
Eorlund Gray-Mane

"You are back. Good job in killing the Dragon," says Renda-Rae and Ardbert says, "You did well using all your skills in killing it. But I have a question. Do you not know how to change class with the crystal?" "No, I haven't learned that yet," says Vincent and Ardbert looks towards Renda-Rae, who says, "He only had one armor and three weapons he could carry without a problem with his new body."

"*sighs* Alright let me explain how it works you have your crystal right. You put the armor on with the weapon and concentrate it into the crystal it will memories your combination. So when you concentrate it will change your armor and weapon automatically. It's easy for us since Bardes needs to be agile, while a Warriors need to be unmoveable and you know that Dragoon need to be strong," says Ardbert explaining the rest about how to auto-equip his armors and weapons with the crystal.

Vincent wakes up the next morning still with Lucia in bed who didn't want to sleep alone. He stands up and puts some clothes up and goes down finding Lydia making soup for breakfast and Vincent says, "Are you awake a long time?" "I just woke up some minutes ago," says Lydia and Vincent says, "I will go to Belethor's shop to buy something. If Lucia wakes up tell her to begin her training."

Vincent leaves the house and enters the store and Belethor says, "Ah, Vincent already back. Do you need anything else?" "Yes, do you have a feather, ink, and some papers?" says Vincent and Belethor says, "Of course they are pretty cheap are you going to teach your girl to write?" "Later on yes, but first I need to draw something for Irileth. Do you have colors too?" says Vincent and Belethor says, "Right here. That makes 30 septims."

Vincent pays the man and returns home finding Lucia outside training with the staff and Vincent pets her head and goes inside and begins to draw his weapon the Gae Bolg on the paper then the Bravura and Artemis Bow. How Ardbert and Renda-Rae showed him. And then begins to draw the Warrior's Set, a Choral Set, and a Drachen Set. It took him the whole morning and even Lucia looked over his shoulder and asks, "I have never seen armors like that before are they from your hometown, Dad?"

"Partly, you see this one," says Vincent pointing at the Drachen Set and says, "That is the armor I used to wear. Once you are big I will try to make you a real one, instead of the one I'm going to try to get." "What would be the difference?" asks Lucia and Vincent says, "The armor is enchanted it was made for Dragon Knights it gives you more strength, vitality, determination. It can still be enhanced further but I don't think I will find Materia around here."

"Materia? Never heard of something like that. But enchanting is common in Tamriel. Maybe someone in Winterhold can help you. The College of Winterhold is there. Some of the best mages live there," says Lydia who overheard them and Vincent says, "Good to know. Once I have more time I will travel there."

Someone knocks on the door and Lydia opens it and sees Guldar behind it and says, "What do you need Guldar?" "I'm here for the Dragonborn, not you," says Guldar and Vincent says, "Are you here because of Irileth?" "Yes, Irileth commanded me to come and take you to her," says Guldar and Vincent goes in and takes the drawings in hand and says, "Bring me to her."

Guldar brings Vincent to Irileth, who was waiting at the Gildengreen Tree and she says, "I hope I didn't disturb you." "Don't worry, I already finished the schemas for the smith you told me about," says Vincent as he shows them to her. "They really look special are those from your home?" asks Irileth and Vincent says, "Yes, only the best wear those armors one of them was my former armor before I was brought here."

"Well, those weapons look also exotic to me," says Irileth and Vincent says, "I hope that Eorlund is as good as Gerolt." "Is that the best smith in your continent?" asks Irileth and Vincent says, "Yes, he only works when it comes to masterpieces that the world has never seen before. My Gae Bolg was made by him instead of the normal smith in Ishgard. He made many Relic weapons no one could ever dream about and they were enchanted."

"Did he enchant them?" asks Irileth and Vincent shakes his head and says, "The blood of the enemy I had to fight against. He always wanted me to fight with an almost complete spear. Let me tell you this I wouldn't do it again even if the weapon is ten times better."

"Was it that hard?" asks Irileth and Vincent says, "You have no idea. It took me almost a month to finish the weapon with all the travel I had to do. Gerolt only needed 3 days to smith it if we count all the time he was hammering on that damn thing." "Well how about we meet Eorlund then. Fair warning it could be that he doesn't take you seriously. He does that with everyone even the Companions, who are his only clients," says Irileth as she guides Vincent towards Eorlund who was hammering on a sword when they arrive.

"What does the Jarl want this time?" asks Eorlund who doesn't even look up to see, who it was and Irileth says, "The Jarl needs your hands to smith something for his Thane." "And why should I do so. The Jarl still hasn't moved one finger to save my son. May Talos watch over him," says Eorlund and Vincent asks, "What happened?"

