
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · ファンタジー
199 Chs

Chapter 35 New info old world pt. 2

Upon hearing Nihil's words Drake wanted to make sure that he was fine by Nihil's standards.

After checking his condition, she realized that he was actually missing contracts due to the Wormhole.

Seeing this and explaining it all was completely different. Seeing it was easy, explaining it was something Nihil was not experienced at.

After trying to explain it to Drake. Nihil gave up and drew pictures to explain it to Drake. Her drawing was not the best but Drake could tell she was trying her best.

Once he got an idea of what Nihil was trying he finished putting it together.

"So you mean I do not have their contracts. With them missing I can fix some of my problems now correct Nihil?" Drake said in a thinking posture.

"Correct. However the contracts you used are either from the future or something you made yourself." Nihil wanted Drake to make sure he understood.

"Um. Can you please explain it to me Drake?" Aura asked.

Drake asked Nihil, "Should I explain it or wait?"

"I see no problem now. However not knowing some things will be a big problem." Nihil replied.

Drake went to explain that in the future the Elves were wiped out by a bad decision made by her. He was training to fight the first Pope. When he noticed a presence that needed to be wiped out. While he was trying to escape he got pulled into a Wormhole.

Hearing this Aura was extremely glad that Drake got pulled into the Wormhole. Aura hugged Drake and wanted nothing more than to allow him be in her presence.

Seeing this Nightingale was happy. She had never been so happy in her life. The first moment she can remember was when she got a magic aptitude test and saw it was lightning. Everyone shunned her, including her own parents.

When it came to training, she was always the odd one out or pushed to the back of the line. When she finally decided to leave it was a mixed feeling. She was happy because she would be able to experience the world. She was upset for leaving her family behind.

She left. A three months later, she heard news of her parents death trying to find her. They were killed in the Ritocian Vast Plains in the Blue Spider's area.

She cried trying to think why they would search for her. Trying to find information about it she came across two other girls trying to make it in the world. The first one was a Dragon girl. Her name is Kawai.

Kawai was extremely straightforward and shy. She said whatever was on her mind and nothing else. If someone were to ask for an opinion from her she would always tell them to fuck off. Because she had no opinion of anyone or anything. Just straight answers. The second girl was a Ritocian girl named Aki.

Aki was born in the autumn, she was always beautiful. No matter how dirty she dressed her face made the clothes look extremely good. Anyone looking in her direction would always get kicked in between their legs, both man and woman.

While Nightingale was with those two she was happy. However the happiness from Drake was much more than that time spent with those girls.

Aura let go of Drake, and Drake slowly let go of Aura. Aura knew she needed to stay with him no matter what but she needed to have an Elf baby. To be able to stay has the Elven Queen. She wanted him to have her first but she could not give him his first child. She was extremely upset.

Nightingale and Aura talked about the sleeping arrangements. Drake was exhausted and decided to sleep on the couch.

They turned to see him sleeping on the couch. They were upset because they had just figured how to make each other happy with the sleeping arrangements.

Drake woke up at 4 in the morning. He decided the first thing to do was visit the Guild. He started his way there.

Remembering how the building looked from restoring it in the capital. He made his way to the Guild. Once he entered he saw many people looking angry at him.

Drake decided to not worry about them and head to the counter. On his way up there, a few men stood in front of Drake. Drake could easily move them but did not want to.

One of the men said, "Listen kiddo. We will be nice if you FUCKING this piece of SHIT of a Guild NOW!!"

Drake responded, "This is my first time inside of a Guild. I would like to make that decision for myself."

The men looked at him angrier and decided to let him head to the counter. Drake went up to the counter.

Drake asked, "How do I register to be part of the Guild?" There was a scared lady behind the counter.

She replied, "First you need to fill out paperwork. Once that is done depending what rank you want you might have to face someone of that caliber. If you want to start at the basic level F just fill out paperwork."

Hearing the lady scared to death. Drake turned his attention to the guys and asked, "She was polite to me. I see no need to call this Guild a piece of 'SHIT'."

The guys looked at Drake with even more angry then the last time and replied, "KID listen it is not about registration or getting the jobs. It is about payment. That makes this Guild a piece of SHIT."

A large burly man said walking into the Guild.

"Boss." All the men said in unison and bowed.

Drake looked to the lady and asked, "Do you have a hard time keeping money in by chance?"

The lady nodded in agreement. She did not want to become an anger management counselor.

