
the time she used magic

There was a girl her name is Lizzy.When she was only a week year old her mother vanished.She was left at Mrs.beckon's house.Mrs beckon had her own child but all so treated Lizzy like her own.For Lizzy's birthday they went to a reptile zoo.She was looking at a lizard when Lizzy was tapping the glass it disappeared.Karen Mrs.beckon's kid was on the other side she spotted something weird in Lizzy's eye it looked like a lizards eye.

Lizzy was frozen she has no idea what happened but she fell in the lizard case she tried hard to get out she remembered she was tapping the glass when it vanished.She started tapping on the glass again it vanished but only this time all the lights went out Lizzy got out but all of a sudden the lights turned back on.When they went back home Mrs.beckon threw Lizzy in the basement and locked the door she called her a monster lizzy wasn't sure if she was normal anymore.The next day Mrs.beckon made Lizzy make breakfast and lunch also dinner.it just got worse she had to starve she will only have one meal a week it was so bad you can see her ribs.But one day Lizzy packed up all her things and left the house she slept in a cave.The next morning she was covered in scales and grey skin her eyes looked like a cat but the thing that surprised her the most was that she had a tail.She had a fire it was going out she blew it with her breath but air did not come out it was fire she thought what if I am a monster.She found a village with strange people the thing that was strange about them is that they all looked like Lizzy.She found someone that teaches people how to use her powers his name was deckon.After the first day of training with deckon he said i was special I had no power like no one in the village.After years of training I became the best dragon knight.