
Armor for Ser Jorey

The week passed fast and Vincent received a package via magic from his Dunmer son which had everything he asked from him. Vincent opened the package while curious eyes were on him since he was in the canteen.

"And what is inside?" asks Liara as he took out a set of armor out which no normal person could wear.

It was dark blue with golden outlines and the helmet with had two golden horns while holding a sword and shield and Vincent says, "This is one of the best armors that I used the wear. I still have it at home hanging on a mannequin."

It was one of the sets Bultechu received after conquering the Crystal Tower before going to Ishgard. It was even the armor Bultechu used when he first entered the city. Vincent knows it because he was spying on him since he was an Au-Ra like he is.

"It is called the Light-Set. I heard a legend in which a Warrior of Light fought back the Darkness in this Armor," says Vincent as he took more sets out which made many eyes roll.

"Why are they so small? Nobody is going to be able to use them," says Ikora as Vincent smiles as he was holding a Red Mage-Set (Idealized Estoqueur's Set) in his palm.

"They aren't made for humans but hamsters. I asked my son and a friend of mine to make those for Ser Jorey who seems to be a Warrior of Light like me. This means he will be able to change his armor to suit his situation," says Vincent as he couldn't just summon his smithy into the Cargo Bay.

"Wait, didn't you say that no one could become a Warrior of Light because they can't connect with your God Hydaelyn," says Ikora confused about it.

"It seems that the little fellow found the little rift between both Universes and passed through it. He wasn't the first to use that rift after all," says Vincent excited as he git confirmation that the rift still existed and was open.

"How many did come through the rift?" asks Liara curious as Vincent lifts his hand up and showed her four fingers.

"Four people are known to have passed through and two of them passed through it twice," says Vincent as he puts everything back into the package.

"Well, we know two of the four," says Ikora curious as she looked at Vincent and asks, "Who are the other two?"

"One of them is quite well-known since she could transform into a Primal and is the Ancestor of all the Elezens on Nirn, my wife Ysayle Dangoulain. Why do you think the ruling family is known as Highwind while the rest has taken the Dangoulain as their surname," says Vincent as he looked at them.

"And the other?" asks Liara as she was interested.

"She is... was a Miqo'te that lived for a short period in Elsweyr. She had two children with a Khajiit. Her name is Y'shtola Rhul and is the mother of my wife, Saaranji Highwind," says Vincent holding the sadness inside before he stands up and says, "I will now help the little guy into his armor which is more professionally done than my improvised work."

Vincent leaves the two behind and Ikora says, "I think we hit a sore point by asking that out of him."

"You think so too," says Liara as she was thinking the same.

Vincent entered the elevator finding Titania already in it who says, "Perfect, the man I was looking for."

"What happened?" asks Vincent as Titania smiles at him.

"I need your help in the next mission big mission when I board a giant dead Reaper," says Titania as Vincent looked at her in disbelief.

"Are you crazy?" asks Vincent as Titania only smiles at him.

"Am I?" asks Titania back as Vincent sighs before holding his head with one hand while holding the package in the other.

"We both are sometimes crazy enough but I thought you knew your limits," says Vincent as they passed the fourth deck.

"I wouldn't go if it didn't have a Reaper IFF that will help us go through the Omega-4 Mass Relay without being noticed by the Collectors," says Titania before she sighs and continues, "And you will be there helping me with a second squad while Tali said that a Geth disappeared near the Reaper Derelict. So you could see it as saving one of your own people."

"When do we begin?" asks Vincent as the elevator stopped reaching the Cargo Bay.

"After we dealt with Samara's problem on Omega," says Titania as Vincent closed his eyes before walking out of the elevator.

"You mean her daughter," says Vincent knowing more about the objective, they are going to chase in Omega.

"She has a daughter?" says Titania confused as Vincent nods.

"Wait, she wants to kill her daughter?" asks Titania as Vincent shakes his head.

