
The Dragon Blood Curse

Story of an elf society where women are the most important and has become a hidden country isolated from the world. However, a hybrid of elf and paladin named Blue, after enduring nineteen years of discrimination, accidentally had an affair with a female elf, awakening his blood curse. To practice the blood curse magic skill, he begins to seize More virgin blood...thus becoming the most capable and shameless strongman of the elves. When this hidden country faced a life-and-death crisis, the number of male elves continued to decrease, thus he was finally recognized by the elves. A single man dominates the world, and he does whatever he wants, and is lewd all over the world... #volume one is an introduction #This is a fictional world #Incest warning

Red_tomatoes · ファンタジー
13 Chs

Chapter 3 Dragon Beast Blood Contract

Brin recognized Die Wu and Xian Zhu who rescued Xian Di, but he had never seen the other white-haired winged elf. No wonder he was unfamiliar with the auras of the three women. This was because he had never fought with them alone before, so naturally he had no memory of their breath.

He knew that Xian Zhu was an illusion elf, and Die Wu was one of the few remaining experts in the elf clan with magic and martial arts skills, but they were by no means the ultimate barrier magic elf. Therefore, he guessed that the only elf who could use barrier magic was this one. He stared at the elf girl who showed her face and realized that her beauty was no less than that of the elf queen Die Wu.

Swoosh, a strong lust arose in his heart, and he impulsively wanted to push her down... He is worthy of being the leader of the Beast Legacy clan, and his beastly nature will never change!

"You want to use the trick to lure the tiger away from the mountain and snatch his baby away. Do you think I am an idiot?" Brin sneered, staring at the four girls with wild eyes, an evil smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, shaking his huge torso, and suddenly becoming abnormal He seemed to be yelling and scolding: "Fuck! Four idiot women making me chase after them, and now I am sweating all over. My clothes are wet sticking to my skin. I can't even shake my clothes and show off my power. Fuck I failed!"

Xian Di had been with him for a while and knew his character to some extent. When she saw this scene, she laughed. Brin glared at her and shouted: "Xian Di, little darling, why don't you come over and serve me? Damn it. Did you lie to me? saying that you would sleep and wait for me to come back, now you are running away from me, do you want me to catch you, throw you to the soldiers, and let them rape you!"

"I don't want them... I just want you to do me..." Xian Di panicked and babbled nonsense. The three women around her looked back at her in surprise. Xian Zhu scolded: "Xian Di, shut up! What are you saying now?"

Xian Di said in a panic: "Auntie..."

"Shut up!" Xian Zhu kicked Xian Di away, and she fell into Brin's arms. Xian Zhu said hysterically: "How many times have I told you, don't call me aunt? You are my damn brother's granddaughter. Wrong! If he hadn't given birth to your father, no one would call me aunt! Am I that old? I get angry whenever I talk with you..."

Brin finally understood why the powerful Xian Zu had such a weak niece.

With Xian Zhu's face-loving character, how could she endure Xian Di calling her "aunt" all the time around her?

Therefore, her apprentice is several times stronger than her grandniece!

When she saw Xian Di falling into Brin's arms, she shouted hysterically: "Brin, give her back to me!"

Brin looked at her, who was just over 1 meter tall, and said lustfully: "If I use you as an exchange, I can consider it! Are you still a virgin?"

"Countless men have fallen under my pomegranate skirt...It's just... so shameless! Can you ask such a question? "Surprisingly, Xian Zhu's answer was even more shameless than his question!

Brin was very interested and said with a smile: "It seems that your hole is bigger than your grandniece..."

"Of course, even though I am the shortest girl in the elves, I can accommodate all the men in the world!" Xian Zhu's shameless words shocked the three women present. After seven or eight years together, for the first time, they knew Sha Zhu had such a side. 

Just as Brin was about to speak, Die Wu scolded: "Xian Zhu, pay attention to your words and deeds, don't forget that you are an elf. Now you have made a mess, and our previous efforts are wasted."

