
Avallac'h's Safehouse

Odahviing was flying in the direction Yennefer was indicating him at a rather fast speed that Vincent saw a boat in the sea with two persons sitting in it with white and red hair making him jump from Odahviing's back onto the boat before picking both up and jumping without breaking his momentum or Odahviing's back unto the back of the Dragon.

Geralt and Triss were surprised that Vincent could identify them from that height and speed when they hear, "It will be faster using Odahviing and you won't get sick from it."

"How did you know?" asks Geralt as Vincent laughs at that.

"I was trained to see everything faster than others since Dragons are unpredictable and faster than people," says Vincent as it was true Dragoons had to have keen eyesight to calculate the speed of their target so they don't miss their opportunity to kill their target with one strike.

"We are almost there," says Yennefer taking their attention when Odahviing sees a small island.

He lands on it before placing them down and Vincent says, "You can fly back, Odahviing. Just try to make the experience of meeting you, fun for Cerys. Paarthurnax must be giving them enough useless information."

"I will take them for a fly over the isles she would like to feel the wind through her hair with Uther by her side," says Odahviing who learned that from his experience with his wife who loved to fly beside him just for fun.

"Thank you," says Vincent as Odahviing takes off while Vincent and Mina created a barrier blocking the wind created by Odahviing's wings.

"So she is inside here. I hope she didn't do something stupid," says Geralt as he was worried sick for Ciri when John pointed at the boat.

"She was intelligent enough not to teleport here directly," says Vincent as he turned to the entrance.

"We should enter, I need to scold that girl for running away," says Yennefer as she ran in followed by Triss and Geralt while Vincent whispered something into the air that they couldn't understand.

Vincent used Aura Whisper to see everything going on around him when he sees something covering in fear in the water near them. He then proceeded with examining the safehouse finding far too many people than should be inside.

"We should hurry there is an unknown variable inside with Ciri," says Vincent as he changed out of his clothes into his Paladin's Armor.

"Do you really want to appear as a white knight in front of her?" asks Mina as Vincent gave it another thought before going lightly dressed because he chooses the Samurai Armor with his Katana resting on his hip.

"This should be better," says Vincent as he and Mina rushed after the others.

They find themselves in an important safehouse of Avallac'h since Vincent saw one before and it was a ruin compared to this one that was well lighted and had many important books and documents laying around when Vincent notices on one wall a Family Tree.

"Which family is recorded on that wall?" asks Vincent as the group was looking for Ciri worried while Vincent already knew where she was.

"We can talk about that later. First, we have to find Ciri," says Yennefer angry as she thought Vincent was more interested in that damn Family Tree than Ciri's whereabouts.

"She is behind the secret entrance over there," says Vincent as he wasn't worried any longer since only Ciri seems to carry a weapon while the other person was sitting not even facing her.

"Why didn't you inform me earlier," says Yennefer calming down as Vincent found her daughter.

"Because you all rushed in without waiting for me or Mina," says Vincent as he moved to the wall and looked for the mechanism that would open the secret entrance.

His instincts as an adventurer kicked in as he found the mechanism without trouble when Yennefer kissed his cheek, making Vincent smile while he says, "If you have to kiss me then on the lips."

Yennefer then kisses him again before entering the secret corridor where they find a Ciri who was about to cry and an elf spitting venomous words at her. Yennefer stood in front of Ciri when Mina suddenly took over for Yennefer as she was listening to what the elf was talking about.

"How much I hate Elves that don't know their place in life and think that they are superior to other people even their own," says Mina as her hair seemed to begin to float out of anger.

Her aura manifested behind her as it was a High Elf Woman that resembled a bit Mina but was more serious and was wearing an armor similar to the one Vincent made for her after the one her most famous Ancestor wore.

"Who is that aura representing?" asks Yennefer to Vincent curious.

"That is Mina's Ancestor, High Queen Ayrenn," says Vincent as Mina took a step towards the woman.

