
The Devils Child Reincarnated into Another World

Sam The bastard child of the devil died to Humans, So an angel took his soul away and brought him to his grandfather. Sama Old Geezer gave him the chamce to reincarnate into another world but at the price of never returning to earth. Follow as he Wrecks chaos and havoc all around the new world

Ender_Child · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Sun Demon Bloodline, IT Finally Hatches

Emily left in the evening and sam cleaned the house, after that he went to sleep, then he suddenly had another dream.

The Sky's were pure red and the sun shined a magnificent Red, The ground he walked on was entirely made of feom flames.

Suddenly, voices echoed in the distance, deep and ancient, filled with power. "Maintain a will that shines brighter than the sun… Hotter than the sun…"

Sam felt an invisible pressure weighing down on him as the words filled the air, their meaning slowly sinking in. The flames beneath him flared with each beat of his heart, as if reacting to the command.

"A lone red star looks down upon the world…"

As the voice spoke, Sam noticed something high above—an intensely glowing red star that pierced through the crimson sky. It seemed to be watching, waiting for something. But before he could fully comprehend its significance, the dream shifted.

A figure appeared in the distance, its shape wreathed in darkness, its eyes burning like embers. A demon. It stood beneath the red star, staring up at it with a defiant expression, challenging it with a presence that radiated power and danger.

Sam's breath caught in his throat as the demon's gaze shifted toward him. Their eyes met, and in that moment, he felt a surge of energy rush through him. The demon's will was palpable, like a force that could bend reality itself. And yet, Sam could sense something familiar about it. The power wasn't foreign—it resonated with something deep inside him, as if the demon was calling out to a part of him he had yet to awaken.

"You will face the sun," the demon whispered, its voice rumbling through the dream. "But will you burn, or will you become the flame?"

The challenge hung in the air, and Sam's blood boiled. The flames beneath him rose higher, swirling around him like a cloak. For a brief moment, he felt like the flames were part of him, or perhaps they always had been.

"Accept my Bloodline, it is called The Sun Demon Bloodline, You have the bloodline of the Silvermoon but it does not reject the sun, no they both come together to create an eclipse"

"An eclipse…" Sam muttered, his voice steady despite the chaos around him. "That's what I am."

The demon's smoldering eyes narrowed, almost as if it approved of Sam's realization. The ground beneath his feet began to crackle, the flames surging upward in response to the merging energies within him.

"Yes," the demon growled, its voice low and rumbling. "An eclipse—both moon and sun, shadow and flame. You are neither one nor the other. You are both."

Sam's body ached as the flames wrapped around him tighter, not burning, but fusing with him. He felt his Silvermoon Bloodline rise in response, the cool lunar energy intertwining with the heat of the flames. His veins pulsed with a new power, his soul feeling fuller, more complete.

"I accept," Sam whispered, his voice firm, as the fire roared louder in response. The silver crescents in his eyes burned like molten metal, blending with the fiery red that now flooded his gaze. His bloodline wasn't just one or the other—it was both, together in perfect harmony.

As he awoke sam's first thought was. "Am i illegal?"

He scratched his head and then suddenly moved to hid forehead, there was a slit on it.

Sam's hand froze as he felt the strange slit on his forehead. It was thin, almost unnoticeable, but unmistakably there. His heart raced, and for a moment, panic flashed through his mind. What is this?

He rushed to the nearest mirror, his feet barely making a sound as he moved. Staring at his reflection, Sam examined the slit closely. It seemed almost dormant, as if waiting for something to awaken it. His silver crescent eyes, still faintly glowing from the residual energy of his dream, reflected back at him with a new intensity.

The bloodlines… the eclipse…

Suddenly, the slit twitched. Sam's breath caught as a faint light emerged from it, a glow that was neither the cool silver of the moon nor the fiery red of the sun—it was something in between, a blend of both. His forehead burned, but not with pain. It was more like a pressure, as though something was trying to break through.

"Damn i have another eye now, but it won't opened, should i open My so called dads present may—,"


Sam slowly turned around and saw that the egg was hatching.

Sam's eyes widened as the crack echoed through the room. The egg, which had been sitting silently in the corner for days, was finally hatching. His heart raced, the strange mixture of fear and excitement surging within him. Whatever was inside, it had sensed the changes happening to him. Or maybe it had been waiting for this moment all along.

He stepped closer, almost cautiously, as the egg's surface continued to split and fracture, glowing faintly with the same mixed energy of the eclipse that now flowed through him. The once smooth shell now crumbled in slow motion, revealing glimpses of what lay inside. His fingers itched to touch it, but something in him held back—an instinct, perhaps, telling him to let the process unfold on its own.

Another crack. Then, with a small burst of light, the top of the egg broke open entirely. Sam squinted as the glow brightened, but he could make out a shape forming in the center of it.


It was a kitten…but it looked different, it had black fur, Four long tails,red eyes,blood red claw's,A third eye which was colored silver and red, and it looked cute.

Sam didn't look upset. instead he felt like throwing the cat out of his window, you see cats aren't usually animals that liked sam in his old life.

"huh a Cat spirit" He said curiously, the cat glanced at him then stared eating its eggshells.

"Can you stop looking at me foolish master" The cat telepathically spoke to him, Sam was rather baffled but then he did feel it was normal since they were both master and partner.

"Says the newborn cat" Sam said with a grin but then he frowned and then went on a lotus position. He was once again back in his soul, but this time it looked like a red and silver slate with a crescent moon on top and in it was a red sun.

The spirit energy was done transforming his soul and it released the excess energy outside his body as Sun Demon spirit energy and Silvermoon spirit energy, They both merged to transform into a unique new energy called, Dual Celestial Spirit Energy, at the moment he cannot absorb that energy because his mind will collapse but his eye unconsciously absorbs the energy. He gains no benefit as he hasn't started cultivating yet but today is the day.

His eyes opened and the Crescent moon in it now had an orange sun.

"You look flashy, but not as cute as me. Meow~" Sam looked at the cat who was now done with the eggshells and now laying on his bed.

"Sure come here we are going somewhere" The cat didn't disobey and immediately ran towards him and then climbed up to his head.

Sam would think about naming him later, He went to Emmy's house because everyone was told to return today by the teacher.

After going there, he was brought to the courtyard by their butler.

"Hello Mai" Sam greeted Emmy's cousin, she was playing with a small white winged lizard with gold horns. Her spirit beast.

Mai looked up at sam and was suprised bu his new look. "Damn, did you hit puberty?!"

"No something just happened, you seem to have changed yourself" He said observing the faint stars in her eyes.

"Well yes i did, Turns out i am talented" She said with confidence, Sam didn't bother to talk to her anymore and just sat on the chair.

"You haven't given me a name yet Human" The cat said jumping off his head and on top of his leg.

"Sure I name you Eclipse" He said not even thinking about it.

The kitten silently approved and then curled on his laps and then napped. After a while Emmy came and then the rest arrived Kira the holy child was doing her own things, there was a small winged girl with eight angelic wings on her shoulder. It was smiling. She was a Holy spirit hatched from her egg.

Ivans spirit was also humanoid, it was black and small with small flames coming off from it., Emmy's was also humanoid, her's gives off a strange spiritual pressure. it almost felt like a dream was constantly created into reality. It was humanoid, it had pink hair and golden eyes, with a soft glow around its body. Emmy smiled when she saw Sam, though her eyes immediately darted to the kitten curled up in his lap.

"Your spirit looks cute" She said with sparkling eyes, her own spirit felt hurt for some strange reason.