
The Dragonborn Emperor

Hadrian_darkstar · その他
10 Chs

years of childhood and meeting new allies

kings landing

The Red Keep

270 AC

Aegon POV

It has been seven years since my birth in this world of ice and fire, I still remember the day of my birth The day that I knew I could not use the meta ability creation after entering the world as a newborn so The great and mighty Rob as he calls himself, will create for me seven abilities before being born, I still remember that talk.



Aegon Pov

I was waiting to be born then something happened I felt that time stop then I heard someone trying and see if his microphone worked Then I Heard Rob say:" Aegon Can you hear me, Aegon?!" and I answered mentally "Yes I can hear you, you bloody bastard, and why didn't you allow me to change this bloody name from Aegon to Aemon?" Then he answered in an apologetic voice:" Sorry but I cannot change your name because is the name of the child that you're soul inhabits, and don't worry the child was supposed to be stillborn, into a more important issue you see I couldn't tell you that you cannot use meta ability creation in this world until magic return to the world so I will create for you seven abilities before being born".

I Side mentally and said: "Fine I will tell you The seven Abilities that I want, The first ability I want is The End from Medaka Box but add to it The capability to be used on any magical Abilities and skills and spells as well, The second ability I want is The Eyes of the Lord from Records of Ragnarok, and the Third ability I want is Golden Rule Ex level from The Nasuverse, The fourth ability I want is immunity from every harmful disease and poison and toxin, and the fifth I want genetic access, the sixth ability is infinite potential and talents for everything, The seventh ability I want is The ability to create anything that I imagine but with the restriction that I cannot create life but I can create food and plants both normal and magical"

Then I heard Rob saying with an angry voice: "This is fucking cheating, I cannot believe you are that pity to the level that you choose to make me create your hacks abilities for you"Then I Heard him say:" Fine it was my fault that I didn't tell you, that You cannot use your meta ability creation until the magic of the world returns, but beware they will be a lot of powerful enemies to balance the world, and I will give you an inventory".

Then time returned and I was born.


End of flashback

It has been five years since that talk, but surprisingly I found in my inventory some gifts from Rob and Akatosh, Lorken, The biblical God of DXD, and Athena/Minerva.


The Amulet Of Kings/Chim-El Adabal (The Elder scrolls)

Rings of King Solomon.

grimoire of King Solomon. (The Nasuverse).

grimoire of The HP world.

grimoire of Aubis(The Elder Scrolls universe).

Grimoire of the Nasuverse.

Grimoires and tomes of the Valyrian magic and rituals and smithing and engineering.

Sacred Gear: The Dragon Emperor's Imperial Regalia.

King Arthur Pendragon and alter Armors [fate/prototype](The Nasuverse).

Excalibur [fate/prototype](The Nasuverse).

99999999999999999999 gold.

Let's just say that Rob and the gods are excessive in giving gifts.

But my life as the Second prince of the seven kingdoms was quite normal for this era, All I did just train with the sword and all types of weapons with the Master at arms, and learn most of what the grand Maestar taught me whatever Maesters teach every Prince and Noble in the seven kingdom.

Today I got bored so I thought about going to the city to see how The commoners live in this cesspool of corruption(both literally and figuratively).


The streets of Kings Landing

Aegon Pov

I read it myself by taking a cloak and a short sword and a dagger for my protection, then I sneaked to some tunnel that I discovered A long time ago when I was trying to find all the secrets of the Red Keep without using magic because I was bored from listening to Pycelle droning about the history of the noble houses of Westeros.

Half an hour later.

I was walking alone on the streets of King Londing, seeing the People doing their work and children helping their parents or playing with other children, Then I Heard the scream of three girls asking for help, so I ran as fast as possible to help those children, I saw a man about to r*pe a Dornish girl and two men about to Forcefully Strip two other blonde girls, so the first thing I did is throw my dagger at the r*pest killing him, then his two partners stopped what they were doing and looked at me and said: "We will kill you, bastard, for killing our friend" Then I said "Come at me are you r*pests and Face someone that can fight back" then they unsheathed their daggers and attacked me.


Barristan Selmy pov

I was in the Armoury trying to find the Whetstone to sharpen my sword, Most knights give this Job to their Squires but Today I thought about doing it myself, Then I saw the second prince wearing a hooded cloak trying to be sneaky so I watched him from A far to see what he was doing, he took a short sword and a dagger from the Armoury, so I put a brown hooded cloak and followed him to some Secret tunnel I followed him until he exited the tunnel to the Beach in front of the red keep and I saw him going to the city so I followed him through the street without him knowing and I saw him looking at the common folk seeing what they were doing.

I thought it was natural for the young prince to want to know what his people were doing in their lives, then I Heard the scream of children asking for help and I saw the prince running in the direction of the scream, so I ran behind him but surprisingly the prince was too focused on saving the children to notice that someone was running behind, and when I finally caught to him, I saw The outlaws Who were about to r*pe some girls, Then I saw the prince through a dagger at one of them killing him, and the Two other outlaws got angry and threatened to kill the prince and he answered their challenge, so I was about to attack The outlaws but I saw the prince stab one of them killing him quickly, and the second outlaw was about to attack but I killed him before he even tries to attack and I said to the prince:" Your majesty are you alright, Please don't go to the city alone without guards or at the least ask me to come with you". but the Prince ignores me while he speaks with the three girls.


Aegon POV

I killed two of the bastards and I looked at the girls and asked them:" Are you alright Do you need to see a healer".

Then they answered with gratitude and crying voices:" Thank you for saving us, from those bastards". And I answered:" You don't need to thank me" Then I Heard the voice of Sir Barristan but I ignored him while I was speaking to the children, then I asked them about their names and the Dornish girl answered:" My name is Casca, your Grace".

Hold on a moment, her name is Casca, and she does look like Casca from Berserk, Does that mean I am Griffith?

Nope don't think about something like that, you are a Dragon, not A hawk so it's impossible and we are not in the world of Berserk, Then the blonde girl with purple eyes introduced herself:" My name is Jeanne d'Arc thank you for saving".

The fuck she looks like the one from Fate, and lastly The other Blondie:" My name is Farnese de Vandimion I am I daughter of a noble of braavos I got Abducted with the other girls please help us find our way home your majesty".

Oh shit, this world is so fucked.

I answered the girls by saying:" I will try to help you".

and I looked at Barristan and asked: "Sir Barristan can we help them? Please".

and then he answered:" Of course my prince, I think Lady Farnese de Vandimion's family is visiting the Red Keep tomorrow afternoon, so they are in the city so we don't need to worry about her but the other girls are another story, but they can stay in the red keep for awhile I think? Well, you need to ask your mother's permission for that, your grace ".

Oh crab basket.



Farnese de Vandimion

Jeanne d'Arc