
chapter nine - an invitation to dinner

After receiving a swarm of suitors at her Uncle's London house the morning after the Cowper Ball, Aurora was entirely exhausted and felt that if she so much as spoke to another potential suitor she would most likely end up punching them.

It was with this somewhat frustrated emotion that she declared to her temporary guardians that she would be spending the rest of the day at the Bridgerton's, accompanied by her former governess.

Her aunt and uncle had been most pleased to help her in vacating the possible suitors from their home and took great pleasure in slamming the doors once they had left.

"I await your brothers arrival with absolute joy, my dear." Proclaimed her aunt. "They will see to it that those paupers are not admitted into this house again."

It was clear to Aurora that many members of her family were not entirely happy with the prospect of her marrying one of the Ton.

"May we be off to the Bridgerton House then, aunt?" Replied Aurora, desperate to vent her annoyance to Daphne.

"Of course my dear. And do tell your governess she needn't stay whilst you're there. I'll send the carriage to pick you up at seven."

"Very well aunt."

And with that Aurora was finally able to leave the sitting room she had grown to loathe over the past five hours.


"I saw Lord Crane took quite a shine to Eloise at the ball." Remarked Aurora.

Daphne looked up from where she had been playing on the piano.

"Do not say that too loudly or she'll have your ear off. You know how Eloise is when it comes to marriage."

Aurora simpler in sympathy.

"She is still young. You need not worry too much for now. I believe she will marry eventually and besides, it is not such a bad thing her becoming more intellectually gifted. This past year of study has improved me greatly."

Daphne sighed.

"Perhaps you are right Aurora. I shall be more accepting of her decisions in the future."

Aurora stood up from her seat by the piano and flopped down onto one of the sofas.

"She can always come stay with me. I fear we are rather similar, perhaps my influence might be - no. No I imagine my influence will be most unhelpful."

Daphne chuckled. "I shall ask Mama, perhaps she will consider it."

At this their conversation was cut short by Anthony Bridgerton's dramatic entrance into the room.

"Daph your husband is impossible, he has been lecturing me on marriage this past hour! As if he wasn't so opposed to it less than a year ago!"

Daphne returned to her piano playing.

"He is quite right to say so. Surely there must be at least one person who has caught your eye?"

"Well Daphne I actually wanted to speak to you on the matter you see there is a - " Anthony had wandered further into the room and spotted Aurora thus cutting his sentence short. "Aurora?! I had not thought you would be here!"

Aurora gave him a sarcastic and toothy grin, "clearly. I shall leave now Daphne. Since your wonderful brother has graced us with his presence."

"Daphne please explain to me why the Lady Grey must be so cold to me all of the time?"

Aurora stood up and made her way into the section of the living room where Daphne and Anthony were now both sat.

"Daphne, if you could please tell your brother that I would be more warm to him should he show me the graciousness that the other young men of the Ton have shown."

Anthony looked outraged.

"All the other young men of the Ton are trying to lure you into marriage. I can assure you they are not that genuine in reality."

"Both of you stop!" Cried Daphne in despair, "I cannot cope with you art each other's throats."

"You are quite right Daph" Aurora spoke gently as she made her way towards the Bridgerton girl. "I shall leave you both."

And with that Aurora turned to leave the sitting room. Her hand had just touched the handle before a surprising voice called out.

"Stop, my Lady. Do not leave on my account." Here there was a pause. "In fact, please stay for dinner. I would very much appreciate it if you blessed us with your presence." Declared Anthony rising from his seat and making his way toward the Grey girl.


At dinner Aurora was, unsurprisingly, placed next to the Viscount Bridgerton. After his awkward request that she should stay for the evening meal he had not spoken a word to her since.

In fact all the other Bridgertons had tried their absolute hardest to include her in all their conversations thus making Anthony's lack of speech all the more prominent.

After at least twenty minutes Aurora grew tired of his behaviour and put a stop to it herself.

"I wonder viscount, if you might drain to humble yourself enough to join our simple conversation." Aurora whispered harshly to the man next to her.

It took Anthony a moment to register her words, he had, in fact, spent the entire evening with little else than her on his mind. He knew what he was to say to her after dinner but, as his mind reran the words, he found himself unable to concentrate on anything else.

The young Lord looked down at the girl next to him before replying.

"I'm afraid my mind is elsewhere tonight. Do not take offence from my lack of discussion."

"Not at all" chuckled Aurora, "in fact I'm rather enjoying your silence."

The young woman then turned to Benedict who was sat to the left of her and began to debate the latest Whistledown scandal as Anthony was left to mull over her harsh words.

"I am so glad to have been introduced to your witty tongue, Lady Grey. It does provide some with such humour." Anthony whispered in the girl's ear.

Aurora tensed at the surprising intrusion of her privacy for a moment before she turned to face the man who was far closer than she had anticipated.

"Are you trying to declare a fondness for me, my Lord." She couldn't help but smirk at how easily she ruffled his feathers.

"Oh do not flatter yourself Grey. I could never be attracted to you."

Aurora let out a sharp breath, she could not deny that his words hurt her a little.

"That makes two of us Bridgerton."

After her response Anthony thought it best to leave the girl alone and he did not speak again for another ten minutes. And when he did speak it was to the great surprised of the entire family.

Anthony took in a deep breath and gave a polite cough to gain the attention of the room. Once the other conversations had died down he turned to Aurora who was now sat looking at him expectantly.

"Lady Grey I wonder if I might speak to you after dinner has finished?"

Aurora was too stunned to speak at first for she knew there was only one reason why someone such as the Viscount would wish to speak to her alone.

It was not until Benedict gently touched her arm that she gained the power to respond. The girl looked up and caught the Viscount's strong gaze.

"Without a chaperone?" Although Aurora already knew the answer, she dreaded hearing it.

"Yes my Lady."

Aurora did not know how to reply so she merely nodded her head and turned to look at her plate. Neither of them spoke another word for the remainder of the dinner and Mrs. Bridgerton was forced to take additional pains to keep the conversation flowing. Needless to say the Bridgerton family was most shocked at Anthony's words .


A/N: can I just say wow! I did not anticipate such a positive response to this book. Thank you ever so much.

Also, I'm considering writing another one however I simply cannot decide who to make it about. Any suggestions would be most welcome!