### **Royal Army**
- **Total Strength:** 46,000 men
- **The Greens [M]:** 28,000 men
- **The Blacks [D]:** 18,000 men
#### **Ranks in the Royal Army**
1. Commander
2. Deputy Commander
3. Assistant Commander
4. Captain
5. Vice Captain
6. Lieutenant
7. First Lieutenant
8. Second Lieutenant
9. Sergeant
10. Master Sergeant
11. Staff Sergeant
12. Corporal
13. Lance Corporal
14. Private
#### **Army Organization**
- **Regiment:** 1000+ men, led by a Commander
- **Battalion:** 500 men, led by a Captain
- **Company:** 100 men, led by a Lieutenant
- **Platoon:** 50 men, led by a Sergeant
- **Squad:** 10 men, led by a Corporal
#### **Forts and Installations**
- **Crownlands:** 12,000 men
- King's Landing: 6,000 men [M]
- Fort Blackfyre: 5,000 men
- Red Keep: 500 men
- Dragonpit: 500 men
- **Dragonstone:** 500 men [D]
- **Crackclaw Point, Fort Wyvern:** 3,000 men [D]
- **Driftmark:** 2,000 men [D]
- **Spicetown, Fort Victory:** 1,000 men
- **The Hull, Fort Tempest:** 1,000 men
- **Massey's Hook, Fort Deliverance:** 500 men [D]
- **Dorne:** 5,000 men [M]
- Dragon's Lair: 1,000 men
- Fort Hell (Lemonwood): 1,000 men
- Fort Retribution (Ghaston Grey): 500 men
- Fort Steadfast (Ghost Hill): 500 men
- Fort Conqueror (Yronwood): 1,000 men
- Fort Absolution (Skyreach): 1,000 men
- **Pentos:** 6,000 men [D]
- Fort Defender: 2,000 men
- Fort Vigilance: 2,000 men
- Fort Defiance: 2,000 men
- **Myr:** 6,000 men [D]
- Fort Death: 2,000 men
- Fort Punishment: 2,000 men
- Fort Deterrent: 2,000 men
- **Stormlands:** 3,000 men [M]
- Fort Vermithor (Bronze Town): 1,000 men
- Fort Orys (Summerhall): 1,000 men
- Fort Thunderer: 1,000 men
- **Tyrosh:** 7,000 men [M]
- Fort Maekar: 2,000 men
- Fort Incinerator: 1,000 men
- Fort Constrainter: 2,000 men
- Fort Vehement: 2,000 men
- **Lys:** 3,000 men [M]
- Fort Triumphant: 1,000 men
- Fort Endurance: 2,000 men
- **Stepstones:** 4,000 men [M]
- Dragon's Deep: 1,000 men
- Bloodstone: 1,000 men
- Grey Gallows: 500 men
- Sunstone: 500 men
- The Skulls: 500 men
- Last Refuge: 500 men
### **Royal Navy**
- **Total Strength:** 250 ships
- **The Greens [M]:** 170 ships
- **The Blacks [D]:** 80 ships
#### **Naval Bases**
- **Blackwater Fleet:** 80 ships
- King's Landing Battle Group: 40 ships [M]
- Dragonstone Battle Group: 40 ships [D]
- **Stepstones Fleet:** 50 ships
- Dragon's Deep Flotilla: 15 ships
- Bloodstone Flotilla: 15 ships
- Grey Gallows Division: 5 ships
- Sunstone Division: 5 ships
- The Skulls Division: 5 ships
- Last Refuge Division: 5 ships
- **Eastern Fleet:** 80 ships
- Pentoshi Flotilla: 20 ships [D]
- Myrish Flotilla: 20 ships [D]
- Tyroshi Flotilla: 20 ships [M]
- Lyseni Flotilla: 20 ships [M]
- **Dornish Fleet:** 50 ships
- Cape Maekar Battle Group: 30 ships
- Plankytown Division: 5 ships
- Stormlands Flotilla: 15 ships
- Stonehelm Squadron: 10 ships
- Bronze Town Division: 5 ships
#### **Ranks of the Royal Navy**
1. Admiral
2. Vice Admiral
3. Rear Admiral
4. Captain
5. Vice Captain
6. Lieutenant
7. Sublieutenant
8. Midshipman
9. Oarmaster
10. Master's Mate
11. Leading Seaman
12. Seaman
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