Eorlund looks up and sees Vincent and says, "My son disappeared out of nowhere when he was outside the city. I'm suspecting the Thalmors behind this. I told my son not to walk around showing his Amulet of Talos." Vincent begins to think and says, "I heard of the Thalmors from a friend of mine. They remind me of the Ascian that the Warriors of Light are hunting. Maybe I can help you with finding your son. But I can't do that now. I have to go to High Hrothgar by the end of the month to find out what the Greybeards want from me."

Eorlund loses his hope and Vincent continues, "But I can send a letter to a friend of mine that serves in the Legion under General Tullius. He could bring your son to the Legion. Once he enters he would be under the Empire's command. It would also show that he is innocent in some way and was betrayed by someone. That put the amulet into his pocket."

"If you can do that I would be in your debt. I would swing my hammer whenever you want. I only have three children and my daughter will most likely never marry and give me grandchildren because of the feud with the Battle-Born family. If not for my brother she would be already married to the boy of the Battle-Born family. But don't tell her that I know about that," says Eorlund and Vincent hands over the schematics he made.

"Pretty Exotic but I should be able to do them all except for this one here," says Eorlund, who points at the Choral Set and continues, "You will need some Tailor for that one first. I can reinforce it later on." "The best tailor lives in Solitude," says Irileth and Vincent says, "Then I will have to send the schematic with the letter to my friend maybe he can help me out."

"Alright, you should come back in 2 weeks except you have some materials that I could use," says Eorlund and Vincent takes all the Dragon Bones and Scales out and says, "It should help right. You can exchange some for other material to make it look alike the schematics. And the rest you can keep them for when I come to make other armors in the future."

"Alright just tell them to tell my son to send me a letter once he is free. I and my wife will be able to sleep easier knowing he is safe," says Eorlund and Vincent says, "I won't hold you back. Irileth can you tell me, where I can bring the letter so it arrives in Solitude." "Just bring it up the Jarl must send a letter himself to the Jarl of Solitude. They will leave today and arrive in 4 to 7 days in Solitude," says Irileth and Vincent says, "See you in a moment."

"You should return in two weeks for the armors and the weapons. I will begin to work on them right now," says Eorlund and Vincent nods and leaves with Irileth when Aela walks the stairs up and sees Vincent and jumps at him while says, "Oh you are back. I thought you would never return."

"You know each other?" asks Irileth and Vincent says, "She was my first friend here in Whiterun." "Only a friend now I'm hurt," says Aela and Irileth asks, "Why?" "We shared the bed after all," says Aela and Irileth says, "You in a relationship with Aela?" "No, we only had sex," says Vincent and Aela says, "The whole night. I couldn't even move and had to refuse and sent someone else to complete the contract that I wanted to do that day."

"You know what I will await you in Dragonsreach. I'm too old for this shit," says Irileth who leaves both alone and Aela says, "So what was she doing with you here?" "We were asking Eorlund to make me some armors and weapons. Now that she left I will need your help with something," says Vincent and Aela says, "In what?" "Writing," says Vincent as he drags Aela behind himself towards his house.

"So you live in Whiterun now?" asks Aela and Vincent says, "Yes, and now write what I'm telling you." Aela begins to write the letter for Vincent that can't even write one word in Tamrielic. After she finished Vincent put the schematic into the letter too and says to Lydia, "Can you bring it up to Dragonsreach?"

"Yes, should I stay for an hour or two?" says Lydia and Vincent nods. Lydia leaves and both are left in the house and Vincent says, "We have the house for ourselves for an hour or two depends on when my daughter returns. How about we go up and play a little?" "Right behind you," says Aela and both go up and begin to have their battle for an hour until they hear the door downstairs open and Vincent says, "Fast hide."

"What is going on. Did you marry someone while you were gone?" asks Aela and Vincent says, "Worse." "Worse, what is worse than a wife?" asks Aela and Vincent says, "A daughter. She might believe we are together when we are only fooling around." Vincent tries to put his clothes on as he rushes down and sees Lucia and says, "Did you finish already playing?"

"Yes, can I asks you something," says Lucia cutely and Vincent says, "What is it?" "Can I hit Braith once in a while to bring her arrogance down?" asks Lucia and Aela who comes down says, "You mean Amren and Saffir's balg. Yeah, you can hit her once in a while. If they say something tell them Aela said it." "Really!" says Lucia excited and Vincent says puzzled, "Really?"

"Yeah, she is my goddaughter if something were to happen to both of her parents I had to look after her. It gets to her head sometimes and someone needs to bring her down once in a while," says Aela and Vincent says, "Just don't hit her if not necessary alright." Lucia nods and Aela says, "I should leave now. I can already feel how weak my legs will be tomorrow."

Once Aela passed through the door Lucia asks, "Is that my new Mom?" "No, she is a friend of mine," says Vincent and Lucia asks, "Like Adrianne and the others?" "Not that kind of friend let's just say she likes to be around me but not because she loves me. You will find out once you are older and find a boy your age that you like," says Vincent as he pets her head and then he says, "How about a bath?" "Yes," says Lucia and both enter the bath together.

Hope you like it.

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