"She must have forgotten to tell you that we changed plans. We want her alive since a friend of mine wants to study the Ardat-Yakshi to find a cure for the Asari. It should release some tension between them and the Empire if we can give them a cure," says Vincent telling Titania about what Samara and he have been talking about lately.

"I see that you have everything planned," says Titania as she follows Vincent who walks towards Fenris who was laying on the bed resting while Ser Jorey was laying beside the Mabari.

"I have to even if my descendants are in charge of everything. And soon the most intriguing Highwind will be sitting on the throne going by what I know of my great-grandson," says Vincent giving Titania a hint about Naokichi.

"Is he that beautiful?" asks Titania because she only saw him once.

"Not in that context. He is interesting compared to Naosane and Naomasa. He is someone who you can't read. He could be smiling at you before pulling a gun out placing it against your head and pulling the trigger killing you on the spot," says Vincent as he puts the package on the bed before waking Ser Jorey up when Titania noticed that the white fur was replaced with golden fur.

"He went through a transformation since he received Magicka after standing under the sky of Nirn. Many people bring their children to Nirn once so they receive the gift of Magicka. We even have a support for families that can't allow themselves to travel to Nirn because of their financial situation," says Vincent as Ser Jorey was stretching his body.

"Did you train what I taught you yesterday?" asks Vincent as Ser Jorey grabbed his sword and shield and began to coat his body in a spell that seemed to strengthen his body before he put the shield in front of himself and wings of light spread behind him covering a good portion of the bed.

Vincent pets the hamster before saying, "You are making quite the improvements. Now, what should I give you as a gift?"

Ser Jorey was excited to find out what Vincent wanted to gift him when he sees the package and he runs towards it. He takes some sniffs from the package not smelling any food when he looks confused at Vincent.

"It seems it isn't what you were expecting but you will like it," says Vincent with a smile as he takes the sword and shield away before he takes the Light-Set out.

"This is one of your new armors that I asked for since you can't run around in some improvised armor," says Vincent as Ser Jorey looked at the armor with curious eyes.

"Now, do you remember what I taught you before with the Crystal knowing what you want from it at every moment," says Vincent looking at Ser Jorey who tilts his head looking at him while thinking before he nods.

"Good, now I will teach you how to do this," says Yun as his clothes turned into his Dragoon-Set before he entered his Warriors-Set and back to his normal clothes.

He helps the Hamster into his armor while Titania was watching curiously as Ser Jorey was in his new armor holding his new sword and shield when he raises his new sword into the air which made Vincent smile.

"Now think of the number one," says Vincent as Ser Jorey began to think of the number before he felt a warm feeling coming from the Crystal when his armor and weapons disappeared.

"You did it," says Vincent as he takes the next armor and weapon out when Titania looked at Vincent.

"Why can our little friend use the same ability as you when it comes to changing armors. I thought that only Guardians could do that," says Titania looking at Vincent curiously.

"I was unique in this Universe but now with our little friend over here there is a second Warrior of Light in this Universe," says Vincent helping Ser Jorey into his next armor.

"So he will be able to use the same abilities as you?" asks Titania hinting at Vincent's Guardian Powers.

"He won't be able to use the Powers of a Guardian. He might be a Warrior of Light but he isn't connected to the Traveler but Hydaelyn one of my Gods. Until a Ghost has found him he won't be able to use those other powers," says Vincent while telling Ser Jorey what to do.

"Good to know that you don't have a mini atomic bomb that can infiltrate behind enemy line disguised as a normal hamster," says Titania a bit more relieved knowing that the Hamster won't be able to become a one-man army.

"Well, I should prepare for tomorrow. Will we see the little fellow in action as well?" asks Titania as Vincent smiles at her taking the next armor and weapon out.

"Most likely but he will only use the same abilities as the Crownguards since I am training him to be a Paladin right now," says Vincent as he helps Ser Jorey into the next armor.

"Then I will leave you to it," says Titania leaving their side as Vincent and Ser Jorey continued while Fenris was sleeping beside them not even noticing what was going on beside him.

Hope you like it.

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