"I have such a bad history with Elves with a superiority complex. They forced me to flee my homeland and to hide for two hundred years," says Mina as she takes a step forward almost standing in front of her.

"They killed my mother," says Mina as she now stood in front of the elf and her hand moves towards the elf.

"They dragged me out of my house and burned it down and I had to cut my own tongue off so they couldn't use me as their puppet," says Mina as her hand was on the neck of the elf.

Ciri and Yennefer were now nervous they thought Mina wanted to kill her when they hear her say, "But thanks to their superiority complex I met my husband and he killed every last member of those bastards that didn't even see their folk as equal."

"What is she talking about?" asks Yennefer as Vincent looked at Ciri who looked away from him.

"Mina is an Altmer. Before the Highwing Empire rose to power the Mede Empire was losing a war to a group of extremists that came from Mina's race. They thought that they were the superior race and everyone that didn't agree with their vision was killed off," says Vincent as his eyes turned cold.

"Normally I wouldn't name them since I erased any record that would mention them. But they were called Thalmors. They hunted down people that worshipped Talos the man that ascended to Godhood. They did many horrible things to Men, Mer, and Beastfolk that I won't mention but if you compare them to me. I would be the better choice since I don't kidnap people only to torture them and find out what they know before killing them," says Vincent as the two could see now why Mina was so furious.

"And you don't have a superiority complex," says Ciri with an undertone that sounded like she didn't believe him.

"If I really had such a complex I wouldn't have taken in so many children and raised them so they can start their own families but would have sacrificed them to Namira to get stronger. I would have caged you when you appeared and would have forced you to awaken your bloodline so you could take me to my original world so I could go to my friends' last resting place and see them," says Vincent as he didn't look at Ciri.

"But for now I should intervene since we are guests in this place and she must be someone important to Avallac'h," says Vincent as he walked forward when Mina let go of the elf's neck.

"You are right Avallac'h helped us and not all of them are superior assholes since the people living between us on Nirn seem quite normal," says Mina as she wouldn't have allowed Orug to marry someone like the elf in front of her.

"We should leave," says Mina as her aura disappears.

Mina passed Yennefer and Ciri followed by Vincent who looked at Ciri and says, "We need to talk after this is over."

Vincent was standing in front of the Family Tree as he looked at it. He couldn't recognize the language it was written in when Yennefer and Mina walked slowly to his side while Geralt was scolding Ciri for running away in the middle of the night.

"You wanted to know who's Family Tree it is right?" asks Yennefer as Vincent nods.

"This is Ciri's Family Tree. You might not recognize the language as it is Elfish," says Yennefer as she listed them all for Vincent and Mina.

"So Radovid was a family member of Ciri," says Vincent as he thought that Ciri would be angry about that.

"Don't worry, he was just a distant cousin of hers and both were even betrothed to each other in one moment of our history," says Yennefer as Vincent looked at her surprised.

"So inbreeding is allowed here. We need to make sure that this doesn't happen any longer," says Vincent as a joke.

"Well Adda came out of a relationship between two siblings," says Yennefer as Vincent was caught off guard by this.

"Really?" asks Vincent looking at Yennefer.

"Yes, she is named after her mother after all. Princess Adda and King Foltest were siblings that loved each other. But Princess Adda died before she could give birth and the Adda you know became a monster. Geralt saved her and she turned back into her human form," says Yennefer as Vincent didn't care that she used to be a monster.

"Well, at least she seems to be a reasonable person that came out of that relationship. I don't like to see it but I can't do much against it since we have two provinces in which it is almost norm that it happens for a purer bloodline," says Vincent talking about Tevinter and High Rock.

"So it isn't forbidden," says Yennefer as both nod.

"It would be forbidden if not a Mage Revolt would start all over the Empire," says Vincent as a joke since everyone could use Magicka.

This made Mina giggle as she understood the joke while Yennefer needed some time before she realized what Vincent meant, making her smile.

Hope you like it.

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