
The Dragon God of Tyranny(DxD)

“Why did I start killing?” Once asked this question by a associate, Mark Nathaniel Anderson, Grand Master Assassin had a few answers. “Anger at the world? Revenge for what happened to me? Because I am insane? Because I am a twisted monster? All are correct, but most importantly because it’s fun.” When it was finally his turn to die, by a stroke of luck, he was reborn in a new stolen body that had a treasure in the form of Ddraig. His new friend and mentor. His new path, the path of Dragons and Tyranny was set in stone. (MC is a ruthless hypocrite and a womanizer.)

God_Of_Wolves · アニメ·コミックス
115 Chs

Easy Way or The Hard Way.

Once Belle Reve was in sight, Maulketh could instantly feel the many inmates held inside. Most were just Supervillains with no superpowers, but others had real superpowers. The ones that would be useful as subordinates he would keep, but the ones who would not he would just eat.

Their powers would serve him better than they did them. His Domain fell on the prison causing all inside to feel pure dread. With a thought, the prison was instantly teleported inside his personal Dimension not far from the mansion he built inside.

He only took the prisoners so all the guards were not taken along with the prison as he had no need for them.

"Come Grimnar, time to pick."

The dog barked as Maulketh entered his Dimension. Once he entered, he noticed what his subordinates were doing. They were fighting outside of the safety line he placed. Waylon, Nanaue, and Ivy were doing the best as they had innate powers.

But the rest were not doing badly, so he ignored them for now. He took a deep breath before in an eruption of Divine Energy and Mana he returned to his true form. When the energy cleared he walked toward the prison.

His very presence caused the fight to end as the creatures did not want to bother him at this moment. When the creatures left, it caused his new subordinates to look at each other now that they had nothing to do.

They all recognized Belle Reve and wondered what he was going to do with it so they walked over to watch. Once he stood over the prison, he ripped off the entire roof with a giant clawed limb. His Domain spread through the entire prison causing all inmates to freeze.

Those who could see him were the worst off as they all felt the terror of a Dragon God. Those who could not and were kept lower down were worse off as they had no idea what were doing.

Maulketh first picked those he would eat causing them to appear above his head. He read their minds and he felt that their powers would serve him better. First to the slaughter was Manchester Black, a telepath.

When the British criminal appeared high in the sky he was about to scream, but Maulketh instantly gobbled him up in a single bite. With a gulp, he swallowed the criminal and instantly he began to assimilate his powers.

Ddraig, Albion, and Laevatine, as always helped him process the memories he got after he ate the soul of the criminal. He got rid of any personal memories and kept only useful knowledge. And this guy was a good find.

Maulketh was good at telekinesis, but it was not his focus. This way he could upgrade those abilities that he lacked. Next up, was a teammate of Manchester. Nathan Craig, who had powers over electromagnetism.

Just like before in a single bite, he devoured the meta-human, assimilated and upgraded the ability he already had. And he was not planning to stop. For the next few hours, he combed through the inmates eating those he saw no use for besides their powers and keeping others that could be nurtured further.

Extremely powerful Metahumans were rare, but here he had a large gathering of a few strong ones. Through these Metahumans, he managed to gather a few powers he did not have or upgrade some he had.

The most important one to him was the Cryocinesis, Metahumans he ate. All this time he had not used ice powers and now he had that along with his fire abilities. He ate a few Lightning Metahumans, which resonated with his own lightning abilities.

As for those he spared, it included most of the Suicide Squad which had worked with Harley in the past. As he was going through the inmates he pulled out two women.

Livewire, and Killer Frost, and teleported them to the side of his subordinates who were watching him as he kept eating. They were all grossed out except for Killer Croc, King Shark, Kirk, and Clayface.

But just as he felt he would not find many useful ones until he found someone worth eating. He shoved his arm down into the depths and pulled out a woman named June Moone. She may be innocent, but the being possessing her would fuel his growth to the extreme.

As such, he threw June into his mouth and swallowed her. He would not risk Enchantress escaping him for a single human girl. If he could, he would save June's soul, but he did not know if that would be possible.

Because he could already feel Enchantress trying to possess him as June's body was dead. But the moment she tried, his Domain of Tyrrany instantly activated with its full strength. His Domain had recently gotten much stronger after devouring that Warlock and the curse of Gotham.

His blessings fired to life with power as his Divine Energy began to flow like a flood. The soul of the Enchantress screamed as she tried to fight off his Domain which was breaking her down into food for Maulketh.

But he was Tyrannical and he did not give her any leeway. He removed all the remaining Prisoners with no powers or weak ones and simply forced them all into the mansion along with his subordinates.

