
The door between two worlds

As we were walking towards my hiding spot from when I was younger, whenever me and my parents would play hid and seek, when arose asked me a question. “Lily you sure we’re going the right way?” Asked Rose “Yes, I use to go here all the time when I was younger” I replied “Okay if you say so” she replied back As the closer we got to the spot the good memories from my childhood came flooding in and the smell of wet grass, the cold air, the sound of the wind, the sound of a waterfall not to far from where we were also not to mention the smell of cedar trees. The further and closer we got we started to see the small building in which I use to hide in all the time until my parents gave up, however I remember there being a room well a door I never could open, when I was 5 years old I said that I would come back here when I was older and find out what that door leads to, now 12 years later I am here, never really understood why I never came back here? Oh well I guess however I am here now and that’s all that matters.

Sabrina_Correia · ファンタジー
2 Chs

The past

When I was younger I remembered going into a forest with my parents seeing as it was literally our backyard because we lived in a forest, anyways we would go outside and play hide and seek which I was very good at by the way and no I didn't cheat. When we would play my mom and I would always hide and my father would always seek, it was one of the perks of being an only child my parents would play games with me since I had all their attention, however when I was 5 years old and we played hide and seek I went further into the forest and found an old small looking building, which looked to have been abandoned for years, which to a child was the perfect place to hide and so I did since I was a very curious child, as I entered the white and red brick building I saw that all the doors were either broken or the paint was peeling well all except one. It was a bright orange-yellow door which had a black sign in the middle of it saying 'don't enter' and I didn't really care nor listen so I tried opening it only to end up falling on my but which hurt like hell, once I got up and given up on trying to open it I told myself I would come back when I was older and stronger, so I went to go hide somewhere else. After three hours had gone by I noticed that my parents hadn't found me yet so I decided to head back home only to be greeted with the colour of bright orange and the smell of smoke, as I got closer to my house the stronger the smells got, until I arrived and saw our house engulfed in flames and heard my parents screams from inside. What happened? Did my parents not want to play anymore? Why is our house in flames? Why did they go inside? As these questions were repeating in my head I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and when I looked up I saw the mayor from the town down the path from our house, his eyes showed sympathy and pity but, his wife's eyes showed hatred and spite, his daughter and sons eyes showed happiness like they had just won the lottery. That's when it hit me the mayors kids tricked my parents into believing that I was inside, and set up traps while we were playing hide and seek because their family hated us so much that it's literally something that they would do, oh god it's my fault, if I hadn't asked them to play hide and seek before we went into town then none of this would have happened right.... What am I to do now? I have nothing left….. I- I don't know what to feel, I have so many emotions running through my head that I don't know what to do, or even how to act, what's going to happen to me? Mom and dads family disowned them for having me even thou they weren't married yet let alone engaged yet and they wouldn't want anything to do with me, oh good am I going to an orphanage, my thoughts were interrupted by the mayor.

"Lily I am so sorry for your loss" said the mayor

"What?" I asked out of it

"Sweetheart your parents have just died and you have nothing left" said his wife in a sarcastic tone

"Oh yes, nothing left" said the mayors kids together

"So what now?" I asked

"Well now we send you to your families family or we send you to an orphanage" he said

"Oh... I see" I replied looking down as I hold back my tears because I know if I cry in front of them then it means they won and I won't give them that satisfaction

As we walked towards their car it began to rain which helped the firefighters put out the fire and firefighters to scavenge what they can of my parents remains or whatever the fire didn't touch once they finished while I waited in the mayor car. After some time the mayor came to me with my mother's necklace and my fathers ring which wasn't touched by the fire so when he handed them to me I attached my fathers ring onto my mother's necklace and wore it around my neck. After a few minutes the mayor came back to his car in which I sat in once he was done talking to my so called family and said that I had to go to an orphanage since I had no family that wanted me, what a bunch of ass hats literally. Three hours later we arrived at the orphanage in which I am to reside in the mayor handed me 1 garbage bag that had some clothes that they got me since mine got burned anyways he handed it to me and said to behave myself and listen to everything that they tell me to do, I just nodded my head. The mayor and I headed inside and into an office which had an elder lady who seemed to be sick only because she was pale and yet she had rosy coloured lips which looked good on her, the lady told me to walk around the the place seeing as I was going to be staying there for awhile plus it gave them time to speak together. As I was walking around I noticed they had a garden full of roses and lilacs and violets well they had loads of flowers but I only knew of those because they are my favourite flowers, as I approached the flowers a heard a soft whimper coming from behind the big oak tree. It was a wolf their black fur would give out a greyish look because of the moonlight, their golden eyes would shine also because of the moonlight hitting off them, they were beautiful and yet they show no fear or aggression towards me, I was looking at the wolf admiring their fur and eyes that I noticed that they had scratched themselves badly on their right front paw, so I sat down, took off my shirt, no worries I had another one underneath, and tore the top layer of my clothing and wrapped it carefully around their paw trying not to hurt them as I was tightening it so it won't fall off. Once I was done wrapping their paw they immediately got up and climbed the tree and jumped on the roof of the orphanage since the garden has no roof but the tree was big enough to get in the roof, I thought to myself when I will ever see that wolf again, as I was lost in my thoughts the old lady of the orphanage called me over to her so she can show me to me room, when I looked around for the mayor she told me he left because he had an emergency to tend to, in other words he just didn't want to stay here any longer. I followed the lady and she showed me my room, my door was a metal one compared to the other doors, the other doors were wood and mine was metal, there was a small singular bed with white plain sheets, a dark red pillow case, one dresser, one chest which seems big enough to but other clothes or shoes, a small closet, a large window which had black curtains covering it and the walls were all grey, it feels like they kept an animal here because there are scratch marks on one wall going down the middle and knowing my luck they are probably going to treat me like one just like the kids from school well when I use to go, haaaaaa I probably won't be going to school oh well, at least I get a bed. The lady left after I had gotten into the bedroom and I felt cold when I opened the curtains I noticed that the window was opened, don't get me wrong I love the cold because I sleep better but I don't want to get sick so I tried to close them only to find out that I had to climb the bed to close it and so I did then went to sleep because it was a long day and I was tired, as I slept I held my parents rings and mothers necklace all night, the next morning I woke up to a loud knock on the door only to see another lady there only this lady was very tall like maybe six foot, she had long brown hair that was pulled up into a neatly tied bun, she wore a black and white robe with a black and white hood, she was a nun and a very tall one at that, she wore back two inch heels and had a golden cross necklace around her neck, she told me to grab some clothes to wear so I can change into after I take a bath. As we got to the bathroom and I started to undress because she had already filled the bath before she came to get me then I noticed a mirror, as I looked at my reflection I noticed I had a weird scar on my left leg going from my knee up to my hip, never noticed it before no do I know how I got it haaaa and now I won't know. After the bath I changed clothing and headed towards the cafeteria to eat with the nun lady, when we got to the cafeteria I got my food and sat down to eat my our food was a piece of toast or bread, cream mushroom soup, vanilla yogurt and orange juice, a weird combo but it was delicious, in the afternoon it was the same thing aside from the yogurt, still good thou once night time came we were all sent to bed. This is going to take a long time till a family takes me in but, that's what happens, it is what it is right?…. Who am I kidding I am scared and lonely… god I miss my parents so bad, that night I cried myself to sleep.

I hope you guys enjoy the book also sorry for misspelled words I am very bad with grammar.

Sabrina_Correiacreators' thoughts