
The Dragon Prince: Rise of Callum

After Rayla broke Callums heart at the moon nexus he slipped of the mountain in his sadness. In his last breath a soul from earth merged with the soul of Callum. Follow the journey of a new Callum that will change Xadia forever. This picture is not mine. It's from this site https://mariaychou.artstation.com/projects/GX0b4N The characters except OC aren’t from me but the writers of the of the characters and story’s there originally from.

Sitting_Duck · テレビ
34 Chs

Chapter 15: Taking care of and Slaughter

(P.O.V. Callum)

"My ladies could you please leave us. Me and master Saleer have much to discuss." Said Callum with an bloodied sword in his hand.

[Ding host found Saleer. Because host killed 10 guards without starting the quest host gotten an extra 2000 system points.]

[Ding host found Saleer. Kill him and the remaining mutated soldiers.]

I grabbed Saleer by his collar and dragged him at the edge of the terrace over the railing. "Tell me Saleer where can i find the remaining soldiers that broke out of prison or should i let gravity do it's work."

I saw Saleer shake in fear. "Will you take care of me when i get you to the escaped soldiers."

"Don't worry if you will take me to the escaped soldiers, lord Tyranus will take care of you."

(P.O.V. Callum End)

Callum dragged downstairs with the coins he looted from the soldiers and Saleer. When downstairs he stopped Saleer and opened the door. He threw the coins in the air. "Look it's raining coins."

The drunk customers saw it raining coins and ran towards the coins. When everyone was runnung towards the coins, he took Saleer and went outside through the backdoor.

After a while he left the city with Saleer through the entrance he used earlier to enter the city and went east of the city. After a while he saw an camp with a two people standing guard.

(P.O.V. Callum)

"From the looks of it the soldiers that escaped are here camping outside of the city. Now like i promised lord Tyranus will take care of you."

Saleer smiled, but soon began to shake in fear when i unsheathed my sword. "What are you doing? You promised i will be taken care of." I smiled at that. "Yes you will be taken care of. Now goodbye." With a swift swing i decapitated Saleer and made sure his body didn't fall to hard on the ground.

(P.O.V. Callum end)

He dragged the body near an bush and went towards the camp. Callum grabbed an stone threw it near the bushes where the two guards were standing guards.

"What was that?" The guards then walked towards the bush where they heard the noise. When they were at the bush, Callum snuck behind them and used his sword to decapitate them. He snuck around the camp and elliminated te rest of people who were standing guards.

(P.O.V. Callum)

"Palpatine how is the mission going?" [Ding host has killed Saleer and 30 mutated soldiers. Host needs to kill the remaining 70 mutated soldiers.] "Thank you Palpatine. Now let;s eliminate the rest."

I snuck in the camp and saw people sitting near multible fires with drinks in their hand, singing in an drunken stupor and laughing out loud. There were six fires. Two with 15 people sitting near them and the remaining fires had 10 people per fire. I took out my sword and ran towards the fire nearest to me. I plunged my blade in an soldier near to me and kicked another in the face. Quickly slit the throat of three soldiers with my sword before they could react. The remaining soldiers near that campire stood up and took out their swords.

(P.O.V. Callum end)

Callum deflected a sword that was comming towards his back with one hand. He then elbowed that same soldier in the face, deflected another sword and cuth through another soldiers throat. He then sweeped another soldiers leg, spiral jumping(The jump he used in star wars the clone wars against Anakin and Obi-Wan when they find out he is Tyranus) between the two soldiers and disarming them. Callum quickly killed them and went towards the remaining seven soldiers. He then swiftly killed the one he elbowed, deflacted two swords and kicked one person on the knea, breaking it. Then he put his sword through one persons cheft, deflacted an attack and decapitated him swiftly. The remaining four soldiers, including the one screaming in pain he killed with his sword. Callum then threw the alcohol on the ground, made an track of alcohol towards the fire and set an part of the camp on fire. He then swiftly left the camp and entered from another entrance. He saw the camp erupted in chaos and the remaining soldiers tried to put out the fire and search for the perpetrator in small groups. Smilling at this Callum repeated what he did.

(P.O.V. Last living soldier)

"What the hell is happening? I see an person in silver/grey armor killing left and right. His fighting style isn't like anything i ever seen. It looked extremely precize and ellegant." While in thought he saw the person in silver/grey armor deflacting an soldiers sword and slitting his throat. The last one before was then killed with an sword through his chest. The person in silver/grey armor then looked at me and walked towards me. I asked in an shaking voice "What the hell are you?". The person in silver/grey armor then answered with "Death" and put an sword through my chest. Everything started to fade and become black before me.

(P.O.V. Last living soldier end)

(P.O.V. Callum)

[Ding host has completed his emergency mission.]

Rewards: Crop accelerator powder 10 kilograms, Flight(Rare), 20000 system points.

Bonus Rewards: Character template(Epic) of choice, 10000 system points extra, Force lighting(Rare).

"Very nice. With this i'm closer in having fully integrated with the Count Dooku template, get Aaravos's mark removed and get my potatoes fully grown." With this knowledge i dragged all of the soldiers in the middle of the camp where the firse were. Put the remaining alcohol over them and put them on fire. I walked towards the bush where i placed Saleer's body and dragged it near the fire, but made sure the body didn't burn otherwise how would Katolis soldiers find the dead traitors. Keeping Katolis soldiers searching for an someone that was reduced to ash was foolish.

So with this knowledge he went back towards the city, grabbed his horse and left towards Katolis.

Five days later.

"This is the direction where Saleer was last seen Soren towards that tall hill" Said Corvus. "Then let's go Corvus. We will go towards the hallest. Get it! Tall, hill, Hillest." Said Soren with an smirk. "Yeah, yeah i get it. Let's go." Said Corvus with a grin. They went towards the tall hill and at the peak they saw beneath them an camp that was burned to ash. They went towards the burned camp and saw Saleer's body with many burned corpses.

"What the hell happened here?" Said Corvus and Soren at the same time.

Author note: This was really difficult to write. Using only dueling skills to take out 70 soldiers take a long time so i choice this approach. If this chapter can be improved please let me know.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Sitting_Duckcreators' thoughts