
The Dragon sovereign Is Reborn

I reached the peak of cultivation but later found out that the peak of cultivation was not the peak. I was just a bird trapped in my own story, so a broke free of my story and found other stories out there, some bigger than my story and others small. Although I will start from the absolute beginning once more, I have billions upon trillions of years' worth of knowledge, and experience to allow me to reach a new peak. this is my journey, the journey of the dragon sovereign. I shall conquer many stories and shall take the pen away from all those who dare to try and control my story,

Itachi102 · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs


"Oh no..." Shiro said in horror while looking at the tv, which currently had King Furry, the ruler of the planet announcing that someone named King Piccolo was taking over, but he was being forced to. the moment he tried resisting, he was thrown away by King Piccolo, who was a green slug-like monster.

the moment he took the title of king of this planet, the first thing he did was make all crimes illegal, allowing all criminals to do as they wish. Shiro eyes were filled with worry, luckily she managed to act quickly and buy a huge amount of food.

"What are you doing!" Shiro said angrily seeing Sora lazily eating the stack of food she bought while watching Tv as if nothing was happening.

"You're overreacting..." Sora said calmly before he suddenly froze as he sensed a powerful energy signal, it was for a small instant, but with his senses, he sensed something or something that had tapped into a great power.

'Is this king piccolo powerful... I seem to have forgotten I'm within a story, if I'm not wrong, that person I just sensed was the MC of this story.' Sora thought only to snap out of it when Shiro took the food out of his hands,

"We need to save up on food, only eat when we are hungry and not eat for fun," Shiro said seriously before looking at the tv in worry, which showed many people causing chaos, they could even feel the room they were in vibrating from the chaos taking place outside.

"I can't see you like this, I should head out to minimize the damage," Sora said calmly while getting up, but Shiro instantly stopped him.

"sit down and let others take care of this, don't try and bite off more than you can swallow... or was it eat more than you swallow." Shiro fell into deep thought, only to snap back into reality when the door to the underground basement was opened,

"Please stop..." Shiro said as she hugged Sora, making Sora speechless, but then again he never showed her his strength.

"You worry for nothing, just look at this," Sora said as he closed the steel door, and with a finger, he stabbed forward, his finger easily piercing the steel door like it was nothing. Shiro froze seeing Sora pulling his finger and revealing the hole in the arm, which was so smooth.

"The Finger Fun..." Shiro said with bright eyes, this was the move from Two Piece a close-quarter combat technique, in which the user pushes their finger into a certain target at a very high speed, leaving a wound similar to a bullet wound.

"I'm also bulletproof, they can drop a bomb on me and I will walk away... so, sit back and enjoy yourself," Sora said calmly Shiro looked at Sora as if she was looking at a stranger, after a moment she reached out a panicked Sora.

"What was that for?" Sora asked with a frown while rubbing his hand in pain, he had to weaken his flesh to not injure her.

"So I'm not dreaming? but I never see you training?" Shiro said softly, unable to believe this.

"you are supposed to pinch yourself," Sora said angrily, to which Shiro look at him weirdly as if what Sora just said was the dumbest thing she heard.

"If I did that, I would hurt myself. why would I hurt myself," She said making Sora speechless and at a loss for words, her words made sense, but he was not in the mood to fight with her.

"Be safe, alright..." Shiro said softly, to which Sora nodded slightly. Shiro went on to watch him leave closing the door behind him, she went on to a seat on the chair, questing if she should have let him go or forced him to stay out of harm's way.

"So much chaos," Sora said while looking at the many criminals doing all they want, many with guns just running through the streets killing as many people as they want, the police moved out to stop them, but their morale was not high, and they were low on numbers as many of them were spread out to deal with the many people who were just doing all they want.

"I will rule this place soon, I can't do that if you are all dead," Sora said as his life force, which he came to find was called Ki exploded from his body, it was like a shock wave, which went on to knock out all of the criminals causing chaos.

Sora shot out, his energy spread out knocking out every criminal he met, leaving none standing as they all fainted. Sora went on to float into the sky after knocking out all those in his path, before going on to sit on a close and lazily went on to look at the building where king piccolo was and was currently making announcements.

King Piccolo told the world that starting this year, he shall pick a random number that stood for a city. Once the city is picked, that city shall be destroyed by him, Sora hearing this couldn't help but frown, currently he lived in the western city, which would be 28... which is the city King Piccolo happened to pick, leaving Sora speechless.

before King Piccolo could go on with his plan to destroy the city, he got himself a challenger who came in on something which looked like a key, but it was not pointy. form within, a man jumped out and landed smoothly on his feet.

Sora studied this many and couldn't help but think he saw him before. the most noticeable part of this man was the fact he had a 3rd eye on his forehead and was completely bold. He had a good physique and Sora could tell he was training hard for this battle.

'weird, years ago the strongest person I could find had a strength of around 80... he is 180. did I miss someone or is this world going through some transformations? king Piccolo also has a strength measurement of 260... were they hiding or are they coming out?' Sora thought while looking at him.

