
Chapter five

                        Sarah didn't know what time it was but it felt like it was night time.  Jeff told Sarah that he would be back to check on her in a bit. He did bring books down for her to read so she wouldn't be so bored.  Sarah just finished the first book of Twilight.   She had a hard time reading it because all she wanted to do was go home, But she knew if she threw a fit that Jeff would beat the shit out of her and she didn't like that.  Hours ago Jeff  had rape her and she felt gross and disgusting all she wanted to do was to take a hot bath or shower yeah that would make her feel a lot better .  Just then the door opened up again and it was Jeff , " Pet I just came to check in on you and tell you good night , tomorrow I will be allowing you to take a shower but the thing is I will be washing you ." he said.   All Sarah could do was think to her self " God he's gross and he smells really bad god all I want to do is go home." she said to her self .   Sarah didn't feel like saying anything so she nodded.   Jeff went over  to the bed where Sarah is sitting up and went to sit next to her .   He takes her hands and put its on his groin area and made her rub his penis through his pants. Sarah again knew that she had to obey. " MMM just like that pet, you see what your doing to master." Jeff said moaning.   Just then he made her stop  he laid her on the bed and undressed her and started to force him on her again.  "  Pet your so wet and tight." he said moaning even louder.  All Sarah could do is lay there and take it , She was scared she wanted this to stop. 

                 After about five mins Jeff  was finished with , " Okay pet time to put your clothes back on. Did you enjoy it like i did ." he said while he played with her hair . Again all she could do was nod and put her clothes back on. When she got off the bed to put her clothes back on  she saw there was a little bit of blood, Jeff noticed the blood too. " Pet don't worry about that , thats what happens when your a virgin and your nice and tight ." god he had such a creepy smile.  After she put her clothes back on she laid on the bed all she wanted to do was pretend that she wasn't here and what is the best way well duh read a book .  " Well pet its time for me to go to go bed ." he got up from the bed and went through the door , from what little glimpse she saw of the outside it definitely night.  Sarah was hoping that her parents were out there looking for her and to find her and take her away from this nightmare.   Sarah chose the book of 1984 , she thought it looked like a good book.    Sarah read for about an hour until she felt tired enough and decied that it was time to go to sleep.  She puts the book down and turns the light off  and falls into a sleep.