
Chapter 2

As the days passed and the days turned into centuries, Kenji felt that the world was already ready for him to visit. Even though he had already known what he had to expect, he was still amazed by all the towering skyscrapers, the bustling cities, and the incredible technological innovations that had been created since he first began watching from the void. But what impressed him the most was the sense of unity and cooperation that seemed to spread through every aspect of society. The people are working for the common good, and it was clear that the world was much better than it was in the past because of it. In the end, he felt a great sense of satisfaction and pride in what the world had accomplished.

He knew that there would always be challenges and struggles along the way, but he was encouraged by the progress that had been made. As he prepared to return to his own realm, he couldn't help but feel a sense of hope for the future of the world he had been watching for so long. A dragon was a magnificent creature of immense power and knowledge, possessing qualities that were unmatched by any other species in the universe. But, as much as he wanted to explore the world outside of his own realm, he realized that his presence alone would cause a great deal of commotion among the inhabitants. After all, dragons were not commonly seen creatures, and it would take a great deal of effort for him to blend into the surroundings without attracting too much attention.

As a result, he began to think of many ways that he could visit the world without causing any alarm or distress among the people. He realized that he needed to find a way to disguise himself to look like a creature that would be accepted by the people. After careful consideration, Kenji decided to take on the appearance of a human being, a creature that was common enough in the world that he was visiting. But it wasn't an easy task for Kenji. He never had a human form before; it took him a lot of practice to perfect his design to look like a genuine human being. He had to learn how to walk like a human, talk like one, and even how to dress appropriately.

He has spent many months perfecting his form and becoming accustomed to living life as a human. As time went on, he learned to enjoy his human form. It allowed him to blend in with the rest of the world, and he was able to explore more areas without drawing too much attention. He even purchased a house for himself, which he could use every time he visited the world. Living as a human had also given him a new perspective on life. He was able to see the world through a new set of eyes and learn more about the human way of living. He tried everything that he could during his visits, from trying new foods to visiting new places.

He enjoyed the freedom that his human form gave him, and he cherished every moment that he spent in the world. He realized that taking on a human form was the best way to explore the world without causing too much distress. It allowed him to discover new things and see the world from a new perspective. Living as a human had given him the freedom that he had never had before, and it opened doors that he never thought were possible. Even though he still cherished his true form, he had grown to love his human side just as much. As the days turned into years, he became disillusioned with his life. Despite trying out numerous things, he couldn't find something that truly made him happy.

It was during this time that he began to feel a strange emptiness in his heart, as if a piece of him were still missing. He spent countless hours reflecting on his life, trying to figure out what was causing this feeling of emptiness. However, no matter how hard he tried, he could not pinpoint the root of the problem. It was then that an idea struck him. He decided to create a creature that would resemble his original form, something that would provide him with comfort and companionship as he traveled through life. In that way, he began working tirelessly to bring this creature to life, and after many long, exhausting hours, he was finally able to breathe life into his creation.

He named her Sylvia, and he took great care of her, nurturing her as she grew up. Despite the fact that they existed in a void where no one could find them, he enjoyed every moment of time he had spent with her. There was something about her presence that brought him a sense of peace and happiness that he had never experienced before. As he taught her all the things that he knew, he then realized that he was not just creating a companion, but rather, he was creating a piece of himself, something that would be with him until the end of time. As the years passed, Sylvia grew into a loyal and loving creature, constantly by his side as they continued to talk about various things.

Together, they have discovered things that he never imagined existed, even though he is the one who created the world. Sylvia's youthfulness and her curiosity helped him rediscover the magic in life. Through his self-discovery for almost a century, he was eventually able to find the missing piece that he so desperately sought. The feeling is coming from Sylvia, a creation that he had poured every ounce of his soul into and who ended up becoming an integral part of his life. Ever since that day, he knew that he would never be alone again. For a long time, everything had been going according to plan in Kenji's life. With his passion for traveling and exploring the world, he had always known that he would need a companion to accompany him on his adventures.

And that's where Sylvia came in. She had been chosen to be his faithful companion, someone who would share all of his incredible experiences with him as they talked about his travels through different countries, the kinds of cultures that they have, and their landscapes. But as time went on, something changed. Perhaps it was the many challenges they had faced together or the countless memories they had made. Whatever the reason, Sylvia had become more than just a companion to Kenji, but rather a sister to him. He found that he could trust her with anything and everything and that her company meant more to him than he had ever imagined.