
The Divine Tomes

All stories, all worlds have their origins. And The Divine is exactly that. An origin to all.

The_Divine_Reader · ファンタジー
2 Chs

The end of the era of creation

Has time went on, The Divine kept watching the mortal. As they watched they realized that every time these races created something new or a new skill then the Divine knew it. This caused a feeling of frustration in Drauode. The feeling of knowing everything was dull and never being able to experience something new was torture to him. So after watching the mortals for eons, Drauode had the idea to reborn himself as a mortal, to live a life of new experience. He manages to convince his siblings to join him in his quest for adventure, yet they could not let The heavens unintended too. So with their combined power, they created the final race, The Celestials. Unlike the other races's The Celestials were given a natural gift for the affinity of Divinity, so they were left in charge of the realms while the Divine were in the mortal realm. As they left, they only planned on being reincarnated as mortals for one lifetime but things did not go as intended. The Divine were locked in a cycle of reincarnation, since they could not remember their past lives they could not change their forms. So the realm was left in charge of The Celestials and a split of opinion was formed. One side wanted to help The Divine out of their prison, this group was comprised of a few Celestial and the demon clan, who believed that they were born to serve their creators. The other side comprised the angel clan and most of the celestials. The angels believed served the absolute will of the Divine, they believed that there was no way that they could have made a mistake and that those who wanted to stop their reincarnation were tractors. The celestials were less naive in their stance, they chose to not interfere so that they could keep ruling, after all, that was why they were made, to rule over the other races, to control, and to do as they wanted. A war was fought, yet it was clear who would win from the start. The demon clan and their allies were not a match for the absolute power that the celestials commanded. Has punishment the demons were cursed to the underworld and the mortal plains forever being believed to being evil, cruel and traitorous. The celestials that join the demons were given a far worst punishment, they were to join their, beloved creators in the cycle that they created but with two conditions. First, they would hold the memories of their past lives and the war. Second, they were cursed to never reveal the truth to The Divine. Dhas, the era of creation ended, the Divine trapped in a loop of their own creation, their fateful severance cursed and the celestials unopposed. This started the age where mortals and the Divine met, where nothing was impossible. the celestials thought that they had won yet they created their undoing. That was when the era of the Divine started.