
chapter fifteen - a conversation

After a lengthy dinner at Bridgerton House the four Grey siblings were ready to return to their Unlce's town house and catch up on each other's affairs.

The entire Bridgerton household was getting ready to send their guests on their way when William requested a private discussion with Anthony.

Upon hearing this Anthony turned to his brothers, a look of concern on his face. Benedict and Colin merely smirked back at him, relishing in his brother's discomfort.

Whilst the rest of the two families said their goodbyes William and Anthony remained in the Bridgerton sitting room. They were both sat on one of the couches and the atmosphere was extraordinarily tense.

William cleared his throat before speaking, "So I hear you proposed to my sister?"

Anthony had been expecting him to say something of the sort and yet he suddenly found himself unable to respond.

"I do wish you had asked for my father's permission, or even mine or uncle's if you couldn't stomach speaking to him."

"It was a hasty decision, and one I regret making." Anthony finally responded.

The Grey boy looked at him, anger passing over his features, "You regret proposing to my sister? Forgive me for saying so, Bridgerton, but she is far too good for you. You should be honoured to have been a potential suitor-"

Anthony interrupted him, "That is not what I meant. I thought she would make a good match and that my family would be happy with the proposal. I am glad she did not accept because I do not wish to marry for love."

"Pardon?" William looked at him in absolute confusion.

"I do not wish to-" the Bridgerton broke off suddenly, realised what he had said.

William Grey narrowed his eyes, carefully analysing the Viscount. "Do you mean to tell me you are in love with my sister and now that you have realised this you no longer wish to marry her?"


"I am quite confused." Indeed, William certainly looked it. He had now turned himself so that he was facing Anthony and had his eyes trained on the young Lord, attempting to suss him out.

"What I meant to say was the Aurora - Lady Grey - is a very eligible young woman and she, unsurprisingly, wishes to marry for love. Which I cannot offer her. So I am glad that she has turned me down and I swear to you, Lord Grey, that I will not put her in such an uncomfortable situation again."

"So you are not in love with her?"

Anthony breathed in deeply, "no."

William broke into a smile and patted him on the back.

"I am glad. For that would have made for a very awkward conversation."

Anthony chuckled.

"Yes, I'm afraid it would."


This chapter is horrifically short however I thought it best to separate this dialogue from the next chapter.

Anyway, Anthony has declared he does not love Aurora!