At this point, Xian Zhu realized that the situation was serious and said in shock: "Queen, what should I do? My illusions don't work in front of him. My Xian Di, I managed to save it with great difficulty..."

"Didn't you just kick her? Haha! I didn't know you were so cute. I have fucked your grandniece, and now I want to fuck your big hole that can accommodate all men! Come on, let's make a bed right here, Take off our clothes and have a big fight!" Brin ignored the three women in front of him and boldly untied Xian Di's skirt. Die Wu scolded coldly: "Brin, stop your madness! Effie, attack..."

"My Queen you can't, Xian Di is in his hands, he will kill Xian Di..." Xian Zhu said in shock to stop her, but the two wing elves had already shot at Brin, he laughed wildly and stepped back more than ten meters.

Throwing Xian Di in his arms aside and shouted: "Baby Xian Di, go home with your aunt, I won't kill you! I will exchange you for the Queen of the elves and this beautiful winged elf. One day I will invade the elf's Castle. When I see you, place you on a beautiful bed and let you sleep with me forever with your beautiful dreams. Haha, such beautiful wing elves, I have never tasted one in my life. I must bring it back and taste it today...

Facing the attacking Die Wu and Effie, Brin calmly shot out two palms. The overwhelming force sent the two wing elves flying upside down.

Xian Zhu took this opportunity to hug the fallen Xian Di and cursed: "I told you not to call me that! You know I hate those two words..."

"Auntie, I'm sorry, I..."

"Wow! I'm going crazy!"

Seeing that Xian Zhu was going crazy again, Die Wu shouted: "Xian Zhu, take Xian Di away, don't get in the way here!"

Xian Di cried: "I don't want to go back! I would rather die than go back to the elves! They all know that I was raped, and I have no face to see anyone!"

Xian Zhu said: "Fool, you are not alone. Aren't you like Ta Aiwa who is still alive and well? Who dares to say a word about her?"

Xian Di said: "Ta Aiwa is different from me. She was caught to save her husband, so her husband forgave her, and no one dared to speak against her! But I was caught while sneaking out to watch the battle. I was raped for so many days, and the person who raped me is Brin, the most hated person among the elves, they will not forgive me..."

"If we don't tell them, who will know if you were raped or not? They will just think you were raped by the soldiers. After all, you are so petite. No one will believe you can be raped by Bulin. Everyone knows that this guy is from the Beast clan. The evil rod owner, how can It get through your little hole?" Sha Zhu's language was still bold and shameless.

Xian Di wiped her tears and cried innocently: "But he can enter me... he enters every day..."

" Xian Zhu, don't talk nonsense with her, take her back!" Die Wu issued an ultimatum. Xian Zhu picked up her grandniece, who was taller than her and ran toward the elf castle in the northwest.

Brin did not stop her until Xian Zhu and Xian Di disappeared. He turned around, stared at the two women coldly, and said: "Die Wu, I heard that you are the existing Queen of magic and martial arts in the elves. Even your turtle husband is no match for you? Judging from today's situation, you seem to be very confident in killing me here. Is it because of your ignorant self-confidence that you lured me out? "

Die Wu sneered and said: "You are wrong, I don't have the confidence to kill you! To be correct, except for the guardian elves, no one in the current elves can fight you alone. But without you, your clan will be eradicated, and then we will work together to kill you!"

Brin laughed wildly and said: "Die Wu, you underestimate my clan too much. How can the guys led by Klusen eradicate my clan? If it was that easy, you would have killed more than 5,000 of us." But after years of war, we are still active, making you elves scared. How can you eradicate my clan like this?"

Die Wu said: "Indeed, your clan's participation in the war was an important factor in our defeat, but don't forget, if it weren't for the Human Alliance as your strong backing, no matter how strong you are, you would have been destroyed by us long ago! Last night's raid, what do you think is our purpose?"

Brin was stunned and said: "Isn't it just to save the beautiful captive who was raped by me?"

