
Death Caused By Truck-Kun yet again.

!D E S C R I P T I O N!

This is my first novel as A New writer and reader.

So if you dont like it just leave or give me some hints and suggestions to make the story even better!

Please dont hate as this is my 1st time writing a story. Thank you if you understand.

x o x o


One Day... On A Park.....

A young lad thats appears to look like an 18 y/o with strange attire was sitting on a bench in blooming fountain Park...


Everyone on the park: "..."

"You see that Ren? Thats what happens if you dont follow your parents... Your parents know the most." A lady who appears to look like a rich family's maid said

MC: "...."

*These people are wild... Am i really that weird...?*

*I mean... I just beated the boss in the 1460th tower of the game...*

Author: Yes. Yes You Are...

"Ehh... I dont care either way anyways. "Dont let the haters hate bother you" is what my favorite guys on suptube said..."

Night comes.. and mc suddenly has the urge to finally get home as the Fastfood restaurant that is really close to the park is closing already and are gonna now shut down the free wifi before closing....

"Aw dangit. STUPID! Man if my life wasnt this sh¡tty I would've never ever come'd here in the first place... Sigh... Its no use to contemplate as the things in the past already happened." He remembers as the fire which was caused by children burned his family and their house to the ground... He remembers their screams for help but no one dared to fearing their valuables might get burned if they dont retreat fast enough... It not only left him with a scar physically, but also mentall. But the worst part of all was he was left alive but only he survived. After the incident. The other evil family members if the family had adopted him and gained the inheritance of his great grandmother... They mistreated and ab#sed him all the time. Aunts,Uncles,Cousins, and even friends and classmates!

"Sigh... Well... I guess... Im gonna get a beating for staying too long at the park again... Pshh who cares? Its not like they dont beat me up which they said to the neighbors as "discipline" always even if im not here..." As the mc walks on the streets suddenly....

"WOAH! WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING YOUNG MA-" A truck whiched brakes failed suddenly starts to appear in a distance gaining more and more speed as it is traveling on a very steep hill *huh whats that sou- (btw astrices mean the mc is thinking something while these " means hes saying something if you havent already known)* BOOM!...

As the explosion dies down we know see mc bloodied on the street barely alive... "Its so painful.... Well.... Its not nowhere near as painful as the trauma and mental and physical damage i had endured for these past 8 years..." "Dangit.... Why is god this unfair? Do i even deserve this? Why? WHY?"

As his eyes finally start to close he starts to say his last words... "GoodBye.... My Lovely Cruel World...."