
Reborn as a.... DRAGON!?!?!??

"hmmm i gues this is it... Its all pitch darkness... Wait... Is that... Light?" As he was ponderingnif it was light or whether he is cooked or not he suddenly feels the feeling of falling down into the light... "Hmm- w-wait? what? I guess this is what those say 'the light at the end of the tunnel' ?" As the glimmering light flashed and flashed again and again in his eyes as he was consumed by the boundless light... He suddenly felt as if he was trapped in something of an oblong shape... "What? This is boring am i gonna have to spent eternity like this? Sigh... Atleast let me try to figure out where i am...." As he touches his new found surroundings, he feels helpless as only a purple with black and jet black void colored stripes and oblong shaped 'thing' was his analysis of his new found surroundings...




About several months past,

Atleast in the mc's eyes.... He tries to spend time by thinking about things of his past life.... "Sigh... I guess i really will be stuck here eternally forever... I atleast should've tried to finally beat that game..... Its just that the bosses on 1500 and above are absolute terryfying monsters... The boss on floor 1520 alone made me search how to defeat in on the official games website... Sigh"

"Hmmm but strangely enough i havent been hungry after all these months... What?"

"Xyfer... Think! You might die here! Dont be too careless even if you're safe!"




"W-whoa what the-" as xyfer felt something cracking he suddenly falls down and when he saw his body he was shocked.... "T-this isnt human.... Wha-what am i?" "Wait a second... Am i... A DRAGON???"

As he pondered for a second... He suddenly felt the urge to nap for a lil bit....

"-yawns- i-i cant control it-...."

ten minutes past....

Hours past....

and a week finally passed and xyfer was now awake!

"phew... Im alive.... But im not gonna live long if i get shocked and shocked again and again sigh" as he scans his now new again surroundings.. he saw that he was in a dimly lit cave and that there was 6 other colored eggs.. specifically blue,green,white,black,red and a brown one "hmm.... It really appears I am a dragon!"




Suddenly the blue colored one cracks... And a Head falls out! "AHHHHH... Oh- wait another one that hatched? Wait does this mean were siblings?" As the purple dragon that looks like a dragoness emerged out of the egg... It suddenly looked at xyfer and yawned.... It walked closer and closer to him slowly... "What... Is she gonna do?".

hehe 6 other siblings... looks like mc gonna get competition for the strongest child? hehe

Genallity_Reapercreators' thoughts