

"what is she going to do..?" As the blue dragoness made its way to him she again suddenly yawned and slept on mc's tail..

"Awww so cute! -yawns- hmm i gues yawning is contagious....." They both fell asleep for about 6 hours until....




Both of them suddenly jumped up and took a battle stance the others back on the other back "w-what? We cant talk still but we can read each others emotions..." As he looks at his younger sister he saw her shocked face but is still filled with beauty....



a head pops out...

"The red egg cracked?" Fiery flams as thin as thread suddenly emerged and then a young dragon camed out....

"Its my third sibling! Heh i think he has a... 'FIERY' personality... Ha ha... I still love to joke to myself as always"

The male looking fire dragon suddenly camed out and saw them both... He then saw the blue dragoness and gave him a sassy gaze

Blue dragoness at that moment: "hmmph!'

The blue dragoness rolled her eyes and again slept on his older brother xyfers left side... The fire dragon paused and looked at xyfer with respect and also approached and slept on his older brothers right side..

"Hmm looks like my two siblings are rivals? I just hope they still be friendly towards each other and protect each others arses" he also slept and pondered what he should call them and what their nicknames is for now....

*Yes! I know! Blue dragoness's nickname would be bluey for know and red dragons name would be firery but pronounced just as 'fiery' im so good at nicknames"

About 10 hours pass and then they heard another one....




The white egg as bright as about a quarter of the light he was enshrouded in when he was on the 'white at the end of the tunnels' place cracked and a head popped out!

"Huh whose there?" They three suddenly jumped up and again becamed wary of their surroundings only to find another dragon.. or dragoness as the dragon was female looking! She was as beautiful as the sun while bluey was as beautiful as the all of the. Ocean <3 (mc and firery is also as handsome the beauty of two but im too lazy to write that XD)< p>

She looked at them and suddenly felt comfortable as they are her older siblings... She walked to them and smiled at them

They all felt at ease when they saw her smile and they decided to calm down. Even firery and blueys attitude towards each other calmed down and they decided to explore the cave they were in unless of xyfer as he already explored it

While they were out on the mean time....

The black egg shivered and cracked!




Then a black dragons head comes out "i fell embarrassed as i falled down while they didnt sigh" xyfer suddenly paused and looked at the direction of the sound and saw another dragon! Male again this time! The black dragon saw him and also sensed their siblings as theres no harmful intent on xyfers look and also sensed that their blood is of the same!

Black dragon rushed to xyfer and slept on beside him... "Wait a minute doesnt that mean that white dragoness and him are rivals? Ehhh ill call him blacky and call white sunny" blacky slept and the two dragoness's and dragon finally camed and analyzed blacky... Sunny suddenly gazed him and blacky suddenly woke up and gazed at her aswell! "Sigh, i knew it their also gonna be rivals..." Sunny suddenly jumped and roared at him cutely and blacky also roared at her cutely and on that day onward. They had friendly rivals like firery and bluey!

Xyfer smirked "i guess bluey and firery learned from them" they both suddenly looked at each other as well and smiled and blacky and sunny smiled aswell to each other

Suddenly... Crack... Crack... CRACK!

The brown egg cracked and then revealed itself to be a young male dragon! It falled down and looked up at them and smiled carrying the aura of a gentle giant.... "Aww. I bet if he was a human he would be a gentleman...." The brown dragon then rushed at them and waved his claw to make it clear he is their younger brother and is friendly! The other greeted him aswell by waving their claws so does xyfer! "Heh phew atleast im not the only one who also falled down!"

They all fell asleep as all their activities tired them

2 days passed and everyone was awoken by a sudden crack again!




a green dragon that looked like female (btw yall can imagine their colors by the color of their eggs) popped out of the egg and saw them! When they all saw her, and they again analyzed her and knew she was their sibling "i wonder.. are they also gonna be rivals?" When the green dragoness looked at brown dragon she smiled and approached him and waved to him as he was the closest and waved to the others last "hmm i sense to rivalry intent i guess that their not rivals? Wait what dragon is my rival then? Blue looks like a water dragon, firery looks like... Fire ofc... And so on and so fourth but me... What dragon am i?" However, all that curiosity wemt out as all of them felt hungry... All of them looked at their respective cracked egg shells unless xyfer and walked up to them and started eating them... "Is this what dragons do? Well... Never hurts to try?" Suddenly, xyfer walked to his egg shell pieces and started eating them! "This taste... Its so indescribable i feel at ease... Its like chicken nuggets and others like chocolate and so on!"

They all finished eating and slept together side by side "time to sleep i guess... I hope well be safe tomorrow!".

hand hurts bec of writing notes on school bruv.... btw i nicknamed red dragon firery intentionally! i didnt misspelled 'fiery' OK?

Genallity_Reapercreators' thoughts