
Parents and home!?!

After a full month of sleeping.... They all woked up... "Huh what time is it? I've finally figured out what ill call brown and green! Ill call them windy and earthel" as they all examine their bodies.... They all grew taller about 4 times their old height! While the earth dragon grew 5 times! They have also noticed they got stronger and had a faint understanding of controlling their aura and killing intent!

before he could think of anything else... Two COLLOSAL dragon shadows penetrated the ground from the sky... When all of them looked outside at the entrance of the giangantic collosal cave it was only pitch darkness and two as big as mountains shadows were getting nearer AND nearer every second... Suddenly...


Adm deafening sound of a dragons mighty roar was suddenly heard. "A-are we being attacked?" Suddenly... The two huge dragon and dragoness hailed down from the sky and entered the giant wide collosal cave that wad even 20 times bigger than them...

The fire dragon suddenly said "honey... They have finally hatched..."

The Wind dragon also suddenly said "Yes, indeed.... Three of them are the elements that make up the entire universe And one of them is even more impressive than the two is the space element!" "Haha thats my boy" the red fire dragon suddenly said....

The green dragon suddenly used telepathy to talk to the red giant fire dragon. Out of the two the fire dragon is taller than the wind dragon by a large hill.... "Honey.... If you get insane again i might not be able to. Lay down or even walk! Average births of dragoness's are only 3! While others birth 4! And 4 is already extremely rare yet you decided to go over hand on me while mating and we ended up with 7 DRAGON HATCHLINGS. My head and.... OTHER body parts... Still feel your Other body parts.... And hurts... Im lucky im still able to walk y'know that?"

"My bad sapsap.... Im sorry... Its just that grandmother threatened me if i dont get 5 and more dragon hatchlings she would discipline me! You know her 'disciplining' is not at all 'disciplining' HER DISCIPLINES BEATING ME!" "yes yes i know... But dont call me sapsap now! You know damn well its because you're teasing me! Call me by my full name or ill call your grandmother and tell them that you keep secrets from them!"

"Fine Honey...." "I SAID FULL NAME"

"I am incredibly sorry and i apologize for misspelling your name. Saphira Ven Valuenza"

"Good. Now lets introduce ourselves to our hatchlings now wont we?" The red dragon suddenly nodded and looked at the looks they got from their own children...

Xyfer and the others were astonished,awed,amazed, and scared by their sizes alone!

"Hello our little hatchlings! Let us introduce ourselves"

"This is me. Your mother. My full name is Saphira of the Ven and Valuenza family!"

"And this is me. Your Father. My full name on the other hand is Drakon Hell Of the Inferno Fire Family. You can call me Drako snd you can call her Sapsap..." Before he even got to finish Saphira suddenly gave him a death stare full of killing intent in her eyes and a collosal aura thats shaped like a tornado suddenly formed... Suddenly... She utter the words as if she can decide whether she will kill him or not. "Say... That again?" Her beauty was now replaced with a terrying monster...

Meanwhile... Drakon sweated buckets and buckets of water enough to even fill a whole public swimming pool while being constantly switched of water everyday for a year!

Even tho he was a full grown adult fire dragon he still sweated when the aura and killing intent of the death stare was focused to him.... "Im sorry... My dearest saphira" as he uttered those words all the hatchlings were terrified of their mother and made sure to not mess with her ever! "Hmph! Ill forgive you this time! Only because our children is here! If they were not.... You were about to be turned into a pile of meatball" the 1st line had a nice energy meaning of good... But the second was cold...

"Anyways... Now that you all have hatched lets go outside and climb our backs"

Everyone had respect and admiration on their mother while everyone were sorry for their father... "Well he shouldve never said that..." Xyfer thought and looked at his father in pity completely fearful to his mother

It took a while to climb their giant collosal bodies but they were finally able to make it to the top...

And when they were finally on top of their mothers back she suddenly made an aura shield around her and strapped her younglings on her back with wind magic! Everybody was stunned by the magic! "THERES MAGIC IN THIS WORLD?" Xyfer thought snd felt excited and eager to get powerful! Everyone were amazed! Their father was infront of them.. seeing if any bird monsters or ones that could fly might try to risk their lives on getting the younglings, yes they were dragons and could instantly shred them apart. But they might have a really slim chance to capture one of their younglings and escape by sacrificing 50% of their life force on speed! as they could eat them if it was possible to catch atleast one and have a chance to gain their elements respectibe draconic bloodline and even restore their life force! In addition they (the younglings) might get injured fatally or minorly injured

They were safe the whole trip and were amazed by the speed of their parents and the vast morning sky and vast land/continent they were on!

Mother dragon suddenly exclaimed loudly and said "were home! Phew! The aura of their births didnt attract any monsters!"

Father suddenly said "KIDS! Welcome Home!"

Their 'home' was a floating sky island with a huge mountain on the center, a lake On their huge backyard, flowers that are planted on their backyard also! And Rocky Hills and volcanic Magma and volcanoes on the side!

There was also a place on their island just beside on the front near at the top of the mountain that gets shined the most by the sun and is always lit up even when night time comes by the moon and there was also the darkest place on the island where the sun barely even shines it while there was a full statue made of diamond, amethyst,gold, ruby and other gemstones on the most top of the mountain with a huge crown that also holds many types of gemstones! It also reached on the top of the clouds! It also had two Demonic And Angelic statues beside of it thats made of the things made of the dragon god statue! The whole entire island was 800 times bigger than their parents! And most importantly there was a cave on the front of island at the front of the mountain!

Their mother suddenly made a hand or i guess you could say A claw gesture saying to get them to follow her and come to her


Everybody nodded and went in aswell as their father.

Their mother sudden said "first of all eat first as we would transfer inherited memories of the dragons to you! 2nd of all after you finally digested the knowledge... We will pass on to you inherited memories of magic and other types of stuff! Like Cultivation,Body Refining,Energy Refining,Weapon Techniques, Magic Techniques and so on and so forth!" Every hatchling was excited! Even xyfer was! *Yes there is magic in this world! Well i mean... there are dragons! This is like a fantasy anime!* Best of that the island was build by their parents for all kinds of elements!

"But lets first eat shouldn't we?"

Everybody nodded and went to the the cave.

their home is for all elements ! they have been planning about it in the past

Genallity_Reapercreators' thoughts