smiled at her which confused and enraged Titania.

Vincent then frees himself while pointing the same gun at Titania pointing it at her head shocking everyone when he shots again only for Titania to walk two steps back while holding her forehead in pain.

"Are you crazy?!" asks Titania as she now realized that there were no bullets in the gun but rubber balls.

Vincent made sure that he and Titania were in a blind spot in which the cameras weren't filming them so it would be more believable.

"She is just knocked out. We should leave before the Alliance arrives since they must be already on their way because the Cannon already shot which should normally activate an alarm which the Alliance receives right away to check if everything is alright," says Vincent as Titania rubs her forehead.

"You could have just told me that you shot her with a rubber ball instead of shooting at me," says Titania as the rest was taking deep breaths since they weren't breathing at all when Vincent pulled the trigger a moment ago.

"Are you fucking crazy!?" shouts everyone in the group except for Provus and Ishly which knew the consequences of shouting at their father.

{Silence,} says Vincent with only Provus and Ishly understanding him while the ground shook for a moment under his voice.

"I had to do so because she might have lost her job if we didn't have done that. You need to think about the consequences which would follow of her letting us go just like that," says Vincent as Titania thought for a moment over it.

"He is right. Ashley used to be one of my former crewmates they have enough recorded to say that she let us go willingly which would place her in a difficult position.

The Alliance might put her under arrest for collaborating with a terror group after they investigated everything. So it is only logical that Vincent made it look like we were on different sides by shooting her," says Titania explaining that Vincent was right about shooting Ashley.

"We should leave before the Alliance arrives," says Miranda as Titania nods before ordering everyone to return to the Normandy.

Jacob needed to be carried by Vincent and Provus since he was wounded by the Collectors while holding on to dear life. He got first-aid treatment with Medigel which closed the wound but now out of combat the adrenalin rush stopped and the pain activated.

Titania and the other old crewmates knew that Vincent could heal him right away but that would reveal one of his trumps he didn't want to reveal to Cerberus.

Titania called the Normandy down to the landing position bravo which was south of the colony. Once there they could see the Normandy waiting for them.

They boarded the ship and left Horizon right away. Vincent and Provus handed Jacob over to Zaeed and Kaidan while Titania says, "Everyone, get some rest you all did great."

She then pulls Tristan to the side telling him to follow her since she wanted to inform him about Ashley while the rest were waiting for the elevator to arrive only to find out that not everyone could ride it down.

"We need a bigger elevator," says Tali as she sees that only four people could ride the elevator at once.

Hope you like it.

Deathseekercreators' thoughts