"You are so smart!" Die Wu sneered and said, "It's just that you are wrong again. We know very well that captured women have a very small chance of living. But you brothers have a bad habit of keeping captives in your tent. , will not kill them until the last moment! Before this raid, the Holy Virgin of Ling Zhi predicted that Xian Di would be the woman in your tent, and also predicted that her life would be prosperous. This is the first time in many years that Ling Zhi has spoken about the war, It is also the most certain prophecy. It also said that due to the fall of Xian Di, the entire war will be affected, and the elves will have a chance to survive. Based on the wise prophecy, we concluded that Xian Di will not die in your tent, and now it is proved Her prediction was correct, so we know our plan has been successful."

Brin looked at Die Wu inexplicably and said: "What nonsense are you talking about? Even my smart head has been confused by you...fuck! What kind of prophecy? I never believed in these. If you can go back alive, ask Ling Zhi for me, did she predict if I was going to fuck her to death? Haha! If the prophecy was so useful, the elves wouldn't be so miserable! Don't say stupid things, wait until I catch you, and I'll fuck you in front of Ling Zhi! "

Die Wu ignored his arrogant words, looked back, and said, "Effie, tell him everything and make him suffer before he dies!"

"Yes!" Effie responded and said to Brin: "Our purpose is not to rescue the captives but to follow the instructions of the prophecy, so we set up a maze and pretend to rescue the captives. If the prophecy is correct, we will rescue Xiandi from your tent. , with your character, you will chase after us at all costs, because it is your greatest shame to lose your captives. When you chase us, we will launch a devastating attack on you..."

"Haha! Attack? Haha, just rely on Kluson..."

"Behind Prince Klusen are the hidden three elites of the survivors and the six elders of the elves..." Brin's laughter stopped, and he stared at the two women with bloodshot eyes, speechless for a long time.

"Do you want to go back to rescue them? Or fight for your life with us?" When Die Wu saw the furious Brin, a proud and arrogant smile appeared on her pretty face, and she continued to use stimulating language: "The battle half a month ago, has already exhausted your clan.

If we think correctly, you and Bu Tong are probably thinking that you would wait for the alliance reinforcements to arrive before launching a new round of attacks on us with the alliance forces. But we no longer have the confidence to withstand your offences again, and we must kill you first before the alliance army arrives. And to defeat you, we must lead you away. In that case, the young Bu Ying, the bloodthirsty Bu Kai, and the cold Bu Xue will lose control without your suppression and die fighting regardless of the cost.

But do you think they can withstand the overwhelming elves and the last four thousand warriors of the elves? I admit that they are not afraid of death. It is this fearless spirit that is precisely their weakness. You are different from them. You will care about the survival of the clan, but Bu Kai and Bu Xue will never think about this. They only care about fighting to death! This is information that we have captured in many years of war that is beneficial to us..."

Brin's angry eyes flashed with the tears of beasts. He knew clearly that Die Wu was telling the truth. Without his presence, Bu Kai and Bu Xue would fight to the death.

But without the support of the alliance army, even the beast clan with him present would be unable to withstand the absolute offensive of the elves...

"Haha! Haha..." The sad and angry laughter reverberated through the forest, causing the fallen leaves to fly.

"Die Wu, I will take care of you, and then I will collect the body of my brother!" Thinking of his brother's death and the demise of his clan, Brin could not suppress the grief and anger in his heart.

Die Wu saw his fierce momentum and said in surprise: "Effie, get my weapons!"

"Miss, I didn't bring any weapons!" Effie's words shocked Die Wu. She even forgot to bring her weapons. How could she resist Brin?

You must know that low-level magic doesn't affect Brin. Only high-level magic is effective on him, but there is a limit to the number of times any high-level magic can be used. Can she cast enough magic to defeat him before the magic power is exhausted?

She has no confidence at all...

"Effie, stand back." Die Wu shouted, her delicate body radiant with pink light, beautiful and cute.

