
Nothing changes.


thank you for 2.14k and 1.5k readers on Dumb kids and After winter and It's been a dream for people reading my books! Thank you all!


I crack the door open to my mothers bedroom and my mothers hands go up and down. I sneak under my moms bed and giggle. The room stays quiet. "Peek-A-boo!" Said my mother. She grabs

Me under the bed and tickles me and gives me kisses on my big red cheeks. When i see. There was a big red, purple box that had colored string, needles, glitter, buttons, little tiny bit of fur, Cotten and more. I glared. "That's my crafting box" my mother said smiling at me. I touch some of the stuff. My mom puts a white bear with stripes on it in front of my face. I hugged the bear and my mother hugged me too those are the only things I remember. The last thing of my mom. I was 11 my mother and father where fighting. And then my mother stomped down stairs and slammed the door. My dad told me it was gonna be alright and told me to go to bed. After the next morning. My dad sobbed. And that's when he told me my mother past away from a car accident.


DECEMBER 1, 2000

"Oh Jin! Wake up!" I open my eyes slowly and I hear my fathers voice. My fathers comes to me and gives me a bunch of kisses on my cheeks. "Stop!" I yell. My father stops and walks out of my door "breakfast is gonna be ready" I rub my hair and rub my eyes. My fathers girlfriend walks up to me. Tries to climb up to my face. "Your not even cute-" her knee hits something on my bed. She lifts the covers and found my diary. Shes was shocked "oh you sick sick monster!" I grab my diary and put it in my closet. On the very top shelf. i closed my closet door and sat. "Hurry up Jin your gonna be late!" Said my father. I put my head against the wall. And string came falling down from the top of my closet. I pretend I was climbing the string to see what was up in my closet. I tug a little and the string stops there. I pull what was up there. And my mothers crafting box was in my closet. there was a note and some pictures when my mother was pregnant with me. A tear came down to my face.



I didn't really care if I miss school over my mothers crafting box. This was my memory's of her. I love crafting. Crafting was my second thing to do besides of reading comic books with potato chips. Started to touch the box and how to open it. It had a code to open the box so I will need the code. I wheezed because I didn't remember the dang code! There was only one person who would know the code! I slammed the box on the counter because it was really heavy! "woah there kiddo what do you got there..?" I look at my dad "moms old crafting box" my dad was anxious. "Where did you find it?"

"Up in my closet!" I started putting random numbers in the code box. My fathers girlfriend came over "woah your mom liked crafting that's 1647 garbage!" I looked at her "not true!" My father looks at me "now don't yell at your new mother kiddo" I just look at my father. "What did you just say.." My father becomes happy " Im Gonna marry my girlfriend!" I was shocked! My new mother started smiling. "Oh don't worry ima gonna be a good mother than your real mom!" My father was smiling. I thought he was possessed by marrying a woman that's a witch. My father gave me a kiss on my forehead "ima go call some Cousins, Family members and more!" He runs oug