

They arrived at Kvatch after driving the whole night and Vincent paid Athis before they left the cab. Athis just smiles at Vincent who knew what Athis wanted to say with it.

"We will need you old bone soon enough," says Vincent to him.

"I will be waiting for the call," says Athis as he drove away leaving them behind.

"So who is the next person on the list?" asks Vincent into the round.

"The next person is Liara than Tali and then we can leave the planet," says Titania as she looked around clueless about where to go.

"Alright then follow me or we will walk in circles the whole day," says Vincent as he didn't go for Liara directly but went for the Firearms Division.

"Are we there?" asks Jacob as Vincent smiles at them.

"Not really but someone will come at any moment," says Vincent as they looked at him confused when he says, "We are at the Armament District. Here the people work on armors and weapons. I am here to get an upgrade on my firearms while you all will be taken to Liara."

"Wait, you brought us to where your weapons are made?" asks Kaidan confused as Vincent nods.

"Yes, the most modern weapons are made here. But there are smiths all over the Empire that can make those weapons or armors as well after the schematics are distributed," says Vincent when a Breton arrived.

"Sir," says the Breton which was informed not to reveal who Vincent was to the others.

"You must be Mannimarco's new assistant," says Vincent as the Breton nods.

"Yes, sir. It is an honor to meet you," says the Breton as he was holding his excitement back.

"Well, they want to meet your colleague Liara T'Soni. I hope you will get them there without trouble," says Vincent as the Breton nods.

"Of course, follow me," says the Breton to the group while Vincent waved at them before entering the building.

He walks to the reception and asks how to get to the Firearms Department. The receptionist showed him on the map that he needed to go to the third floor and Vincent left right away.

He arrived on the third floor and everyone was awaiting him since he phoned in yesterday while they stayed in Helgen.

"Welcome back, sir," says the Redguard in charge.

"It seems the department is flourishing at the moment," says Vincent as from the little department of only Silas Cousland and his receptionist turned into a team of at least fifty men working in it now.

"It's all thanks to our sponsors," says the Redguard as he asked Vincent to follow him.

"Not much was updated except for the Oathkeeper if I can tell you the trust since we are working on the Crucible nonstop," says the Redguard when he stopped on a weapon which Vincent only saw once and never again.

"Is that a Gjallarhorn?" asks Vincent as the Redguard nods.

"Indeed, one of our Exo friends created this prototype of the Gjallarhorn they thought lost," says the Redguard when Vincent picked it up.

It felt heavier than the Endbringer but he wasn't discouraged by it when he says, "I want it."

"But, sir, we still haven't tested it," says the Redguard nervous when Vincent smiles at him.

"I will test it on the field then. I will need every bit of extra firepower on this mission and a Gjallarhorn prototype or not comes perfect for me," says Vincent as he stored the Gjallarhorn away before storing the rockets as well.

"Give the Exo a raise for recreating it. And tell him it will be in good hands," says Vincent as he leaves not bothering with the new Oathkeeper since his old one was better in his eyes.

He then left the building and walked to where the second target the group wanted to recruit which was Tali. Vincent needed to walk through half of Kvatch before arriving at his destination.

He was far more familiar with this place since the Black Emperor was repaired here over two months. He entered the building and walked a small corridor down before he opened a door that leads into a hangar.

In that hangar, people were studying engines and how to repair them. Vincent continued walking until arriving at the end of the hangar before he opened another door on which was Tali's name written on.

Vincent was inside Tali's office but she wasn't around so he walked towards her desk and sat down on the seat which was for visitors and waited for her.

Tali soon arrived holding Dextro Food on her tablet when she slams the tablet at her desk while shouting, "Damn Gastric System! So much good food I can't eat!"

She hasn't even noticed Vincent sitting in the room as she sits down and begins to eat when Vincent says, "You know that you only need to give a small prayer to Azura to get it fixed."

Tali was surprised when she heard Vincent's voice as she spewed her food out and began to cough before she grabbed her drink to clear her throat. Then she took some heavy breaths before she was back to normal.

"How long were you sitting there?" asks Tali as she wasn't wearing her mask as usual.