He would deal with them later, but for the moment he simply lay down on the ground. His Domain was still fighting the Enchantress who began to beg him for mercy.



That was all he said as the magical knowledge of the Enchantress along with her magical abilities began to fill his mind. He combined this with what he already knew, what he learned from the Warlock, which would actually fix up some of his weaknesses.

As for Grimnar, he walked up to his face as he could feel through their bond that this meal was not the same as the others. He was worried that someone could be wrong with his friend.

"I am fine Grimnar. I would describe this as eating hundreds of Carolina Reapers for humans in one go. It hurts, but I will be better off for it when I am done."

Just as she said that Enchantress forced her butchered soul to try to take over his own soul. But the moment she dived into his soul, she learned that was a mistake.


She screamed once she came in contact with his Dragon God soul which was infused with the energy of the Void. A Deadly substance that would destroy most gods if not directly born from the void or blessed by a Void God. Maulketh was the latter.

His Soul and his Concept both tore the soul of Enchantress into pure soul energy which caused him to gain all her knowledge of magic which was probably one of the greatest things he could get. In this reality, magic was top-level power.

But he did make sure to keep June's soul safe as she did not deserve to die at all. And once he did that, he returned to his human form. He would not be leaving this place for some time. He needed to process the huge amount of Metahumans and especially the knowledge from Enchantress.

While he did that he entered the mansion which was filled with around 100 inmates he saw any value in. When he and Grimnar stepped in everyone stepped away from in him fear except the ones who had been given his blood.

His Divine blood while not brainwashing them fully was encouraging them to not betray him. Maulketh looked at the gathered criminals and addressed them.

"I am Maulketh, a Dragon God. You are all currently, inside my personal Dimension. This mansion and 2,000 meters in every direction is the only safe zone here. If you step out of that 2,000-meter safe zone, you will be subjected to the dangers of this place.

As you all can see outside, it is raining. That is not rain, it is a cocktail or mana, Divine Energy, unimaginable toxins, and energy. The gravity here is so powerful, you all will be turned into meat chunks if you are not blessed like your betters over here.

Oh, and the air is so deadly that you will be melted into sludge in less than a second. Not to mention you will be exposed to them."

He pointed out the window where everyone saw the unending tide of beasts locked in a never-ending fight. That instantly caused most of them to not dare to step out of the safe zone for any reason.

"Now, let's get it out of the way. I ate some of your friends, I am not sorry. Most of you, are irredeemable human trash. So, here and now, you got two options. The hard way, where I simply eat you and end your miserable lives here and now.

Or the easy way, where you simply join my side. You will accept my blood and serve me for the rest of your lives. Of course, if you refuse, you can simply take your chances outside the safe zone where you will go."

Just as he said that they all heard a massive roar that shook the very air. They all looked out the window where they saw a massive Dragon split the sky open. It was fighting against a Phoenix as they were trying to claim this area for themselves.

But from the sky descended another massive bird, a Minokawa that rushed into the fight. But as if on a roll, more and more monstrous creatures rushed into the free for all.

With that example, Maulketh turned to the criminals.


Instantly they all began to fall to their knees as they agreed to serve him. But while most did that, one stepped forward. Maulketh already knew who he was. Deadshot, also known as Floyd Lawton.

Everyone went silent as they starred at the legendary assassin.

"What happens once we agree?"

Maulketh reached over and picked up Harley by her shirt like she was some sort of kitten. He held her out as she explained as he held her in the air.

"I have no idea. HAHAHA."

Maulketh rolled his eyes as he put her down next to him.

"Simple, once you take my blood, you can do what you want in this Dimension. It is dangerous don't get me wrong, but if I feel you are worth more investment, I can give you more of my blood to increase your power.

Or I could simply turn you into a dragon. Once that happens, do what you want. As for you, I know you are thinking about your daughter. 5 years old, named Zoe Lawton."

Floyd's eyes widened as he kept her name secret. But that was all he said. He looked at Live Wire who honestly hated Superman for stupid reasons. She was barely a villain so he looked past her.

"You all have exactly 60 seconds to pick. Those who don't pick will simply be fed to them."

He pointed outside the window where the fighting had stopped. The beast could feel his intentions and they had gathered at the edge of the safe zone. Unlike what he expected, none of them backed out so he bit his tongue, and from it emerged a stream of his divine blood.

It split into drops that entered the bodies of the inmates he had picked out. As this entire reality was his Domain, they had an easier time absorbing its power to evolve. The metahumans obviously got better evolutions, but even the regular humans could one day be useful if they became dragons.

He already had an army in the form of his beasts, but having these criminals did not hurt.

'Now, I just got to process all these powers. Once I do that, I can begin to make moves.'