
tribal union (1)

in this world there were 2 types of magic control the first was to alter and manipulate elements that is existent outside of the body by imagining the constitution if these elements,however the second is to drw energy from the body itself and turn it to the required element.

the first one was the most common but it had limitation. to practice fire magic one has to have something to burn like wood.then he has to imagine the air particles getting drawn to the wood and then imagine a spark to start the combustion and then obtain a fireball.

the second was easier and rarer it used internal energy called rubi and transforms it into water,fire,air.

in Dele's case he was proficient at both . as Dele's studies from his past life thought him what atoms composed what thing it was very easy to deal with magic.

another advantage of his was that he belonged to what was dubbed 'eragon' this was given to a dragon as long as he had control of at least 2 elements and looking at his six dele thought he was more than qualified.

he also discovered that when he switched elements his skin will be dyed by that element's color,now he had the aura of water on wich made his color similar to the lizardmen,but the change of aura came a slight change of personality.

for example in the fire aura he felt constant anger,in the darkness one gloomy,in the water aura he felt refreshed.his favorite one was air cause he felt like a monk and he felt huge relief and piece of mind.

he was now a baron tire beast also called 4rd grade beasts the rankings came as this:

squires or first grade beasts they were small fries .they had an average of 20 for stats

knights or second grade beasts. this category is divided in 2,vicious beasts wich are unintelligent and noble beast wich are intelligent.they had 50 as an average for their stats,the lizardsmen are high level noble knights thanks to their strong physique and affinity with the water element.

baronets are 3rd grade beasts,from here onwards all the category will be divided to elementals and non elemantals because the disparity in strenght will only widen. most of these beasts have high intelligence and few of them lead a group of other monsters at the squire level they are dubbed commander barronets. their average stats were 100.

barons or 4th grade beasts. only a very rare few of this category don't posses intelligence like the baronets almost all of them have the ability to command squires few even command vicious knights.they have average stats of 300.

viscount or 5th grade beasts,they are all intelligent to various degrees they have the ability to command baronets but since few of them are unintelligent this ability has gone to waste,they also have the ability to teleport short distances. they had an average stats of 1000

counts or 6th grade beasts,in this category we find a surge in vicious beasts he because the transition from 5th to 6th grade was the hardest and it takes a heavy tool on the mind

so the can go berserk this risk is present in every grade upgrade from there on.they had average stats of 3000.

dele still doesn't know much about the other classes besides their names they were marquis,duke,prince,king,emperor the last one was only a myth since there were no living beings at the emperor level known to the public.

and finally there was the god rank that Prometheus has told him about all he knew was that a god's was necessary to ascend to this rank.


the next day mauricio introduced him to the guard commanders he is gonna work with there 8 squads,there always were 5 on the wall and the rotated in shifts in a special way such as every squad gets 9 hours rest every day.

obviously dele had to painstakingly oversee all the chifts exchange ,and be present when baron ranked monsters attacks.

other than that he almost never was in the village because of his training which consisted of magic training and strenght and agility training.

his morning routine started by seeing the guards in the morning then he will go to the forest and keep running and lifting weights coupled up with some training exercises(100 push ups 100 set ups 100 squats and a 10 kilometre run) ,then he will return at noon he will check up on the new guards.after that he would return to train in magic,once his energy was depleted he'll train his physique by slamming himself to rooks untill either his scales and flesh got stronger or they got torn and were regenerated anew.

dele put himself throught all this painstaking routine only to notice 2 things he has lost his hair (he doesn't even have one) and he got way stronger

name: dele

Race : dragon (pre adolescence 3 years until maturity )

Attributes :

Strengh _ 400

Agility _ 450

Constitution _ 420

Magic power _ 960

Wisdom _ 156

Skills :

« appraisal» , « mind reading »,« dash», «iron scales»,«steel fangs»,«steel claws»,«second breath»

the new ability allowed him,if he was completely exhausted, to regain his powers to a certain extent but by the way after he'll feel excruciating pain and tiredness.

it was certainly beneficial but only when his life was at stake. untill now only baron tier beasts or lower came so except for the rare case of barons coming he was undisturbed.


one day the blizzard seemed to have almost disappeared dele was training his magic when all of a sudden guard chief Eric ,one of the guard squadrons leader came to him running.

he was out of breath, painting he couldn't speak a word. dele waited for him to catch his breath when Eric said:

"chief christian,the northern and eastern tribes are here." he still didn't recover from the run so after saying this he continued panting.

dele looked at him with anticipation and confusion."what the hell are those guys doing here? is it an attack ?". He quickly threw this theory away it was already hard to attack another tribe in normal circumstances nonetheless winter.

"why are they here he asked?"

"i don't know we asked to meet their chiefs but the said they will only talk with the person in charge."

this came to dele as a huge problem because mauricio was away now yo god knows where and in his absence dele was the highest authority in the village.inwardly he was thankful they came now,if he was interrupted during his physique training he wouldn't be able to show up because of the wounds he will have had he wouldn't be "presantable".

"lead the way." he said before giving himself a sigh and following Eric it took them some time to reach the village,afterwhich he headed directly to his house and took a bath to clean himself the headed out with Eric again aesthetics were a big part in the these kinds of politics.

before long they arrived to were the tribes set camp. the two tribes were separated by an almost invisible barrier you couldn't often see two member of two different tribes together and here was no exception.

he observed his surroundings and could see kids,this further proved that they weren't here to attack he also noticed that compared to the water lizardmen the fire ones were bigger with fiery red color while the air ones with their pale white were smaller.

before long they were at a tent it seemed to have a diametter of 15 meters (16 yards) and a height of 3 meter it was way more decorated than the other tents around. he waited untill a man signaled him in.

inside he found 4 lizardmen sitting on opposite chairs two seemed to be the the air tribe and the fire tribe leader and the other two were a man standing behind the air tribe leader,while the other was a female standing behind the fire tribe leader.

suddenly the air tribe leader stood up he came close to him and put his head on dele's shoulder dele returned the gesture because it was a sign of respect in the lizardmen tribes.

however the fire tribe leader didn't even bother standing up he almost frowned when seeing this but remembering were he is he constrained out of etiquette .

"i introduce myself baronet Kyle,chief of the air tribe this is my son john. "

"baron christian Cornelius,of the water tribe i'm afraid chief mauricio is currently preoccupied by other matters so as the second in power i am here to represent him."

after what he said he saw a change in Kyle eyes it was not because mauricio was not here it was because of his title of baron. he began sizing dele up as if looking at a contender he was pondering this when he heard the fire tribe leader speak

"a baron? good prepare yourself because a viscount tire beast is coming. and it's coming fast!"