
The Discords of High School

"The Discords of High School" follows Amanda, a creative and outspoken teenager, as she navigates the challenges of high school and finds her voice amidst the drama, cliques, and self-doubt. With the help of her quirky friend Muna, Amanda learns to embrace her individuality and find her place in the world, despite the discord and chaos that surrounds her.

oriemmesoma2 · 若者
5 Chs


Chapter 4: Secrets and Revelations

I had still been thinking about why Zara had so much hatred for Muna but I haven't been able to figure out anything at all. Muna and I were hanging out in the park one day, she was going to walk her dog and I offered to come with her since I had nothing doing at home. 

Mid way into our walk she started a conversation that got me really thinking. She revealed a shocking secret. Something that kinda explained the reason for the way Zara treated her. She told me that she had been bullied mercilessly in middle school, and had even considered transferring to a different school. But she had found solace in music and art, and had decided to stay and fight for her place. Music and art seemed like a source of comfort to her which I understand why. Music can be really good with calming me down when i'm angry or sad or even when i'm happy it could make make me happier.

I was stunned. I had no idea that Muna had gone through such a tough time. I felt a surge of admiration for her strength and resilience. I could never be able to get through that on my own. She really was something.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

oriemmesoma2creators' thoughts