When Brin struck with a fierce punch, Die Wu's figure had disappeared from his eyes. His punch broke all the giant trees within ten steps. The moment the trees fell, he turned to the left, His fist turned into sharp claws and he yelled angrily: "Die Wu, do you think your self-created martial arts skill will work on me? As far as martial arts are concerned, the strongest warrior in your Elf clan, Gu Luomeng, has also lost three times in three battles. Too arrogant, how dare you use your girly acrobatics to play with me? I'm not in the mood to play with you!"

  Using the fluttering butterfly dance, the speed increased to the fastest in the resonance of the wings and magic and instantly transformed into ten figures. In the pink and alluring light, it was like ten beautiful butterflies flying, and the dancing speed was faster than that of real butterflies. Dozens of times faster, like a fascinating array, it can make the opponent dizzy and confused, but who is Brin, how can he be frightened by her?

As for the speed competition, he may not lose to Die Wu!

Heavy claw shadows covered the flying Die Wu, and she also launched an attack on him at this time. The seemingly light and erratic arrays hit heavy fists and kicks that could break rocks, and all the sharp claws of Brin were torn apart. She managed to block it, but she was also knocked back by the fierce claw force.

"Effie, my light arrays can't resist his dragon-tearing claws. It'll contain his actions, and you launch a remote attack..." Die Wu ordered Effei to take action. Brin laughed wildly and said, "Die Wu Bitch, enchantment magic is for defence, and there are very few enchantment magics that can attack. I will deal with you, and then deal with her!"

The power of his claws greatly increased. Die Wu was attacked mercilessly by him, and her speed was hindered. The ten figures turned into six figures, and the attack on him weakened accordingly. She knew that it was difficult to continue to resist his dragon claws with her martial arts, and she was nervous. Recite the spell during the battle (very few magic elves can recite the spell during Brin's attack, and Die Wu is one of the very few)...

Brin heard that what Die Wu was reciting was a fire spell, and knew that it was a high-level fire magic. Because low-level magic does not require chanting spells, only high-level magic must be activated by spells. Therefore, as long as you understand what they are chanting and what kind of spell is it, you can know the other party's attribute magic.

At this time, he laughed wildly and said: "Fire element? Haha! Even advanced fire element magic can hardly cause great harm to me! "

"Oh fuck, it hurts !"

Suddenly Brin screamed in pain, and blood spattered from his back. He took a step forward, quickly moved to the left to avoid another blow, looked back, and said angrily to Effie: "What magic did you use?"

It turns out that when Brin was attracted by Die Wu, Effie, who was far behind him, started to attack, and the inexplicable magic caused his back to be blasted...

When his bones and flesh were tearing in pain, the blazing ball of flames crashed into him again. It was too late to hide, and he was hit by the ball of flames. His body took three steps, but he remained standing.

The flames had burned his clothes to ashes, but his skin was intact.

"Brin, I know you are not afraid of fire magic, but Effie is an enchantment magic and wind magic elf. I also have two magic attributes, fire and earth! Look at the land under your feet..." Die Wu's language made Brin secretly shocked. He felt that the hard soil under his feet became extremely soft and sticky. His naked body sank instantly. When he tried to jump out, he found that within a hundred meters it turned into a huge quagmire. But Effie and Die Wu were flying above the quagmire with their wings, and both of them were remote attack magic elves. Their magic attributes were enough to hurt him. How could he not be surprised?

The sound of slasing was heard, and blood spattered on his chest again. The pain made him furious, and he yelled: "Wind blade tearing knife? No wonder it can hurt me, it turns out to be wind magic. Haha, Bitch, I will drag you to the underworld even if I die! Blood sacrifice... The dragon god of Amos Spirit Mountain, I summon your dragon with the blood of the successor of my ancestor Bu Shou's soul!"

Brin inserted one claw into his chest, and the moment he pulled out his hand, blood spurted out all over the sky.