"I see. What would help you keep money here to pay adventurers?" Drake trying to find a way to help the Guild.

"The government is trying to take all the money because of what Hero Unknown did a year ago." The lady replied.

"I am sorry that my brother caused such a mess. I will help clean up the mess he caused. In return you must let the government know that you need to start keeping more money inside." Drake wanted everyone to listen.

The sudden revelation that he was Hero Unknown's brother scared the hell out of everyone. Everyone knew that he would be going to fight the calamities after the Pope Battle in 10 months.

Drake turned around and everyone bowed to Drake and apologized for their behavior. Drake understood why they did not like this place.

Knowing he should say something thought about what to say. In the end he said this, "I will do my best to defeat my brother. I cannot guarantee that I will win. Please rest assured I will fix the problems that my brother caused."

The sudden revelation made everyone look to Drake in admiration. They wanted to know how strong he was. How before they could ask, Drake walked outside.

Hearing that he was Hero Unknown's brother. The lady ran inside the main office and told the Guildmaster what happened.

The Guildmaster immediately made Drake into an A Rank adventurer. The lady was told to get that card to him as soon as possible. She ran outside into the main room and the guys immediately took the card from the lady and would search for Drake.

They did not want anything bad coming to them from Hero Unknown.

Drake found the library. He went inside to find books about Hero Unknown. There was exactly 5 books about himself. Drake started reading the first book called 'My Life' written by Hero Unknown edited by the village of Ritocian government.

Reading it Drake learned how bad his life the first time actually was. He truly felt sad by how much grief he had before coming back 5,000 years. It was not a long book but Drake wanted to take his time.

After reading it, the famous Ding went off. 1/5 books read for mana seal to be broken. Drake was excited that this was actually one of the books to be read for his broken seal.

The next book was 'What I want' written by Hero Unknown edited by the four Pope's guardians. In this book Drake learned that Hero Unknown really wanted people to join in and help him become even stronger. What he would do once he was stronger.

Drake did not much like the book but he finished it anyways. However upon finishing it there was no Ding. This made Drake upset. He wanted to break the seal but needed to know what books there was. Upon thinking the doors to the library were opened and someone shouted, "DRAKE IF YOU ARE IN HERE COME OUTSIDE NOW!!"

Hearing this Drake returned the books. He headed outside, after exiting he saw one of the men from inside the Guild. Drake asked, "Did you yell for me by chance?"

"Yes. I am about to send a signal to my boss. He has something for you." The man replied shooting a fireball into the sky.

Seeing the fireball in the sky. The boss ran over to the library and handed Drake his adventurer's card. He explained what he could use it for. First is an identification for entering any place. Second any quest that Drake finishes will automatically make the card glow. So no one else can get the reward. Third if anyone needs you the card has a function to point the way to whoever needs you.

Drake thanked the person. The two men stood there has Drake left. The boss said, "You did a good job finding him."

The man thanked his boss and the two went back to the Guild. It was close to 9 in the morning now. Drake went to the inn and found the girls still sleeping. Drake upset went and found a clock. That just got put out in the inn for travelers and found it had a 24 hour time system. Even though it was 9 in the morning no one was really stirring.

Drake started thinking about what Hero Unknown had done and remembered that he changed the time to an 18 hour day.

Drake decided to get finish getting some information about the place before continuing on. The first place was basically the inn. He might not get much but it would be better than something. He went to the counter and asked, "I do not have any money. However, what information can I get?"

The man at the counter looked at Drake and said, "Depending on your adventurer's card kiddo."

Drake pulled out his card and showed it to the man. The slammed his head against the counter and apologized.

Drake told the man to raise his head. He was just doing his normal duty.

The man replied, "I will not even charge the ladies that were with you. I hope this will fix everything."

Drake got upset. He did not want him to. The man had started to get out the money they used.

Drake asked, "What kind of monsters live in the Vast Plains?"

The man asked, "Do you mean the Ritocian Vast Plains or the regular Vast Plains?"

Drake did not know what each of them was and said both.

The man said, "The Ritocian Vast Plains are mainly where the Calamities battle each other. Mostly A Rank or higher creatures live there. The Vast Plains is mainly weaker monsters. Mostly B Rank and lower this is where most guilds accept quests."

Drake wanted to know about the dungeons next.

The man continued, "There are 20 dungeons. The ones in both the Vast Plains are C Rank and lower.

There are five dungeons to watch out for though."

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