
Chapter 2

Mikey rolled a cigarette between his thumb and index finger. He put it to his mouth and pulled a lighter out of his army green jacket pocket, lighting it then inhaling deeply. His mind was drifting into the past, feeling the regrets that every assassin feels from time to time. This regret had come at a cost, his best assassin, Chris Mase. For years now Chris was set on finding his sister and the time had come. Mikey had located his long lost sister Sarah. Mikey exhaled the smoke and watched it drift into the night sky. Chris was just a small thing when they found him. A tragic moment of the wrong place at the wrong time. Mikey took another drag off his cigarette while letting his mind wonder back to that day. An ordinary day where Mikey was assigned on a hit for some big corporate scumbag. This hit wasn't particularly important but needed to be done. While shooting the target driving, his car skidding off hitting another vehicle in the process, killing both adults inside the car. Mikey checked to see if they were alive only to find a child, no more then 10, crying in the back seat. Mikey had to make a quick choice before the police arrived, although he wanted to leave the child behind he couldn't ignore the cries and decided to take him with and care for him. Unaware that his choice would lead to several years of searching for a little girl that would be bounced around from orphanage to orphanage. Mikey exhaled the smoke once again watching it drift into the sky.

"After all these years, I still cant seem to let go of the past." he sighed heavily, tossing his cigarette to the ground.

"Where is this kid?" Mikey pulled his phone from his pocket to check his messages. Empty inbox. As he was putting his phone back into his jean pocket, footsteps echoed through the ally. A tall muscular man approached. His soft brown hair reflected the silver moonlight making it look as though he had a halo around his head. His jagged jawline clenched slightly as he approached, his dark eyes fixed solely on Mikey. Chris Mase. A young man of 27, with a kill count well above 100. known for his status as sword master and his deadly aim with a gun. This man was at the peak of his assassin career. Yet, Mikey knew the moment he told him they had found his sister he would leave it all behind to go to her. With a sigh, Mikey greeted Chris.

"Is it done?"

"Yes, the target has been eliminated along with his associates. There were no survivors."

"of course not…" Mikey was always speechless when it came to the skills of this boy he raised. Never once had he failed to finish a mission and never once did he leave survivors.

"what's next then?" Chris shifted his weight between his feet,

'always on the move for more' Mikey thought, while searching his army green jacket for a file.

"Actually, I found what you have been searching for. Well, it kind of found me." Mikey pulled out an envelope with the name Sarah on it. He outstretched his hand giving it to Chris.

Chris opened it slowly while keeping his eyes on Mikey.

"This is no joke kid, I wouldn't pull your leg like that." Chris nodded and turned his attention to the papers from the envelope. He read them silently for a moment.

"S-She's alive…"

"Well, it was hard as hell to find her sense she changed her last name. but it seems a sister isn't all you have my boy." Chris read some more before his dark brown eyes widened.

"She has a child?"

"It seems so, a little girl, age 6, her name is Bella." Mikey took another ciggerette out of his jacket and lit it. He took a long drag off of it before continuing.

"She has been looking for you as well it seems. That's actually how we found her. Had a report come in for information on a child. Just so happened to be you kid." Mikey exhaled the smoke watching Chris carefully reread the papers he was given. "What'll you do now?" this question was meaningless as Mikey knew he would leave and go to his sister. He couldn't blame him, after all he had done more then enough for the organization.

"I think I'll go see my niece." Mikey noted the slight smile that crossed Chris's face. It had been the first time he had ever seen Chris smile. Mikey chuckled,

"Well, I think you left them waiting long enough don't you?" Mikey patted Chris on the shoulder "We will always be here for you kid. But its time you head home now. You've done enough for us old dogs." Chris nodded solemnly

"Thank you mike. For everything." Mikey smiled softly as he watched Chris turn to leave.

"Be safe kid."