
The Maze, The Knight, The Mercenary

After the horde Ken and everyone went back except the few soldiers who where clearing the sorrounding area. "hehehehehe" Ken making a sound as he was staying to the core. "my precious!" c Ken continue to whisper on the corner of Diena's office. Diena reaching her limits throws the chair on Ken hitting him on the head. "Oh ! your still here?" Ken ask with an unfazed face with some of the chair still hanging on his head.

"Of course this is my office dumdface!" Diena ranting." Huuh ! " Diena took a deep breath and continue. "Here take this." Diena throws a bag.

" What is this?" ask Ken .

"Your reward for the requested of stopping the horde since your kill all of the monster you take all 100 gold, besides you will need it." Diena explain.

"And you can't really sell all.of your cores here wou need to leave and fast." Diena continues.

" Leave why I have lots of money now I can just sell them little by little so , not really leaving." Ken replies.

" White Knight Order" Diena with a serious face.

Ken's face went serious to.

" She will come for you for sure." Diena still serious.

" Ok goodbye." Ken says as he walk towards the door. " Go north , from here City of Teria gi towards the City by the maze Mzuel." Diena suggested.

Ken continue to leave , while Diena move to pick up her sword. Ken was gone before the day was over.

The next day, 1000 White Knights came sorrounding the city.

"Diena come out and explain, where is he get out now." the Knight on pure white armor on white horse with gorgeous body to apparent even on armored. Diena came out and walks towards the Knight, then the she also gone down here horse. She also removed her helmet and displays her beautiful face. The people around was mesmerized by her Nobel looks.

"Diena, so your are the one hiding him where is he?" the Knight ask .

" Lady Chaterine, good to see you too." Diena replies. " But he was just passing by, by chance and he already left." Diena continue.

The Chaterine looks at Diena with judging eye and Diena trying to hold here ground.

" So...... it seems.....ah!..... good to see you Diena I am sorry I ..." Chaterine losing the imposing demeanor.

" No worries I understand, I know how four circumstances are come let's talk inside." Diena said.

Diena escorts Chaterine towards her office.

Meanwhile Ken arrive near the Maze City and here is greeted by a situation.Hundreds of Dragons are flying above the city and the city is on fire people are running on every direction.

"woo! what a sight," Ken as he walks inside the city.

" Hey you where are you going go back the dragons are angry," a Man on the wagon calls out to Ken.

" Why are day attacking to city?" Ken ask.

"But seems only towards the middle." Ken ask more.

" The mayor's troop killed a young dragon for fun ." Answer the man.

"oh! quite bold to play with a dragon even when it's young." Ken replies.

" thanks old man, better go now." Ken continue.

The man continue to move and so is Ken though the man is doughtfull on Ken's action he did not ask.

as Ken enters the area where the dragons is concentrating their attacks he was confronted by an angry dragon.

" YOU, ARR YOU THE ONE THAT BULLY MY BRETHREN.!!" THE Dragon ask on a loud voice. Then it continues to attack Ken. But as the dragon stop attacking Ken had already mov on its head. Ken then attack the dragon with a slap. The dragons was down but conscious.

"Who-what are you?"the dragoon ask.

"You should have done that before attacking me." said Ken

" Now come with me." Ken said as he drags the motionless dragon towards the center on the city.

As he walks other dragon noticed him and also started to attack but somehow got tangled in a chain from Ken's and he continue to drag all of the dragon, a dragon approach him without the intent to attack so Ken stop

" Great one please stop we are only protecting our brethren." The dragon explain.

" oh an elder dragon, are you the leader of this bunch tell them to stop then we can talk." said Ken.

Then the elder dragon roars and all of the dragon stops and leave Ken also let's go of the dragon on his hands.

" Now what seems to be the problem?" Ken ask.

"The humans have taken a Meek Dragon and play with it life the dragons have stir clear of humans to live in peace." the Elder dragon explain.

"But we Dragons are always attached by humans, and now was the last straw." the dragon continues.

"They attack our meek dragon kin they are more human than dragon so they live on the village near our mountain. They trade with people all the time but they were betrayed.And the humans kidnap a child and torture him to death and throw his life less body on the village center." the elder continues.

"Go back to your mountain let me a human do the serving."Ken as he walk towards the mayor's Mansion .

Even the dragon was terrified by his emotionless face with his over flowing killing intent. When he enters the mansion the injured Mayor Matter greeted him.

"Sorry Ken this is my fault, I should have been more ...."the mayor explain but Ken interrupt him. "where is he?" Ken askas he extend his hand towards the mayor's head.

"He went back on the maze." the mayor replies.

A flash of light and Ken is gone and the mayor injuries are gone. The next thing to hear was a loud sound from the maze,. Ken come out as he drags the culprits body by the feet he then throws him on the fountain waking him up though he's awake it seems he has nothing but extreme fear on his eyes. the dragons collects him and left. If you wandering about the loud sound well they maze has now have a short cut towards the lowest floor, a huge hope that can fit a mansion broke through e hundred floors. Ken went with the Dragons his hitching a ride towards another place. The next day a Knight Order came the Red Knight Order.