"Since you entered the room," says Vincent as Tali gave him a cute glare which made Vincent smile.

"Anyway, Titania and the others arrived at my doorstep to recruit me for a suicide mission which Naosane approved," says Vincent which changed the tone of the situation.

"How is that possible? The Empire doesn't allow Necromancy," says Tali thinking it was Vincent who brought her back.

"It wasn't me. I just secured the body. The rest was made by Tristan and Kaidan," says Vincent as he looked at her food.

"But let's talk about why I am here," says Vincent as Tali placed the tablet with food away.

"Why are you here?" asks Tali as she was curious since it has been a month since she talked with him.

"Because Titania wants to recruit you as well as Liara. That's why I am here just to tell you that we were sold put by Naosane for a huge sum of gold," says Vincent joking about their situation as he smiled at her.

"Wait, I don't get a choice?" asks Tali confused and shocked about this.

"You can deny it if you take the contract to Naomasa but will you deny a friend in need your help?" asks Vincent as Tali sighs knowing she couldn't do that.

"What about my job?" asks Tali as many were eyeing her current position.

"Don't worry, it is like a vacation someone will substitute you until you return. It would have been difficult if we didn't do that since in War Time the whole city could be a ghost town," says Vincent as he looked at his phone before saying, "They should be here any moment."

The door opened and Titania came face to face with Tali which surprised her a bit since Tali would normally walk around with her mask. Titania then sees Vincent sitting across from Tali getting a weird idea.

"Don't tell me you are courting Tali. She is basically a child compared to you," says Titania as both looked at her shocked that she would assume that.

"We were just talking about you. And for your information, I didn't court Tali since one of my descendants married a Quarian. He took quite a bother from my back by doing so," says Vincent as Tali was blushing after the shock was over because of her innocence in that department.

"I just thought because of who you are and everything else that is was quite possible-," says Titania when Tali interrupt her hastily.

"Justbecauseamanandawomanaretalkingaloneinoneroomdoesn'tmeantheyareinsucharelationshipordoesthatmeanthateverytimeyourbrothervisitedyourQuarterhewascourtingyou," says Tali like a cannon making even Vincent look at her confused for a moment because she was talking too fast.

"Tali calm down, you are talking too fast again like last time when Garrus called you to ask how you were doing," says Liara as she was with Titania and the other.

She was blushing a bit since she is one of the women courted by Vincent at the moment. Vincent would send her something simple every week not using his status but trying to make her fall for him as a normal man would.

He didn't know that it was working but right now he had other worries than the courting of Liara. He looked at her violet checks and could tell that she was blushing not knowing if it was embarrassment or because of him.

"It has been a while, Liara," says Vincent as he smiled at her.

"It has, I loved the gift you send me," says Liara as it was a wooden sculpture of her mother that was placed on her desk.

"I thought that you might want to see her face once in a while since you said that you don't have many pictures of her," says Vincent as Titania coughed to get their attention.

"Well I can see that you are working on one front," says Titania before she turned to Tali.

"Has he already told you why I am here?" asks Titania as Tali nods.

"Yes, recruiting for some mission. So where do I sign and where is your ship. I need to make sure that the ship won't blast apart like a tuna can," says Tali as she seemed to have adapted quite well to her new environment.

"The new Normandy is better than the old one you don't need to worry about it breaking apart," says Titania as Tali gave her a suspicious look when she noticed Cerberus Logo on Titania's chest piece.

"You roll with Cerberus now?" asks Tali a bit angry as Titania sighs.

"As I have said to Vincent before. I am using Cerberus to save the Galaxy," says Titania as Tali looked at Vincent as if he was a living lie detector.

"She is speaking the truth," says Vincent when Tali's anger vanished.

"Alright, then let's go. I just need to tell my chief that I will be gone for a while," says Tali as she threw her food into the garbage before leaving the room.

"You haven't told her that she might not come back," says Titania as Vincent smiles at Titania.

"I will make sure that she and Liara return alive. The same goes for you all as well. I am getting paid to make this mission a success in my eyes and not yours," says Vincent as he left the room as well.

Hope you like it.

Deathseekercreators' thoughts