'are there others in hiding? is this one of those stories where experts are in hiding all over the world but would pop up as the MC's strengths grow, and he would slowly unlock some secret about this world or something?' Sora said thought while in deep thought about this whole matter, shaking his head he returned to the battle in hand.

the 3 eye guy thought he would be fighting king piccolo, but King Piccolo went on to open an end, and out from his mouth, he spent which went on to hatch an egg with a power level of 200,

'that is a unique ability, I need to get his blood to study that power... but it could be disgusting and weird to have something like that come out of my mouth. I might be able to change things up slightly, I could make an army. this is interesting. I wonder what more bloodline ability this world has to offer.' Sora thought with narrowed eyes as he watched the battle between the bold guy and the newborn start,

3 Eye was no match and was on the losing end, this went on for some time until he got an opening where he turned things around in his favor, but even so, it wasn't enough and he was defeated, but in the end, he tried to seal away King Piccolo, but the newborn threw itself away, leading to take the chance to destroy the jar which was going to be used to seal away the newborn.

Out of strength, 3 eyes fell to the ground, leaving him to be killed. but before he could be killed at the last moment, a kid shot forward and kicked away the newborn, after some talking, the newborn got up to attack the kid but he was shotted by the kid

'Goku?' Sora thought hearing what they called this kid, the name brought no memories, there were many people who went by that name. but made Sora feel as if he saw this kid was the kid strange shape hair. he felt like he has seen it before, but couldn't put a finger on it, maybe it was in the cultivation world or something,

'This kid is talented... pure at heart, and strong-willed. this is the MC.' Sora thought while looking at Goku, parts of Goku remembered himself, he could feel Goku hunger for power and reach the peak, similar to himself.

'He should win, although I wish to watch his capability, I have other matters to deal with.' Sora thought as he stood up on the cloud, before disappearing. within a room, King Furry sat on a chair, uneasy about everything. but he suddenly froze as he saw the door opening.

"Who are you?" King Furry asked upon seeing an extremely normal-looking person entering the room and going on to sit next to him.

"Someone here to make you an offer," Sora said calmly, stunning King Furry, but Sora spoke before King Furry could speak.

"My name is Sora, I want you to give up the position of king of this planet to me," Sora said calmly stunning King Furry even more.

"If you can defeat King Piccolo and isn't a monster, I will happily give it up," he said angrily, he was not in the mood for this, his planet and people were in danger, but he was not in the mood for such things.

"... lets me show you your place," Sora said softly, he slowly got off the table, and slowly an aura that made King Furry's instinct kick in, telling him to run, but his body was frozen. He felt like he was sitting before a dragon, a mighty monster that ruled over all things...

"Someone is fighting King Piccolo and is winning." A soldier yelled while entering the room, but froze upon seeing King Furry just sitting on the ground with a horrified look. the soldier rushed forward and after some tries, he snapped the king out of his fear...

meanwhile, Sora watched the battle between Goku and King Piccolo. this was his first time watching a battle within this world, so he was interested, it was also why he didn't waste any time with King Furry, he wanted to watch this battle.

But while watching the battle he was disappointed. their martial art was low and their Ki control was poor. Combat skills were something that took years to learn and master, Sora had fought hundreds of enemies, and many of reach had lived before the beginning of time, and refined his combat skill to overwhelm many people.

Control of energy was important, it would allow one to use their energy to the maximum and waste the least amount of energy.

let's say you had the power of lightning, using that lightning could cause harm to you, but upon mastering it to a level, you can do something like infusing lightning into your body, it would strengthen your body, but with some drawback, like the lightning burning the user

but as your control improve, you could minimize that backlash, while gaining a greater boost in power. it could reach a point where you would suffer no damage, while at the same time, you would be getting the biggest benefit capable,

The Battle between Goku and King Piccolo was hard, but Goku managed to pull off a win with great difficulty. Goku shot himself forward, and his head shot through King Piccolo's stomach, creating a hole within.

but at his dying breath, Piccolo opened his mouth and coughed out another big, which shot far away. no one noticed, but Sora saw it.

'well, I should return home.' Sora thought as he disappeared, returning home. where he found Shiro watching the news which had a live image of the battle which just took place between Goku and King Piccolo, with the news reports cheering that the monster was killed.

"thank goodness you didn't go face off against that monster," Shiro said with a sigh of relief, she saw King Piccolo's power, which was capable of destroying cities, many tv reports died due to getting too close, this was the only one which was far away enough to remain out of danger.

"I could have defeated him, I just knew someone would step in and do it," Sora said calmly, making Shiro look at him with suspicious look, she didn't know if Sora was lying or not,

"How did you even get so strong, I never once saw you train." She said while sizing Sora up, Sora thought for a moment before shrugging.

"I do, but when I do, I leave a clone behind," Sora said calmly, stunning Shiro who thought for a moment,

"you want me to train you?" Sora asked calmly, to which Shiro quickly shook her head, but it was easy to tell she was lying. of course, she wanted to be trained by Sora, she wanted to have the power to do cool stuff she saw in anime,

"I don't mind, but the way I train is powerful, you might not be able to keep up," Sora said calmly, to which Shiro poofed out her chest.

"Who do you think you're talking to? I'm Shiro. I'm not gonna run away and I never go back on my word, that is my nindo! My ninja way!" Shiro said while pointing at Sora, saying the legendary words spoken by the best girl... Sakura, from that one anime.

"... Good, Your words have moved me. I shall be putting you to the test then, you ready?" Sora asked, to which Shiro waved at Sora to come at her. Sora nodded slightly,

"then let's go, we shall be training for 3 years. you shall take place in The 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament, your task is to win." Sora said to which Shiro nodded with detrained eyes, and so the two set off,